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( )1. What are they talking about?

A. Tim’s family photo?

B. Tim’s younger brother.

C. Tim’s twin sister

( )2. What does Ben look like now?

A. He is short

B. He is thin

C. He is tall

( )3. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The woman likes travelling.

B. The woman is worried about her son.

C. The woman can’t speak English.

( )4. Where will the man work?

A. In the bank

B. At the TV station

C. The man hasn’t decided yet. ( )5. Which tie is the man going to probably take?

A. The black one

B. The blue one

C. The pink one



( )6. What exercise does Mike take?

A. Riding a bike

B. Going swimming

C. Playing basketball ( )7. How often does Lucy take exercise?

A. Every day

B. Once a week

C. Twice a week


( )8. What will Alice do if she were Bob?

A. Go to university

B. Get a job

C. Study medicine

( )9. How does bob feel when he asks his parents for money?

A. Happy

B. Angry

C. Sorry


( )10. Can you guess who the woman is?

A. She is a teacher

B. She is a painter

C. She is a guide

( )11. When will the modern things be shown in Japan?

A. In five weeks

B. In one week

C. In six weeks

( )12. Who inverted those new things?

A. Tom Brown

B. Edison

C. We don’t know


( )13. If the man decides to book a two-bed room, how much will he pay?

A. 285 dollars a month

B. 250 dollars a month

C. 35 dollars a day ( )14. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. A two-bed room is much bigger.

B. A one-bed room has a CD player.

C. A one-bed room is a little cheaper

( )15. What can’t they do if they book the two-bed room?

A. Cook by themselves

B. Swim in a pool

C. Watch CDs


( )16.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Elise was having trouble learning English

B. Elise solved her problem of learning English

C. Elise’s challenges, solution and influence.

( )17. How did Elise pronounce right?

A. She borrowed some tapes from h er English teacher.

B. She listened to her teacher’s tapes and repeated the easy sentences.

C. She listened to her teacher’s tape and repeated the difficult sentences. ( )18. How often did Elise club meet a week?

A. Once

B. Three times

C. Twice

( )19. Who helped Elise practice her writing?

A. Her teacher

B. Her classmates

C. Her pen pal

( )20. What should we learn from Elise when we are in trouble?

A. Go away from the difficulties

B. Face the challenges

C. Worry about the problem

