2020年 复旦附中 高一英语综合练习

2020年 复旦附中 高一英语综合练习
2020年 复旦附中 高一英语综合练习

浦东复旦附中分校2020 届三月质量检测英语试卷

考试时间:2 小时满分:140

2020 年3 月

I.Listening Comprehension(25%)

Section A(10%)

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.A. An art museum. B. A beautiful park. C. A college campus. D. An exhibition.

2.A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient.

C. Manager and clerk.

D. Waitress and customer.

3.A. At a newsstand. B. At a car dealer’s.

C. At a newspaper office.

D. At a publishing house.

4.A. The weather forecast says it will be fine. B. The bad weather will not ruin their plan.

C. They will not do as planned in case of rain.

D. They will postpone their program if it rains.

5.A. A taxi driver. B. A passenger. C. A truck driver. D. A mechanic.

6.A. The man will probably stay at home for his vacation.

B.The man will probably go to Mexico for his vacation.

C.The man will probably leave for Canada for his vacation.

D.The man will probably wait until summer to go to Mexico.

7.A. He can speak many languages. B. He can speak French and English.

C. He can speak only a little French.

D. He can speak only English.

8.A. He has got more pages to write.

B.The woman’s report is already long enough.

C.He has already finished his report.

D.The woman will have time to finish the report.

9.A. Jonathan was well known during his childhood.

B.Jonathan was popular with young movie stars.

C.Jonathan wrote some stories about a movie star.

D.Jonathan made movies about his unusual childhood.

10.A. The woman doesn’t agree with the man.

B.Drunk driving causes many accidents on the road.

C.Most people killed in the accidents are heavy drinkers.

D.People should be careful with the traffic when crossing the road.

Section B (15%)

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Question 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11.A. Its strong education system. B. Its native English-speaking population.

C. Its growing tourism industry.

D. Its high standards for exams.

12.A. All citizens receive quality English teaching.

B.More money should be spent on teacher training.

C.An English-speaking environment should be built.

D.Tourism industry should be promoted.

13.A. Because foreign investment will increase.

B.Because it will bring the economic and social benefits.

C.Because the education system will be strengthened.

D.Because it will improve Singapore’s ranking in English level.

Question 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14.A. Because they were in need of clothes and food.

B.Because they wanted to find honey.

C.Because they wanted to take revenge.

D.Because they intended to occupy the village.

15.A. Because they migrated from Africa.

B.Because they are a rare group surviving on the Andamans.

C.Because they store precious honey.

D.Because their DNA is directly linked to human ancestors.

16.A. They want to learn local language. B. They come to see the outside world.

C. They are chasing away outsiders.

D. They need drinks and cigarettes.

Question 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17.A. He is the journalist of a local newspaper.

B.He is a huge fan of international stories.

C.He is in charge of a TV program.

D.He is an advocate for environmental protection.

18.A. Current trends in economic development. B. Domestic issues of general social concern.

C. International relations and foreign policies.

D. Conflicts among different political parties.

19.A. By figuring out what the general public are in ignorance of.

B.By interviewing people with fascinating stories that draw public attention.

C.By analyzing the current social problems such as junk food.

D.On the basis of meeting public expectations and the producer’s judgment.

20.A. First-hand stories. B. Practical experience.

C. Audience’s feedback.

D. Educational background.

II.Grammar and Vocabulary(20%)

Section A(10%)

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Joaquin Phoenix took home the best-actor Oscar on Sunday night for his role in “Joker.” In the following lengthy and wide-ranging speech, the actor, 45, tackled issues of equality and nature preservation.

I’m full of so much gratitude right now. And I do not feel elevated above any of my fellow nominees (被提名者)or anyone in this room (21) we share the same love, the love of film.

But I think the greatest gift it’s given me, and many of us in this room, (22) (be) the opportunity to use our voice for the voiceless. And this form of expression has given me the most extraordinary life. I don’t know what I’d be (23) it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about some of the (24) (distress) issues that we are facing collectively. I think at times we're made (25) (feel), that we champion different causes. But for me, I see commonality. I think, (26) we're talking about gender inequality or racism or animal rights, we’re talking about the fight against injustice. We’re talking about the fight against the belief that one nation, one race, or one gender or one species has the right to dominate, control and exploit (27) without punishment.

I think that we’ve become very disconnected from the natural world, and (28)

we’re guilty of is a self-centered world view that we're the center of the universe.

And I think we fear the idea of personal change because we think that we have to sacrifice something, but human beings, at our best, are so inventive and creative and original. And I think that when we use love and compassion as our guiding principles, we can create, and implement systems of change (29) are beneficial to all emotional beings and to the environment.

Now, I have been, I have been a villain in my life. I’ve been selfish. I’ve been cruel a t times, hard to work with, and I’m grateful that I (30) (give) a second chance because of the many of you in this room.

Section B(10%)

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Art occurs in many forms: music, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, cinema, and literature, among others. Works of art can make people feel moved, even to the 31 of tears. In the case of Stendhal syndrome, however, this feeling is so 32 that a person can experience a rapid heartbeat, dizziness, sweating, or fainting. It may even require hospitalization. In the Italian city of Florence, numerous visitors viewing the 33 Renaissance art there have

experienced this and have required medical 34 . Though not professionally recognized, this condition— now 35 to as Stendhal syndrome —does exist.

