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16. Look at calendar. It’s April 28.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

17. My aunt lives in Canada. will come back to see us this summer.

A. She

B. He

C. They

D. You

18. — Work hard, Tom, you will not pass the exam. —OK. I’ll try my best.

A. so

B. and

C. but

D. or

19. —I think drinking milk is good our health.

—I agree you.

A. in; on

B. for; with

C. at; to

D. with; to

20. Could you please take the photos from my ?

A. printer

B. radio

C. player

D. camera

21. —Whose backpack is this?

—It belong to Mary, her name is on it.

A. must

B. may

C. can

D. should

22. Hurry up, kids! The school bus is coming. We have time left.

A. few

B. a few

C. little

D. a little

23. The air is getting much than it was a few months ago.

A. clean

B. cleaner

C. cleanest

D. the cleanest

24. —Where is Mrs. Green? —She to her office. She will be back soon.

A. will go

B. is going

C. has gone

D. has been

25. What bad weather it is!

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

26. The Great Hall of the People in the 1990s.

A. is built

B. was built

C. builds

D. built

27. —did you stay in Paris last summer? —For about three months.

A. How much

B. How often

C. How long

D. How old

28. When you meet new words in reading, it’s not a good idea

to in a dictionary at once.

_________they have fallen ill.

A. until

B. while

C. when

D. after

26. —How are you getting on with your work?

—Not yet. We _______to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.

A. set about

B. set out

C. are setting down

D. have set up

27. —Do I have to sell my old computer? It almost stops working.

—You ______ do so, it only needs _______. Something has gone wrong with it.

A. mustn’t; to repair

B. can’t; repairing

C. needn’t; repairing

D. may not; to repair 28. —Have you considered ________ the job as a teacher?

—Yes. I like it because a teacher is often considered ________ a gardener.

A. to take; to be

B. to take; being

C. taking; being

D. taking; to be

29. —Have you found the information about famous people ________ you can use for the report?

—Not yet. I’ll search for some on the Internet.

A. which

B. who

C. what

D. whom

30. —Excuse me, could you tell me ________________________? — In five minutes.

A. what time will the film begin

B. how soon the film will begin.

C. how long the film has been on

D. how often has the film been on


16. Jimmy likes ________ shape of the cake. It is like

________ heart.

A. the; a

B. a; the

C. the; the

D. a; a

17. My favorite poem is A Spring Morning, ________ the

words are beautiful and I can feel the sense of spring.

A. until

B. though

C. because

D. unless

18. As everyone knows, rubbish _________ everywhere.

A. need be thrown

B. mustn’t be thrown

C. can’t throw

D. may throw

19. Shanghai Disney Resort was open and welcomed

_________ first guests on June 16, 2016.

A. its

B. it

C. It’s

D. itself

20. A good learner connects what he reads _________ what he sees around him.

A. in

B. on

C. for
