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Throughout the Greek islands, archaeologists have found over 200 plate-sized ceramic disks dating to about 2000 to 3000 B.C.E. The disks are typically decorated on one side, while the other side is undecorated and has a raised edge that creates a shallow basin. They usually also have short handles. Archaeologists are still unclear about what the objects were used for. Three theories about their function have been proposed.

Pans for Cooking Food

Some archaeologists believe that the objects were used for cooking food. These archaeologists believe that food was placed on the undecorated side and that the raised edge

on that side prevented the food from falling out of the pan. The handle would have made it easier and safer to remove the pan from a cooking fire or oven.


Other archaeologists believe that the objects were drums for making sounds. These archaeologists point out that animal skins could have been stretched over the side with the raised edge, creating an air chamber that would have amplified sound when the animal skin was struck. According to this theory, the person doing the drumming would hold the drum by the handle with one hand and strike the skin with the other hand.


Yet other archaeologists believe that the objects were a kind of ancient mirror. Although the objects are not made of a reflective material, they could have been used to create a reflection by pouring a liquid, such as olive oil, into the shallow basin with the raised edge. Supporters of this theory point out that the decorations found on the ceramic disks are similar to decorations found on hand-held metal mirrors made in ancient Greece.

Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the

quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.

阅读:出土了一种用陶土做的disk,一面有花纹,一面没花纹。没花纹那面周围有一圈凸起刚好形成了一个浅浅的碗。disk 下面还有短短的手柄。这种disk有三种可能的用法。





1、不可能用于烹饪的。想一想我们家里用的pans and pots,使用之后会black end or discolored,因为长时间接触高温,炊具势必会发黑。但是出土的200件disk中没有一个出现了这种情况。