While great art is found in every civilization, Florence has been especially 36 . A small city with a historical center, it is internationally admired for its amazing _ 37 of Renaissance art. Florence in the 15th and 16th centuries attracted the talent of many geniuses: artists, scientists, and authors were welcomed here. Some of the greatest Western works of art can be found in Florence, such as the statue of David by Michelangelo, The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, and the frescoes(壁画)by Giotto in the Basilica of Santa Croce. In addition, Leonardo da Vinci left works here. Galileo Galilei and Niccolo Machiavelli are buried here.

The syndrome is named after Stendhal, a French author who visited Florence in 1817. He described his experience of being fascinated by the historic and artistic power of the city in one of

his books. Though the term Stendhal syndrome was not 38 until 1979 by Italian psychiatrist Graziella Magherini, the illness had already had a long history. Patients usually recover within days of their attacks without any 39 drug other than rest and quiet. For them,

the 40 of viewing the power and beauty of Florence is a brief trip to a hospital.

III.Reading Comprehension(45%)

Section A(15%)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,

B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

If you examine the birth certificate of every soccer per in the last World Cup tournament, you

will most likely find the excellent players were born in the earlier months of the year. If you then examine the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup, you will find this phenomenon even more 41 .

What might account for this strange phenomenon? Some guess a certain astrological sign (星

座) 42 superior soccer skills; others maintain that winter-born babies have higher oxygen capacity, which increases soccer stamina (耐力). But Anderson Ericsson, a 58-year-old professor

who is called the expert on experts, believes in neither. His first experiment, nearly 30 years ago, involved 43 training a person to hear and repeat a random series of numbers. “With the fi rst subject, after 20 hours of training, his digital span rose to 20”, Ericsson recalls, “and after about

200 hours of training he could repeat up to 80 numbers.”

This success, coupled with later research showing memory itself is not 44 determined,

led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is a cognitive exercise, which means whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are

45 by how well each person encodes the information. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as 46 practice.

It involves more than simply repeating a task —playing a C-minor scale 100 times, 47 , or

hitting tennis serves until your shoulder pops out of its socket. 48 , it involves stepping outside your comfort zone, setting specific and well-defined goals, focusing on 49 areas of expertise, obtaining immediate feedback from professionals and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.

Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying high achievers in a wide range of

50 , including soccer, golf, chess, piano playing and darts. They gather all the data they can

and make a rather shocking statement: the trait we commonly call talent is highly 51 . And yes, expert performers are nearly always made.

Ericsson’s formula seems appealing to many tiger parents: “practice makes perfect”is naturally 52 to genetic determination. By 53 innate ability as insignificant, many are confident they can make a concert-level pianist or an Olympic figure skater of their kids as long as they push them hard enough. Ericsson, 54 , believes what parents should learn from the science of expertise is not the effect of logging thousands of hours, but how to get kids to 55 the importance and challenge of effective practice.

41. A. understandable B. misleading C. appealing D. noticeable

42. A. promises B. improves C. compromises D. masters

43. A. numbers B. subjects C. memory D. practice

44. A. physically B. genetically C. fundamentally D. psychologically

45. A. overshadowed B. demonstrated C. strengthened D. produced

46. A. enormous B. deliberate C. desperate D. persistent

47. A. on average B. more importantly C. for instance D. in particular

48. A. Besides B. Nevertheless C. Therefore D. Rather

49. A. various B. comprehensive C. targeted D. minor

50. A. pursuits B. occupations C. performances D. assumptions

51. A. underestimated B. overrated C. flexible D. demanding

52. A. equal B. inferior C. preferable D. beneficial

53. A. dismissing B. lacking C. recognizing D. highlighting

54. A. likewise B. therefore C. besides D. however

55. A. study B. practice C. reflect D. embrace

Section B(22%)

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the

one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Last July, Angela Peters, 36, rolled her wheelchair into a nail salon located at the Walmart

shopping center in Burton, Michigan, with the idea of painting her nails. But Peters, who has cerebral palsy(脑瘫), was turned away. The salon (which is not owned by Walmart), she says, told her that they were afraid it would be too difficult to properly do the job given that her hands shook. What was meant to be a day of beauty bliss for Peters was now a disappointment.

Watching the interaction from a few feet away was a Walmart cashier about to go on her break. Ebony Harris, 40, recognized Peters as a Walmart regular. Now what she recognized in Peters was a kindred spirit. “She’s just like you, me, my daughter, anybody,” Harr is told ABC News, “She wants to look pretty. So why can’t she?”

Harris approached Peters. “Do you want me to do your nails?” she asked. A smile spread across Peters’ face. “Yeah!” Having found a table for two, Harris gently took Peter’s hand into hers and carefully began painting her nails.

“I was a little nervous and was shaking because I didn’t want to mess her nails up,” Harris admitted. “I told her she’s a blessing to anybody, not just me. She makes me look at life and appreciate it much more than I ha ve.”

