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完形填空(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Robots could soon be introduced into classrooms across the United Kingdom to help children with autism (自闭症).The use of technology in 1 is nothing new, but Topcliffe Primary School in Birmingham is breaking new ground by helping to develop 2 for children with autism. The knee-high robots, with the appearance and qualities

of a 3 , can dance to Michael Jackson's Thriller, play games and 4 Tai Chi. They are made by the French firm Aldebaran, which is working with education experts from the University of Birmingham to inspire interactive learning among 5 children. Dr Karen Guldberg, from the universi ty’s school of education, said, "We have been 6 how technology can support pupils with autism to communicate more 7 . Pupils and teachers in the classrooms are experimenting with the robots as well

as other 8 in a scientific way, and they are showing great benefits for children with autism. The robots have been 9 modeling good behavior and acting

as friends of pupils."

Research shows that children with autism often find such technology interesting, 10 and entertaining, particularly in encouraging them to 11 and communicate with each other. Ian Lowe, the head teacher at Topcliffe Primary School, said, "The robots have been very 12 at supporting autistic children with their interactive learning and communication. You can program them to teach language, play games and 13 behavior. We have even used them in assemblies. And in the future,

we are looking to see if they can be used to support learning not just in 14 but

at home as well."

The boys are so happy to talk about the robots. 15 , the fact shows that

the robots are valuable in helping autistic children communicate.

l. A. factories B. schools

C. shops

D. hospitals

2. A. computers B. robots

C. systems

D. dogs

3. A. girl B. doll

C. man

D. cat

4. A. create B. invent

C. imitate

D. use

5. A. foolish B. smart

C. lazy

D. autistic

6. A. reaming B. developing

C. organizing

D. researching

7. A. politely B. happily

C. gracefully

D. effectively

8. A. programs B. technologies

C. tools

D. pets

9. A. successfully B. tightly

C. partly

D. frequently

10. A. boring B. tiring

C. pleasant

D. ridiculous

11. A. interact B. fight

C. compete

D. love

12. A. stupid B. intelligent

C. happy

D. confused

13. A. model B. act

C. prevent

D. communicate

14. A. offices B. classrooms

C. restrooms

D. museums

15. A. Luckily B. Seriously

C. Obviously

D. Regularly 【参考答案】1-5 BBCCD 6-10 DDBAC 11-15 ABABC
