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Words: 528 难度系数:★★★建议用时:15分钟

Our family fin ally man aged to get together, but in a few days we scattered(散开)aga in

to the ends of the earth, and I will begin my new job in a new city.My family has n ever bee n __1__ in this way.Whe n I th ink about the __2__ future, my_heart felt grayish.

Whenl __3__ in the morning, it was raining outside and the sky was as __4_ as

my mood.My daughter __5__ the new skirt that her uncle bought and she flew around the departure hall in the __6__ and_drew a small and beautiful picture in the dim crowd.

The airpla ne had a good __7__ of newspapers, magazines, television programmes, food and drin ks.The meal even __8 _ _ a serv ing of Haage n-Dazs ice cream.This small

prese nt brighte ned me up __9__ .The gen tle smile of the stewardess (空姐)was as beautiful as the __10__ after the rain.

When I __1 _ the airpla ne, the Ian guage that en tered my __12__ was completely

differe nt from what I was __13__ three hours ago.Although the street lights were

as __14 ___ as Allentown ' s,the different clothes and expressions of the people

__15__ me that I am in a new world .I stood in the busy streets like Alice __16__ _

the world in a fairy tale.My heart was __17_ with puzzlement about the indefinite

future and longing for the new life.Whe n I __18__ being able to do what I like

once more ,that I will make new 19 and that I can enjoy the fun of exploration,

I could not __20 __ to th ink about starti ng my new life.

1. A.separated B. gathered

C. divided

D. surprised


2. A.bright B . exciting

C. uncertain D . unusual

解析:选C。由my heart felt grayish 作者心情灰暗,可见未来是不确定的。

3. A.stood up B . got up

C. stayed up D . woke up

解析:选 0既然外面雨下得很大,不需要get up起床后才发现,wake up醒过来就发现


4. A.clear C . dark

解析:选 0见第一段最后一句。

5. A.dressed C .liked

解析:选B 。女儿穿着一件新裙子。

6.A.station C .port

解析:选B 。从下文的飞机可知是在机场的大厅。

7.A.offer C . supply 解析:选 C 。 a good supply of sth. 8. A.included

B .

B .high D . gray

B .wore D . had

dress 搭配只能是 dress sb. ,所以选 B 。

B . airport D . house

B . number D .amount

提供; offer 指的是 be willing to give,

contained matched

especially fortunately

B . ground D . flower

B . got off D . took off


B . eyes D . ears

B .learning D . listening

listening 后面要接 to 。

B .well D . many

C.followed D.


9.A.successfully B.

C.eventually D.


10.A rainbow



11.A.got on C.left away 解析:选B。三个小时下飞机后get on




自愿供给。13.A.finding C.hearing 解析:选G我三个小时前听到的语言。14.A.long