Watching it all with amazement and admiration was Subway employee Tasia Smith. What struck her most was the ease and gentleness displayed by Harris as she painted Peters’ nails, all the while chatting as if they were old friends. Smith was so taken by the scene that she wrote about it on Facebook. “They were so patient with her,” she wrote. “Thanks to the Walmart worker for making this beautiful girl’s day!”

Peters, who runs a poetry website, harbors no bitterness toward the nail salon that turned her away. “When people do us wrong, we must forgive,” Peters wrote on Facebook. “I just want to educate people that those with different challenges, like being in a wheelchair, can have our own business and get our nails done like anyone else.”

56.Why was Peters declined when she wanted to have her nails painted?

A.She insisted on sitting in a wheelchair.

B.She was not a regular customer of the salon.

C.Her hands shook involuntarily due to disability.

D.There was no need for her to have nails painted.

57.It can be inferred from “a kindred spirit” in Paragraph 2 that .

A.Peters was in high spirits just like others around her.

B.Peters was approached with special attention and care.

C.Peters was more tolerant of the denial than normal people.

D.Peters was no different from the people around her.

58.In Paragraph 4, Harris referred to Angela Peters as “a blessing” because.

A.Peters deserved to be happy and be treated kindly.

B.Harris was reminded why she should be grateful.

C.Harris felt obliged to offer her a hand on a voluntary basis

D.Peters got her nails done despite the previous rejection.

59.What may well be Angela Peters’ guiding principle in life?

A.Beauty is about having a pretty mind, a pretty soul, as well as pretty poetry.

B.Forgive others who have wronged us, and we are likely to enjoy our life more.

C.Being grateful is a way to sing for our life which comes just from our love and hope.

D.Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.


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60.Which of the following is the advantage of the Dynamic Immersion method?

A.It encourages active memorization of words.

B.It provides extensive drills on grammar items.

C.It allows the user to acquire a language in a shorter time.

D.It teaches by translating the foreign language into your native language.

61.In order to know one’s progress, one has to .

A.call 1800-6310-1389 to consult the teacher

B.get feedback from the automated tutorials

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9719018733.html,plete all the 20 activities in each lesson

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9719018733.html,pare one’s voice with the native speaker’s

62.Which of the following skills in the program has more to do with the learner’s life experience?


B. Reading

C. Speaking

D. Writing


Financial regulations in Britain have imposed a rather unusual rule on the bosses of big banks. Starting next year, any guaranteed bonus of top executives could be delayed 10 years if their banks are under investigation for wrongdoing. The main purpose of this “clawback” rule is to hold bankers responsible for harmful risk-taking and to restore public trust in financial institution. Yet officials also hope for a much larger benefit: more long-term decision-making not only by banks but also by all corporations, to build a stronger economy for future generations.

“Short-termism” or the desire for quick profits, has worsened in publicly traded companies,

says the Bank of England’s top economist, Andrew Haldane. He quotes a giant of classical economies, Alfred Marshall, in describing this financial impatience as acting like “Children who pick the strawberries out of their pudding to eat them at once” rather than putting them aside to be eaten last.

The average time for holding a stock in both the United States and Britain, he notes, has dropped from seven years to seven months in recent decades. Transient(短期的) investors, who demand high quarterly profits from companies, can hold back a firm’s efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty. This has been called “quarterly capitalism”.

In addition, new digital technologies have allowed more rapid trading of equities( 股票), quicker use of information, and thus shortens attention spans in financial markets. “There seems to be an advantage of short-term thinking at the expense of long-term investing,” said Commissioner Daniel Gallagher of the US Securities and Exchange Commission in speech this week.

In the US, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has pushed most public companies to delay performance bonuses for senior executives by about a year, slightly helping reduce “short-termism.” In its latest survey of CEO pay, The Wall Street Journal finds that “a substantial part” of executive pay is now tied to performance.

Much more could be done to encourage “long-termism,” such as changes in the tax code and quicker disclosure(披露) of stock acquisitions. In France, shareholders who hold onto a company investment for at least two years can sometimes earn more voting rights in a company.

Within companies, the right compensation design can provide motivation for executives to think beyond their own time at the company and on behalf of all shareholders. Britain’s new rule is a reminder to bankers that society has an interest in their performance, not just for the short term but for the long term.

63.According to Paragraph 1, one reason for imposing the new rule is the .

A.enhance banker’s sense of responsibility

B.help corporations achieve larger profits

C.build a new system of financial regulation

D.guarantee the bonuses of top executives

64.It is argued that the influence of transient investment on public companies can be .


B. negative

C. favorable

D. temporary

65.The US and France examples in paragraphs 5 and 6 are used to illustrate .

A.the obstacles to preventing “short-termism”.

B.the significance of long-term thinking.

C.the approaches to promoting “long-termism”

D.the popularity of short-term thinking.

66.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Failure of Quarterly Capitalism

B.Patience as a Corporate Virtue

C.Decisiveness Required of Top Executives

D.Frustration of Risk-taking Bankers

Section C(8%)

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A.It may be impersonal.

B.If your eLearning content is not built to make the most of the medium it will easily become


C.This sometimes makes learners feel they lack support and reassurance.

D.It may harm your mental health.

E.Online learning requires some IT literacy, yet not every one of your learners has much experience of computers.

