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C l a s s i c a l M u s i c古典音乐(中英对照)

Classical Music

叶:Many people think that classical music is too esoteric that they are afraid

or unwilling to accept it. 古典乐被很多人认为深奥难懂,许多人都不敢或不愿接


In fact, it is not necessary for us to treat classical music with profound knowledge. 其实对待古典音乐,未必要具有高深的音乐知识.

Willing to try is a very good beginning.只要肯尝试接触,就是非常好的开始.

With the increasing time of contact, we will naturally know how to appreciate classical music. 只要喜爱古典音乐,随着接触的时间增加,自然就知


When a classical music fan gets in touch with music, he or she should have a basic concept, that is, humans’ art is a kind of spiritual activity which needs understanding and communication.一个古典音乐爱好者,在接触音乐作



汤:Broad classical music refers to western classical music.广义古典乐指西


Modern music lasted from European Renaissance to early 20th century including all non-pure entertaining modern professional music was collectively referred to classical music.自文艺复兴时期至二十世纪初出现的现代乐派包括


Narrow classical music refers to European mainstream music from the year 1750 to 1820, which was known as Vienna Classical Music. 狭义的古典乐指1750-1820年时期的欧洲主流音乐,被称为维也纳古典乐派.

The three most famous composers in this period were Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. 此乐派最著名的三位作曲家是海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬.

Unlike popular music, classical music has its profound meaning that makes people ponder deeply and lofty.古典音乐不同于流行音乐的地方是它的内涵深刻,能发人深思,更能使人高尚,免于低俗.

It is an independent sect with polished artistic and rational emotional expression.它是一个独立的流派,艺术手法讲究洗练,追求理性地表达情感.

彭:Western classical music can be divided into three periods. 西方古典音乐大致可分为三个时期.

The first period was the Baroque Period which began from the year 1600 and ended with Bach's death in 1750. 第一个时期是巴洛克时期,始于1600年前后,1750年巴赫的逝世标志着巴洛克时期的结束.

Unlike the simple and plain music in the Renaissance, music of this period became flashy, complex and full of emotional appeal. 这一时期的音乐一改文艺复兴时期的简洁朴素,变得浮华,复杂,富有感性的吸引力.

Vivaldi, Bach and Handel were three famous musicians in this period. 这一时期著名的音乐家有维瓦尔第,巴赫和亨德尔.

Their representatives were "Four Seasons", "Matthew Passion", "Al Mira" and so on. 他们的代表作有《四季》、《马太受难曲》和《阿尔米拉》等.

伟:The second period was the Classical Period. 第二个时期是古典主义时期.

From late 18th century to early 19th century, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven had made significant contribution to European music history. They were known as Vienna Classical Music School. 18世纪后期至19世纪前期,海


Their representatives were "Genesis", "Don Juan”, and “Destiny". 他们的代表作有《创世纪》、《唐璜》和《命运》.
