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青浦区实验中学2008 学年度第二学期

七年级英语期末练习 2009.

Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)

I. Listen and choose the right pictures.(根据听到的句子,选择相应的图片) 5%





II. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to the question you

hear (根据听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案) 8%

1. A. It looks like a ferry B. It can hold more people

C. It was rebuilt.

D. It looks nice.

2. A. A nurse B. A teacher C. A doctor D. A helper

3. A. On foot B. By school bus C. By bike D. By underground

4. A. At 8:55 B. At 8:58 C. At 9:02 D. At 9:00

5. A. Rainy B. Windy C. Sunny D. Cloudy

6. A. To see a film B. To have a test

C. To have a rest

D. To watch a football match

7. A. At school B. In the classroom C. At the library D. In a bookshop

8. A. Coffee with milk B. Coffee with sugar C. Black coffee D. Black tea

III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示, 不符合的用“F”表示) 6%

1.We wanted to catch the last bus after we came out of the cinema.

2.We thought the train at Platform 1 would take us home, so we got in.

3.We waited in the train for half an hour before the train started to leave.

4.We took a taxi to home at last.

5.We lived far away from the cinema.

6.We felt very tired because we walked a long way.

IV. Listen and finish the passage (听短文填空) 6%

Emily was a nice girl. She visited the Magic world one day and got some ____1___ about her future. In 20 year s’ time, she will be ____2____cm tall and she will weigh 55 ___3___. she will have two children. She will probably be a ____4___. Now she is good at ___5___. Her English is OK, but she is poor at spoken English. So she has to ___6____ speaking English more.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法)

I.Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(16%)

1.Mr. Wang is C ambulance man. He is always busy with the work.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. /

2.D a summer evening, thunder crashed loudly.

A. Of

B. At

C. In

D. On

3.When I had nothing to do, I’d always A my grandma in the countryside.

A. think of

B. thought of

C. think over

D. thought about

4.It is not easy for me A the box with so ______ tape.

A. to seal…few

B. seal…few

C. to seal…little

D. seal…little

5.I am C in your plan because it sounds ______.

A. interesting…interested

B. interesting… interesting

C. interested… interesting

D. interested…interested