F.This works for many learners as well, as some people prefer their progress to be closely monitored in order to perform.

Possible Limitations of Online Learning

If eLearning, however, is not based on solid instructional design theories and models it may lead to the following limitations:

1. It may be a "solo" act.

It is true that, although online learning might be convenient and flexible, it is also a solo act. It will not be easy for all of your learners to feel comfortable when participating in online discussions and engaging more actively with their online instructors or their virtual classmates.

Some people absolutely need personal contact with their educators or trainers in order to learn successfully. Furthermore, some types of learning problems may be difficult to be addressed online, and some questions can be lost in a sea of requests and inquiries. 67

2. 68

However hard we try to fully transfer human communication to online platforms, however natural it seems to form relationships behind computer screens, a virtual environment is just not human. Nothing can replace human contact. Besides, using a computer or a tablet all the time can cause poor vision, strain injuries, and other physical problems. Consider sending guidelines about right sitting posture, desk height, etc. along with your eLearning course; it might be very useful to your audience.

3.It requires self-discipline.

If your eLearning audience lacks self-discipline, it is unlikely that they will be motivated to self study. Traditional learning and training have the benefit of easily tracking both progress and falling behind. 69

4.Possible lack of control.

However carefully you design your eLearning course, there is no guarantee that your messages will get across. You offer your learners control over their eLearning experience, but are they going to use it effectively? There is always the risk of your learners just going through the material without paying any attention. 70 Unless you know exactly what you’re doing with new technologies, it is very likely that you overwhelm or distract your audience.

Creating effective online learning courses requires knowledge, time, experience, commitment, great communication skills, and a true passion for learning. If you’ve got al l that, then be sure that the advantages of your online training outweigh its limitations.

IV.Summary Writing(10%)

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Would a person born blind, who has learned to distinguish objects by touch, be able to recognize them purely by sight if he regained the ability to see? The question, known as Molyneux’s problem, is about whether the human mind has a built-in concept of shapes that is so innate( 天生的) that such a blind person could immediately recognize an object with restored vision. The alternative is that the concepts of shapes are not innate but have to be learned by exploring an object through sight, touch and other senses.

After their attempt to test it in bind children failed, Lars Chittka of Queen Mary University of London and his colleagues have taken another attempt at finding an answer, this time using another species. To test whether bumblebees can form an internal representation of objects, they first trained the insects to distinguish globes from cubes using a sugar reward. The bees were

trained in the light, where they could see but not touch the objects. Then they were tested in the dark, where they could touch but not see the globes or cubes. The researchers found that the bumblebees spent more time in contact with the shape they had been trained to associate with the sugar reward, even though they had to rely on touch rather than sight to distinguish the objects.

The researchers also did the reverse test with untrained bumblebees, first teaching them with rewards in the dark and then testing them in the light. Again, the bees were able to recognize the shape associated with the sugar reward, though they had to rely on sight rather than touch in the test. In short, bees have solved Molyneux's problem because the fact suggests that they can picture object features and access them through sight or touch.

However, some experts express their warnings. Jonathan Birch, a philosopher of science, cautions that the bees may have had prior experience associating visual and tactile( 触觉的) information about straight edges and curved surfaces in the context of their nests, so it is not possible to eliminate the possibility that some of the cross-sensory concept is learned rather than innate.


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






VI.Guided Writing(25%)

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given

below in Chinese.

假设你是明启中学的李华,你在美国的朋友Chris 写信询问你和你的伙伴们是怎样度过今年特殊的春节的,请给Chris 写一封电子邮件,邮件必须包含以下内容




_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________



语法: because , is , without , distressing , to feel, whether, another , have been given




选句子: CAFB


1,The new electronic device promoted by the company can’t meet the needs of local students.

2, Never did it occur to me that so many people were infected with such a serious virus in a short period of time.

3, No matter what sales strategy it adapts, the project intended to cheat teenagers is sure to collapse itself. 4. Despite the fact that senior high three students stay at home, they will succeed finally if they have a balanced diet, have a regular routine and do online exercise everyday.


2012上海复旦附中自主招生英语试题(1) 摘要:上海复旦附中自主招生英语试题 31.They are fed up _______the old routine. A. with B. of C. at D. on 32.He is such a(n) _______teacher that has devoted all his and energy to his students. A. conscientious B. conscious C. academic D. scientific 33.We are looking for someone with a real sense of_______ to the job. A. committee B. commitment C. community D. commission 34.Since you are_______ to the seafood, you’d better avoid eating it. A. sensible B. sentimental C. sensitive D. sensory 35.During the celebration, fireworks have been_______ at the bay. A. set out B. set about C. set 36.There are fewer working hours in the executive jobs, _______the job stress is comparatively higher. A. that B. where C. which D. what 37.They declared the war, for they believed that country had_______ the weapons of mass destruction. A. liberated B. countered C. approved D. proliferated 38.The journalist reported the_______ of children labors who had worked many days on end. A. expansion B. expedition C. exploitation D. exploration What is the thing called happiness? For centuries, people were too busy pursuing it 39 much time analyzing it. Now a pioneering band of researchers has finally bagged the elusive quarry or at least taken its measure. Using such sophisticated new tools 40 the five-item Life Satisfaction Scale and the seven-point Delighted-terrible Scale (On a scale of one to seven, how do you feel about your life?),social psychologists have plumbed the heart of happiness. And their answer to the age-old 41 is that it all depends. Happiness, that is, 42 what makes. you feel happy, which is why psyc1hologists often call it―subjective well-being.‖ But from studies of various age and population groups in the United States and abroad, they have reached some 44 at the top of the charts is not, as many might expect, success, youth, good looks or any of those 45 assets. The clear winner is relationship, close ones, followed by happy marriage. Supportive, intimate connections with other people seem 46 important. Using simple survey questions, psychologist David Myers found that the 47 happy people are those in unhappy marriages. Happiest are those who married 48 their ―best friend.‖39. A. to spend B. spending C. has spent D. have spent


