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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.






( )1. David read the story Houyi Shoots the Suns last year.

( )2. Linda thought the movie was fun.

( )3. John is a famous writer for children.

( ) 4. The story CD is three dollars.

( )5. Jack read Anderson’s Fairy Tales when he was in middle school.

(三)听长对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的正确答案。对话读三遍。( )1. The conversation took place .

A. in a library

B. in a supermarket

C. in a restaurant

( )2. Mike can borrow book(s) at a time.

A. one

B. two

C. three

( )3. How long can Mike keep the books?

A. One month.

B. Two weeks.

C. Three weeks. ( )4. Can Mike renew(续借) the books online?

A. Yes,he can.

B. No,he can't.

C. We don't know.

( )5. The conversation took place

A. in the morning

B. at noon

C. in the afternoon (四)听短文,填写单词。每空不超过三个单词。短文读三遍。

Once upon a time a wolf was drinking water at a l. when he saw a little lamb(小羊羔)beginning to drink water a little down.

The wolf wanted to eat the lamb. So he said to the lamb,"You are making the water 2. ,and I cannot drink it. " The lamb said,"Oh, that is impossible. You see,you are higher up than I. The water runs down from you to me. " "Well,then," said the wolf,"why did you call me 3. this time last year? .... That cannot be," said the lamb. "I am only 4. old. " "I don't care," cried the wolf. "If it was not you,it was probably

5. . "With the word,the wolf jumped upon the lamb.


( )1. You can't pass the exam you study hard.

A. if

B. as

C. for

D. unless ( )2.-- does the story begin?

--Well,once upon a time,there was a man in China...

A. How

B. When

C. What

D. Where ( )3.They met in 2001 and exactly two years later.

A. was married

B.will marry

C.has married

D.got married

( )4.--My parents are crazy about Running Man. How about your parents?

-- my dad my room likes it. But they prefer Ode to Joy 《(欢乐颂》).

A. Not only;but also

B. Both;and

C. Either;or

D. Neither;nor

( )5.--What can Monkey King do?

--He can himself different kinds of animals.

A. turn;on

B. turn;down

C. turn;into

D. turn;up

( )6. The nurse won't leave her patients she's sure they are all taken care of.

A. unless

B. because

C. since

D. if ( )7. Yu Gong and his children tried the mountain in their
