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. 1-12单元总词组复习

Unit 1

1、欢迎welcome to

2、很高兴做be glad to

3、看look at

4、看一眼have a look at

5、课后after class

6、靠近next to


8、幸亏、由于thanks to

9、用英语in English

10、许多lots of

11、让某人做某事let sb do sth

Unit 2

1. 两者都both……..and

2、在……岁的时候at the age of

3、对……感兴趣be interested in

4、受欢迎be popular with

5、在右边on the right

6、梦想dream about

7、充满、装满be full of

8、帮助某人做help sb do

9、在……帮助某人help with

10、在……的帮助下with the help of Unit 3

1、关心be concern about

2、告诉某人某事tell sb sth

3、告诉某人做某事tell sb to do sth

4、告诉关于tell sb sth

5、撒谎tell a lie

6、向……学习learn from

7.起初at first

8. 课堂上in class

9.对…..友好be friendly to sb

10、交朋友make friends with sb

11、进展顺利go well

13、在……是积极的be active in

14、在周末on weekends

15、观光go sightseeing

16、玩的愉快have a good time

17、希望某人某事wish sb sth

18、希望某人去做…… wish sb to do sth

19、对……和蔼be kind to

20、对……奇怪be strange to sb

Unit 4

1、乘飞机by plane

2、准时on time

3、听说hear of

4、收到来信hear from

5、担忧,担心worry about

6、动身前往leave for

7、兴高采烈的in great joy

8、盼望look forward to

9、和……交谈talk with

10、谈论关于talk about

11、谈论、商谈talk over

12、忙于某事be busy with

13、生气地in angry

14、和……生气be angry with

15、到达get to

16、沉溺于delight in

17、早上in the morning

18、起床get up

19、在家at home


41、超过more than


1.不同于be different from

2.在……不同be different in

3.集合get together

4.按…..顺序in order

5.事实上in fact

6.考虑think about

7.深思熟虑think over

8.认为某人是think of sb as

9.把….借给lend to

10.喜欢去做like to do

11.越来越moer and more

12.告诉不去做tell sb not to do sth

13.太多too much

14.对....有好处be good for

15.想去做want to do sth

16.想被做want doing


1.成长grow up

2.转向turn to

3.打开turn on

4.关闭turn off

5.调大turn up

6.调小turn down

7.长出,出现come out

8.醒悟,苏醒come to oneself



9.唤醒,叫醒 wake up 10.度假 on vacation 11.答复 reply to

12.从....到 from …..to

13.开始去做 begin/start to do 14.以....开始 begin ….with Unit 7

1. 处于困境中be in trouble

2. 陷入困境get into trouble

3. 办事,出差on business

4. 等待,等候wait for

5. 给…写信write to sb

6. 记下write down

7. 是否whether…or not 8. 不知道have on idea 9. 指着point at

10. 难怪on wonder that

11. 努力去做manage to do sth 12. 忘记去做forget to do 13. 忘记做过forget doing sth 14. 犯错误make mistakes 15. 越来越more and more 16. 算出work out 17. 从事work on

18. 把…当作职业work us 19. 向四周看look around 20. 发现find out

21. 发现…正在做find sb doing sth 22. 请…去做ask sb to do sth 23. 请求ask for

24. 是否whether…or not Unit8

1. 同意agree with /agree on/agree to

2. 使人想起remind sb of

3. 在…有经验be experienced in

4. 期待去做某事expect sb to do sth

5. 爆发break out

6. 出故障break down

7. 自此之后since then

8. 放弃give up

9. 教育某人去做educate sb to do sth 10. 在…成功succeed in 11. 干…积极地be active in 12. 失学out of school 13. 直到…才out…until 14. 别紧张take is easy

15. 依赖,依靠be depend on 16. …有毛病what’wrong with 17. 对…友好be friendly to 18. 交朋友make friends with 19. 事实上in fact

20. 充满,装满be full of 21. 不同于be different form 22. 在…不同be different in 23. 在…路上on one’way 24. 顺便问一下by the way 25. 用这种方法in this way 26. 在…帮助halp sb with

27. 在…帮助下with the help of 28. 以…开始begin with of

29. 在开始的时候at the beginning of


1.和…战斗fight with 2.为…而战fight for 3.反对fight against 4.打败fight of

5.和…争吵quarrel with 6.争吵某事quarrel about 7.发脾气lose one’s temper 8.不发脾气keep one’s temper 9.生气地in anger

10. 和…生气be angrily with 11. 即使even if 12. 嘲笑laugh at 13. 相处get on with 14. 意图on purpose

15. 向…道歉apologize to sb 16. 因为…道歉apologize for sth 17. 对…友好be friendly to 18. 交朋友make friends with 19. 告诉关于tell about 20. 提起tell of

21. 告诉某人去做tell sb to do 22. …的数量the number of 23. 许多,大量a number of

24. 发现…正在做find sb .doing 25. 根本不not…at all 26. 请…去做ask sb .to do 27. 请求ask for

28. 自此之后since then


1. 情绪低落in low spirits