2016年上海中考自主招生:复旦附中自招考试真题(英语) 31.They are fed up_______the old routine. A. with B. of C. at D. on 32.He is such a(n) _______teacher that has devoted all his and energy to his students. A. conscientious B. conscious C. academic D. scientific 33.We are looking for someone with a real sense of_______ to the job. A. committee B. commitment C. community D. commission 34.There are fewer working hours in the executive jobs, _______the job stress is comparatively higher. A. that B. where C. which D. what 35.Since you are_______ to the seafood, you’d better avoid eating it. A. sensible B. sentimental C. sensitive D. sensory 36.During the celebration, fireworks have been_______ at the bay. A. set out B. set about C. set up D. set off 37.They declared the war, for they believed that country had_______ the weapons of mass destruction. A. liberated B. countered C. approved D. proliferated 38.The journalist reported the_______ of children labors who had worked many days on end. A. expansion B. expedition C. exploitation D. exploration What is the thing called happiness? For centuries, people were too busy pursuing it 39 much time analyzing it. Now a pioneering band of researchers has finally bagged the elusive quarry or at least taken its measure. Using such sophisticated new tools 40 the five-item Life Satisfaction Scale and the seven-point Delighted-terrible Scale (On a scale of one to seven, how do you feel about your life?),social psychologists have plumbed the heart of happiness. And their answer to the age-old 41 is that it all depends. Happiness, that is, 42 what makes. you feel happy, which is why psyc1hologists often call it“subjective well-being.” But from studies of various ag e and population groups in the United States and abroad, they have reached some 44 at the top of the charts is not, as many might expect, success, youth, good looks or any of those 45 assets. The clear winner is relationship, close ones, followed by happy marriage. Supportive, intimate connections with other people seem 46 important. Using simple survey questions, psychologist David Myers found that the 47 happy people are those in unhappy marriages. Happiest are those who married 48 their “best friend.”


I. Choice 复旦附中 高一开学考考卷题型分析 复旦附中高一英语练习单选分析 微信号 1.Rather than read the science fiction alone in the classroom he preferred the performance put on by the American student’s choir. A.watching B. watch C. having watched D.to watch 【考点分析】答案选D,考察prefer to do sth rather than do sth 【核心单词】performance 表演put on 上映表演 2.Eggs in the shopping center are sold . A.by dozen B. by the dozen C. in dozens D. in the dozens 【考点分析】答案选C,考察固定搭配in dozens 按打计算 【核心单词】in dozens 3.The Chinese government has decided to boycott the imported beef from UK for the purpose of the local citizen from mad cow disease. A.protecting B. preserving C. reserving D. releasing 【考点分析】答案选A,根据词意及句意来回答,protect 保护,preserve 保存, reserve 储备保存,release 释放 【核心单词】import 进口,mad cow disease 进口 4. Paper produced every year is the world’s production of vehicles. A. as three times heavy as B. the three time weight of C. three times the weight of D. three times heavier as 【考点分析】答案选C,考察倍数的表达法倍数the n of….. 倍数比较级than… 倍数as…as… 【核心单词】produce 产生,vehicle 交通工具 5.Don’t worry about it. My dog will the gate of my house when I am away. A.defend B. protect C. save D. guard 【考点分析】答案选D,根据词意及句意来选择,defend 防卫,protect 保护,save拯救,guard 守卫【核心单词】worry about 担心… 6.He set aside much money for his tuition each month and only a amount of money went to his living expense. A.little B. small C. tiny D. few 【考点分析】答案选B,修饰amount 只能用large/small 【核心单词】set aside 留出 7.This clever boy absorbed almost all his teacher could give him.


