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centrifugal force 离心力 centrifugal governor离 心式调速器
shaft [ʃɑ:ft] n. [C]轴;矿井;竖井 • valve [væ lv] n. n. [c]1. 阀,活门 2. 真空管,电子
管 • innumerable [i‘nju:mərəbl] adj.无数的;数不清的
• feedback [ fi:dbæ k] n.反馈,回馈 • • negative feedback 负反馈 • deviation [di:vi:eiʃən] n.偏差,偏移,背离
例句:Any deviation from the party’s faith is seen as betrayal.
electronic fixture applications. 具备运用液压、气动和电子器具的知识。 pneumatic cylinder 气缸 pneumatic actuator
Section I Words and Phrases
• hydraulic [hai‘drɔ:lik] adj.液压的 例句:Hydraulic jacks under the machine produce the movement. 是机器下面的液压千斤顶造成的移动。 hydraulic engineering 水利工程 hydraulic drive 液压 传动hydraulic transmission system
液压传动系统 • remarkable [rimɑ:kəbl]adj.显著的,非凡的,值得注
意的 • remarkable achievements • 卓越的成就
例句: Remarkable quality has good prestige .
卓越End的品质便有良好的信誉。 presTtoipgice [prAebso'vtie:ʒ] nN.e名xt 望,声 望,威望
任何对党的信仰的偏离被视作背叛。 • betrayal [bi'treiəl] n. 1. 背叛;密告;泄密2. 引诱 • spinning [spini] adj.旋转的 n.纺线,纺纱
例句:Spinning is one of my hobbies.我很喜欢纺纱。 • 单词来源:spin [spin] vt. & vi 使…旋转,杜撰,纺线,
Section I Words and Phrases
• mechanization [,mekənai'zeiʃən] n.机械化 例句:We are speeding up the mechanization of our agriculture.
automation [,ɔ:tə‘meiʃən] n.自动化 • in as much as 因为,由于,鉴于,既然
• displace [displeis] vt.移置,取代,转移 • 过去式:displaced 过去分词:displaced 现在分
词:displacing 例句:He was displaced by another young man.
他已被另一个年轻人顶替。 The war has displaced thousands of people. 战争使成千上万的人背井离乡。 exceptional [ik‘sepʃənl] adj.例外的;异常的;特殊的;优
例句:In as much as the debtor has no property , I abandoned the claim.
因为债务人无财产,我放弃了债务。 debtor [‘detə] n. 借方,债务人
Topic Above Next
They bought in as much food as would last the winter.
他的价值观wk.baidu.com似乎陈旧了。 • immense [i mens] adj.极大的,巨大的
例句:They made an immense improvement in English.
在E英nd语方面他们取得了巨大的进步To。pic Above Next
centrifugal [sen‘trifjugəl] adj.离心的
他们买进了足以维持一个冬天的食品。 • discrimination [dis krimi neiʃən] n.辨别,鉴别,识
别,歧视 例句:He spoke out against racial discrimination.
他声言反对种族歧视。 These robots are capable of shape discrimination.
Section I Words and Phrases
• old-fashioned [əuld fæʃənd] adj.老式的,旧的 例句:An old-fashioned, fussy person.
老古板思想过时、吹毛求疵的人 fussy ['fʌsi] adj.大惊小怪的;难以取悦的;挑剔的 His values seem old-fashioned.
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• pneumatic [nju:mæ tik] adj.空气的,气动的 例句:This pneumatic tool will double the
speed of assembly.
这个气动工具可以把装配速度提高一倍。 Knowledge of hydraulic, pneumatic and
Lesson 2
Mechanization and Automation
•Section I Words and Phrases 词 •Section II Text 英 and Translation 汉 •Section III Exercises 练 and Answers 答
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