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主食类 main food

谷物 # Grain # Cereals
白米饭 # White Steamed rice
白面 # White flour
白玉 # White jade
白粥 # White porridge # Rice Congee
饼 # Cake # Pie
蚕豆淀粉 # Broad bean starch
糙米 # Brown rice
糙米饭 #Steamed Brown rice #
长形意大利面条 # Long spaghetti # Long spaghetti
澄粉 # Wheat starch # Wheat flour
春卷皮 # Spring rolls skin # Pastry
意大利面 # spaghetti # Pasta #

大麦 # Barley
大米 # Rice
大米淀粉 # Rice starch
带皮糜子 # With skin corn millet # With skin broomcorn millet
蛋糕粉 # Cake powder # Cake flour
稻米 # rice
低筋面粉 # Low gluten flour #
淀粉 # starch
豆类 # beans #
方便面 # instant noodles #
粉 # Powder
麸皮 # Bran
甘薯粉 # Sweet potato powder # Sweet potato flour
高蛋白豆米粉 # High protein bean rice noodles # High protein soybean Rice noodles
高筋面粉# High-gluten flour
高梁面面条 # Sorghum Noodles
高粱 # sorghum #
挂面 # Dry noodles # Vermicelli
桂花藕粉 # Osmanthus lotus root starch
锅巴 # Rice crust
河 # River
河粉 # Rice noodles #
荷 # Lotus
黑大麦 # Black barley
黑米 # Black rice
黑玉米 # Black corn
红 # Red
红曲米 # Red yeast rice
红糟 # Red vinasse
蝴蝶面 # Butterfly noodles

花 # Flower
黄豆 # Soybean # Soy
黄米 # Yellow rice #
黄米面 # Yellow rice flour
黄玉米 # Yellow corn
黄玉米面 # Yellow cornmeal
馄饨皮 # Wonton skins #
稷米 # Millet rice
煎炸粉 # Fried powder # Fried flour
饺子粉 # Dumpling flour #

花 # flowers

卷 # volume
蕨根粉 # Fern root powder
烤麸 # Baked bran
空锅饼 # Empty wheat cake # empty pot pie
苦荞麦粉 # Bitter buckwheat powder #Bitter Buckwheat flour #
老玉米 # Sweet corn # old corn
烙饼 # pancakes # Flapjack # Pancakes
冷面 # Cold noodles #
意大利面 # Pasta #
凉粉 # Bean jelly
凉面 # Cold noodles
凉皮 # Cold noodle
绿豆粉丝 # Mung bean vermicelli
绿豆面 # Mung bean noodles
螺旋面 # Helical noodle # Spiral noodle
马铃薯丁 # Cubed potatoes # Diced potato
马铃薯粉 # Potato powder # Potato flour
马铃薯全粉 # Potato full powder # Potato full flour
麦 # Wheat
麦面粉 # Wheat flour
馒头 # Steamed bread # Steamed buns
米 # Rice
米饭 # Steamed Rice
米粉 # Rice noodles # Rice flour
米类 # Rice
米面豆乳类 # Rice flour soymilk class
米线 # Rice noodle # Vermicelli
面# Noodles
面包粉 # Bread flour
面包屑 # Bread crumbs
面粉 # flour
面类 # Noodles
面条 # noodles
面团 # Dough
魔 # Magic
年糕 # Rice cake # Ne

w Year cake
糯米 # Glutinous rice
糯米饭 # Sticky rice # Glutinous rice
糯米粉 # Glutinous rice flour
糯米圆子 # Glutinous rice dumpling
藕粉 # Lotus root starch
起司 # cheese
荞麦 # buckwheat
荞麦粉 # Buckwheat flour
青稞 # Highland barley
全麦粉 # Whole wheat flour
乳类 # Milk class # Milk # Dairy
烧 # burn
手擀面 # Hand roll noodles#
寿司饭 # Sushi rice
薯粉条 # Potato vermicelli
水面筋 # Water gluten
速冻水饺 # Frozen dumplings
汤圆粉 # Dumpling powder
甜玉米 # Sweet corn
通心粉 # macaroni
通心面 # Macaroni
土豆粉条 # Potato vermicelli

吐司 # toast
豌豆淀粉 # Pea starch
豌豆粉丝 # Pea vermicelli
乌冬面 # Udon noodles
五谷 # Grains
五谷杂粮类 # Whole grains class
西谷米 # Sago
西米 # sago
籼 # indica