复旦附中2018学年第一学期高一年级 数学期中考试试卷 考试时间:120分钟,满分150分,请将答案写在答题纸上 一、填空题(满分54分,1-6题每题4分,7-12题每题5分) 1. 集合{}?的元素个数是_________ 2. 已知()f x = (2)f x -的定义域是__________ 3. 命题“若3x >或2y >,则2 2 4x y +>”的逆否命题是________________________ 4. 函数4 y x x =+ (0x >)的递增区间是____________ 5. 已知()f x 是定义在上的奇函数,若0x <时,()(2)f x x x =-,则0x >时()f x = __________ 6. 若关于x 的方程22 (1)4(1)10a x a x -+++=无实根,则实数a 的取值范围是__________ 7. 函数221()()1 x f x x ++=的值域为_______________ 8. 已知正实数,x y 满足xy y x =+2,则y x +2的最小值等于 9.设集合,A B 是实数集 的子集,[1,0]A C B ?=-,[1,2]B C A ?=, [3,4]C A C B ?=,则A =___________ 10. 已知定义在 上的奇函数()f x 在[0,)+∞上递增,则下列函数(1)|()|f x ,(2)(||)f x (3) 1 () f x ,(4)()()f x f x -,中在(,0)-∞上递减的是____________ 11. 设函数1(| )2|x f x x += ,区间[,]M a b =(a b <),集合{(),}N y y f x x M ==∈,则使得M N =的实数对(,)a b 有________对 12. 对任何有限集S ,记()p S 为S 的子集个数。设{1,2,3,4}M =,则对所有满足 A B M ??的有序集合对(,)A B ,()()p A p B 的和为_____________


上海复旦附中自主招生英语试题(3) 1. A.increasingly B.lowering https://www.360docs.net/doc/9719018733.html,mon D.solutions E.individually F. calling G.dependent H.shortcomings I.consumption J.introduced K.senses A United Nations panel on climate change says global warming is causing extreme weather all over the world and is__41__on governments to come up with new ideas to curb gas emissions. Since much of the air pollution comes from coal-fired power plants,scientists in Denmark are trying to lower their nation’s energy needs with new types of smart streetlights. Our__42__industrialized world needs huge amounts of electrical energy,but our power plants still rely mostly on technology__43__as early as the19th century—coal—powered plants, hydroelectric dams or somewhat never nuclear energy,all of which have their own__44__. But scientists say we can slow down global warming by__45__energy demands for street lights. These__46__features of the world’s urban areas require a lot of electricity. The U.S.Energy Information Administration estimates that in2012,lighting for buildings, streets and highways in the https://www.360docs.net/doc/9719018733.html,ed about274billion kilowatt hours. In a bid to make Copenhagen the world’s first carbon-neutral city by2025,scientists in the Danish capital are testing a variety of new street lighting technologies. Kim Brostrom is the chief technical officer at the Danish Outdoor Lighting Lab. “We have installed nine kilometers of streets,we have280masts placed here,we have50 different__47__,we have10different management systems,and we have a lot of different sensors and things out in the open area,”said Brostrom. Chief science officer Jakob Andersen says the lights can be managed__48__from a tablet computer or a smart phone. The main goal is to lower energy__49__when the light is not needed.So the lamp brightens up only when it__50__an approaching pedestrian,cyclist or vehicle.Some of them even have a backup wind generator or a solar cell. 2. Diet Coke,diet Pepsi,diet pills,on-fat diet,vegetable diet…We are__51__by the word “diet”everywhere we look and listen.We have so easily been attracted by the promise and__52__ of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us.We are paying for products that__53__us psychologically and physically(身体上). Diet products significantly weaken us psychologically.On one level,we are not allowing our brain to__54__that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight,but in controlling the__55__of fatty,high-calorie,unhealthy foods.Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤)instead.All we have to do is to swallow or__56__ the word“diet”in food labels. On another level,diet products have greater psychological effects.Every time we have a


温馨提示:多少汗水曾洒下,多少期待曾播种,终是在高考交卷的一刹尘埃落地,多少记忆梦中惦记,多少青春付与流水,人生,总有一次这样的成败,才算长大。高考保持心平气和,不要紧张,像对待平时考试一样去做题,做完检查一下题目,不要直接交卷,检查下有没有错的地方,然后耐心等待考试结束。 I. Choice 复旦附中 2018-2019学年高一开学考考卷题型分析 复旦附中高一英语练习单选分析 1.Rather than read the science fiction alone in the classroom he preferred the performance put on by the American student’s choir. A.watching B. watch C. having watched D.to watch 【考点分析】答案选D,考察p refer to do sth rather than do sth 【核心单词】performance 表演put on 上映表演 2.Eggs in the shopping center are sold . A.by dozen B. by the dozen C. in dozens D. in the dozens 【考点分析】答案选C,考察固定搭配i n dozens 按打计算 【核心单词】in dozens 3.The Chinese government has decided to boycott the imported beef from UK for the purpose of the local citizen from mad cow disease. A.protecting B. preserving C. reserving D. releasing 【考点分析】答案选A,根据词意及句意来回答,protect 保护,preserve 保存, reserve 储备保存,r elease 释放 【核心单词】import 进口,mad cow disease 进口 4. Paper produced every year is the world’s production of vehicles. A. as three times heavy as B. the three time weight of C. three times the weight of D. three times heavier as 【考点分析】答案选C,考察倍数的表达法倍数the n of….. 倍数比较级t han… 倍数a s…as… 【核心单词】produce 产生,vehicle 交通工具 5.Don’t worry about it. My dog will the gate of my house when I am away. A.defend B. protect C. save D. guard 【考点分析】答案选D,根据词意及句意来选择,defend 防卫,protect 保护,save拯救,guard 守卫【核心单词】worry about 担心… 6.He set aside much money for his tuition each month and only a amount of money went to his living expense. A.little B. small C. tiny D. few 【考点分析】答案选B,修饰a mount 只能用l arge/small 【核心单词】set aside 留出


