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Un it 2

Section one

Tactics for Listening Part 1 Part 1 Phonetics-Stress, intonation and Accent

a.It's on top of the bookcase.

b.With milk, please.

u At five past one.

d・ At five past one,

e. It*s or top of the bookcase. 仁With milk, please*


l. f 2. c

4. b

5. a


Part 2 Liste ning and Note-tak ing

Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader is a man of few possessions. He owns very little and lives in a small apartment. He doesn't have a car or a TV set. He doesn't have many clothes and he doesn't care about money when he makes a lot of money he gives it away He doesn't smoke and he works from

six in the morning until late at nighty seven days a week: he is paying back to America his

debt a& a citizen.

When he went to pallies os a young man, people complained that all he talked about was the dangers of cars, and how bad car design caused the deaths of so many people each year After he graduated from Harvard, he puhlished an article entitled **Lnsafe at Any Speed/・ which was about a car called Corvair Later, he made a big attack on the car industry and showed how many deaths in car accidents were because of badly-made cars. He said new laws were needed to make cars safer In 1966, because of Nader's work, a law was passed to make car safer After this success, Nader became interested in something very different. This was the quality of meat and the amount of meat that is put into foods like sausages and hamburgers, A year later in 1967, again because of Nader's work, a bw was passed to ensure that products like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount of meat. In 1968, three more laws were passed because of Nader's, efforts. The first was to ensure the safety of gas pipelines — these are the pipes that take gas across the country from one town to another The second was to protcct people from radiation —that is, the dangerous radiation which may leak from nuclear sources. The third was to ensure the proper standard of poultry — that is, the chicken and turkey meat.

Ralph Nader, now one of the most influential people in the United States, has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the quality of life in their country.

• Exercise A:

• 1 ・ Ralph Nader is a man of few p ossessions.

• 2. He is paying back to America his debt as a citizen.

•3・ He said new Zaivswere needed to make cars safer.

• 4. A law was passed to ensure that producis like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount meat

• 5. Ralph Nader has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the aualily of Jif^ in their country.