2020-2021学年上海市复旦附中2020级高一上学期1月期末考试 数学试卷 ★祝考试顺利★ (含答案) 一?填空题(本大题共12题,满分54分,第1~6题每题4分,第7-12题每题5分)考生应在答题纸的相应位置直接填写结果 1.函数( )()22f x log x = +-的定义域为____. 2.不等式()()2 233131x x ->+的解集为____. 3.函数()()231f x log x =+,[]0,5x ∈的反函数是____. 4.对于实数a,b,c,d,定义a b ad bc c d -= .设函数()()22111log x f x x log --=,则方程()1f x =的解为____. 5.若函数()1 ax f x x =+在区间()0,+∞是严格增函数,则实数a 的取值范围是____. 6.已知函数()241,f x min log x x ??=+???? ,若函数()()g x f x k =-恰有两个零点,则k 的取值范围为____. 7.已知函数()()15||02 f x x x x =+->,则()f x 的递减区间是____. 8.若函数()232x x f x -=+?的图像关于直线x m =成轴对称图形,则m =____. 9.若关于x 的不等式1|2|02 x x m --<在[]0,1x ∈]时恒成立,则实数m 的取值范围为____. 10.已知函数()()()22815f x x x ax bx c =++++是偶函数,若方程21ax bx c ++=在区间[]1,2上有解,则实数a 的取值范围是____. 11.若函数()()2201 x x a f x x x ++=+的值域为[),a +∞,则实数a 的取值范围是____.


全市最难的复附自招英语真题 复附自招英语,其实早已身名远扬。基本考过的同学都说难。但希望大家记住:题目再难,对大家都是公平的。自招比的是总分,可能你英语略逊一筹,但其它学科可以弥补。再者,自招比的是相对优秀,不在乎你拿了多少分,只在乎你比别人稍微多几分。明白吗? 1.You should pay attention to the way_____you stand and sit. A.of B.that C.which D.how 【正确选项】B 【考查内容】定语从句 【试题分析】本题考察the way后接定语从句的用法。the way后接定语从句有三种形式:1.不用引导词;2.用that做引导词;3.用in which做引导词。本题的考察点是第2种。同学们根据汉语思维可能误选D。总而言之,同学们对这三种形式一定要牢记! https://www.360docs.net/doc/9719018733.html,ck of eye contact can_____nervousness. A.signal B.mark C.sigh D.design 【正确选项】A 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇的辨析。根据句子意思:缺少眼神交流可以说明一个人很紧张。A选项signal有“表示;表明;预示”的意思,符合题意。B选项mark是“做记号,做标记”的意思;C选项sigh是“叹气”的意思,单词拼写与signal类似,同学们可能误选。D选项design是“设计”的意思。总而言之,只有A选项符合题意! 3.Miss Yang is_____a good shop assistant because she greets every customer cheerfully. A.looked upon B.regarded C.viewed D.considered 【正确选项】D 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇及词组的辨析。本题难度较大,根据句意:杨小姐被认为是一名优秀的商店售货员因为她会愉快地与每一位顾客打招呼。题目的四个选项都有“被视为,被看成是”的意思,所以本题的难点在于这些词语的搭配的辨析!A,B,C 三个选项的错误之处在于应在单词后加上as才正确。例如:Miss Yang is looked upon/regarded/viewed as a good shop assistant because she greets every customer cheerfully.本题只有considered才可以直接用在题干中。总而言之,同学们务必重视词语的搭配! 4.Skimming is an important way of understanding a text faster and more_____. A.efficiently B.effectively C.sufficiently D.conveniently 【正确选项】A 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇的辨析。本题选项的四个单词非常容易弄混淆。单词之间的拼写,后缀都有类似的地方。A选项是“有效率地”的意思;B选项是“有效果地,有影响地”的意思;C选项是“足够地,充足地”的意思;D选项是“方便地”的意思。根据句意:浏览是一种更快更有效的理解文本的重要方法。总而言之,只有A符合题意。

上海复旦附中2017-2018学年第一学期高一10 月阶段评估一英语试题Word版无答案

上海复旦附中2017-2018学年第一学期高一10 月阶段评估一英语试题Word 版无答案 学校:_________________ 班级:__________ 学号:_________ 姓名:__________成绩: ………………………………………密◎……………………………………封◎……………………………………◎线……………………………………… 2017/10 复旦附中 2017 学年第一学期 10 月阶段评估一 高一英语 (满分 100 分,答卷时间 90 分钟) 第 I 卷 (75 分) I. Listening Comprehension 20% Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on you paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a professor's office. B. In a second-hand book shop. C. In a library. D. In a hospital. 2. A. 10 yuan. B. 20 yuan. C. 30 yuan. D. 50 yuan. 3. A. House agent and customer. B. Shop assistant and customer. C. Car mechanic and car owner. D. Employer and employee. 4. A. The man doesn't believe what the woman says. B. The weather report spoils the man's good mood. C. They will cancel the hiking due to the bad weather. D. The man thinks it unnecessary to give up the adventure. 5. A. She always talks bad about her colleagues. B. She has a good reputation among her colleagues. C. She is good at handling complicated relationships. D. She has good relations with her colleagues and boss. 6. A. Harmony in a community. B. Safety in the neighborhood. C. Preparation for Christmas. D. Ways to save electricity. 7. A. Watching advertisements may help ease eyestrain (眼疲劳). B. It's a great chance to break the habit of watching TV . C. The advertisements are long enough for her to have a nap. D. Focusing eyes on the screen for a long time is harmful to eyes. 8. A. The man decides to go home by rail. B. Most people travel by car during the festival. C. Most people arrive beyond the scheduled time. D. The man will have a sound sleep on the bus. 9. A. He is not a bit overweight. B. He likes his fitness instructor. C. She has set too many rules for him. D. She should talk with his personal trainer. 10. A. Greeks are not allowed to get married before 18. B. Greek kids are not as independent as American kids. C. American parents don ’t pay for children's wedding. D. Greek parents will take care of children until they are 18. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. The burn is 20 millimeters across. B. The burn is small but very painful. C. The burn takes away the victim's feeling. D. The burn is small but the skin is damaged. 12. A. Use a clean plastic bag to keep warm. B. Bind up the burn with bandage or cloth. C. Treat the burned area with cold running water. D. Flush (冲洗)the burn with ice water for several minutes. 13. A. To avoid infection. B. To ease pain. C. To speed recovery. D. To reduce stickiness.


1 2014年复旦大学附属中学自主招生测试 数学试卷 一.填空题 1.已知998a =,997b =,996c =,则2a ab ac bc --+= ▲ . 2.已知:23a =,32b =,则 1111 a b +=++ ▲ . 3.在△ABC 中,10AB =,16AC =,BAC ∠的角平分线为AN ,BN 和AN 垂直,垂直为N , M 为BC 的中点,则MN = ▲ . 4.方程 2354235 x x x x +=----的根为 ▲ . 5.已知一次函数y kx b =+经过点(1,1),且2k >,则该函数不经过第 ▲ 象限. 6.已知,,,,,a b c d e f 为实数,满足0ace ≠,已知ax b cx d ex f +++=+对于任意x 都成立,则ad bc -= ▲ . 7.已知:222212310011352001A =++++L ,2222 12310013572003B =++++L ,则与A B -最接近的整 数是 ▲ . 二.解答题

2 8.已知,x y 是正整数,且2014x y >>, 1112014x y xy ++=,试求x y -的最大值. 9.在△ABC 中,BF 和CE 分别是ABC ∠和ACB ∠的平分线,O 是内心(角平分线的交点),满足OE OF =,求证:△ABC 是等腰三角形或60A ∠=?. 10.从1、2、3、4、…、2014这2014个数中,抽取n 个数,放入集合A 中,从A 中任意取3个数后,总有一个数能够整除另一个,试求n 的最大值. 2014年复旦大学附属中学自主招生测试 数学试卷参考答案和评分标准 一.填空题 1.2 2.1 3.3 4.0;4;43 5.二 6.0 7.501 二.解答题 8.解:由 111 2014x y xy ++= 得 112015 2014 x y x y ??++???= ? ?????;


复旦附中2015学年第一学期高一数学期中试卷 2015.11 一. 填空题 1. 函数y =的定义域为 ; 2. 已知,a b R ∈,写出命题“若0ab ≠,则22 0a b ->”的否命题 ; 3. 已知,x y R +∈且2xy =,则当x = 时,224x y +取得最小值; 4. 已知集合3{|1,}1 A x x Z x =≥∈+,则集合A 的子集个数为 个; 5. 已知定义在R 上的函数()f x 为奇函数,且0x >时,2()23f x x x =+-,则当0x <时, ()f x = ; 6. 若函数25()43 kx f x kx kx -=++的定义域是R ,则实数k 的取值范围是 ; 7. 若,a b 为非零实数,则不等式①232a a +>;②4433a b a b ab +≥+;③||a b +≥ ||a b -;④2b a a b +≥中恒成立的序号是 ; 8. 已知定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 与偶函数()g x 满足21()()f x g x x x a += ++(0)a >, 若1()3f x =-,则a = ; 9. 关于x 的方程22||90x a x a ++-=()a R ∈有唯一的实数根,则a = ; 10. 对于任意集合X 与Y ,定义:①{|X Y x x X -=∈且}x Y ?;②()X Y X Y ?=- ()Y X - ,X Y ?称为X 与Y 的对称差;已知2{|2,}A y y x x x R ==-∈,{|3B y y =-≤ 3}≤,则A B ?= ; 11. 已知集合2{|(2)10,}A x x m x x R =+++=∈,且A R +=?,则实数m 的取值范围是 ; 12. 若,a b R ∈,且2249a b ≤+≤,则22a ab b -+的最大值与最小值之和是 ; 二. 选择题 13. 已知函数(1)y f x =-的定义域为[0,1],则(1)f x +的定义域为( ) A. [2,1]-- B. [1,0]- C. [0,1] D. [2,3] 14. 给出三个条件:①22ac bc >;② a b c c >;③||a b >;④1a b >-;其中能分别成为a b > 的充分条件的个数为( ) A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