鲜玉米 # Fresh corn
香 # sweet
香大米# Fragrant rice
香米 # rice
小 # small
小麦 # wheat
小麦蛋白片 # Wheat protein chip
小麦麸 # Wheat bran
小麦富强粉 # Prosperous wheat flour
小麦面粉 # Wheat flour
小麦胚粉 # Wheat germ flour
小麦仁 # Wheat kernel
小米 # millet
小米面 # Millet noodles
小米粥 # Millet gruel # Millet Congee
鸡蛋面 # egg noodles

燕麦 # Oat
燕麦片 # oatmeal
叶饼 # Leaf cake
意大利米 # Italian rice
意大利面 # pasta
意大利面条 # spaghetti
优糯米 # Optimal glutinous rice # Excellent glutinous rice
油饼 # Oil cake
油面筋 # Oil gluten
油条 # Fried dough sticks
莜麦面 # Oat noodles
玉米 # corn
玉米脆片 # Corn chips # Corn flakes
玉米淀粉 # Corn starch
玉米粒 # Corn kernels # Corn grain
玉米面 # Corn flour # Cornmeal
玉米面粉 # Corn flour
玉米面面条 # Cornmeal noodles

玉米渣 # Corn residue
越南米皮 # Vietnamese rice skin
芸豆 # Kidney beans
早糯谷 # Early glutinous rice #
粘米粉 # Sticky rice
蒸米饭 # Steamed rice

煮面条 # Boil the noodles # Cook pasta
紫红糯米 # Purple glutinous rice #
紫米面 # Purple rice flour #
紫糯米 # Purple glutinous rice
紫玉米 # Purple corn
自发粉 # Self-raising flour

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禽蛋类 # Poultry and eggs class
营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-823

20843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

其它禽蛋 # Other poultry eggs

菜品主食= = = = = = = = # staples Food = = = = = =

主食 # staple food
包子 # steamed stuffed bun
饼干 # cookies # Biscuits
布丁 # pudding
春卷 # Spring rolls
蛋糕 # Cake
饭 # rice
方便食品类 # Convenient food # instant food
粉 # powder

锅巴 # Rice crust
果冻 # jelly
果胶 # pectin
花 # flowers
馄饨 # wonton # Ravioli
鸡蛋黄糕 # Egg yolk cake
煎饼 # pancakes
饺子 # dumplings
韭菜花 # Leek flower
菊花 # chrysanthemum
凉粉 # Bean jelly

麦片 # Oatmeal
馒头 # Steamed bread # Steamed buns
玫瑰花 # Rose
面 # Noodles
面包 # Bread
面皮 # Dough
年糕 # Rice cake # New Year cake
派类 # Pie
披萨 # Pizza
起酥派皮 # Puff pastry #
烧饼 # Baked wheat cake # Clay oven rolls #
挞类 # Tart classes
汤圆 # Glutinous Rice Balls

糖果#candy #
窝窝头#corn Buns
咸面包#Salty bread
油饼 #Oil cake#
油炒面#Oil Fried noodles #
油条 #Deep-Fried Dough Sticks
原味蛋糕#Original flavour Cake
炸薯片#Fried potato chips#

饮品类 drinks

茶 # Tea
冰淇淋 # Ice cream
茶叶 # Tea
茶饮 # Tea drink
常用水 # Commonly used water
橙汁 # Orange juice
甘菊茶 # Chamomile tea
甘蔗汁 # Sugar cane juice
果汁 # Fruit juice

饮品类 drinks

花茶 # Scented tea
咖啡 # coffee
可可粉 # Cocoa powder
可乐 # Cola # Coke
柳橙汁 # Orange juice
绿茶 # Green tea
柠檬汁 # Lemon juice
浓缩橘汁 # Concentrated orange juice
普洱茶 # Pu'er tea
山楂茶 # Hawthorn tea

乌龙茶 # Oolong tea
杏仁露 # Almond milk
椰子水 # Coconut water
酒 # wine # Alcohol
白酒 # liquor # Spirit
白兰地 # Brandy
白葡萄酒 # White wine
大曲酒 # daqu Liquor
干白葡萄酒 # Dry white wine
干红葡萄酒 # Dry red wine
红酒 # Red wine
红葡萄酒 # Red wine
花雕酒 # Hua Diao wine
黄酒 # Yellow rice wine
江米酒 # Fermented glutinous rice wine

酒类 # alcohol # Liquor
咖啡酒 # Coffee wine
朗姆酒 # Rum
梅酒 # Plum wine
糯米酒 # Glutinous rice wine
啤酒 # Beer
葡萄酒 # Wine
清酒 # Sake
威士忌 # Whisky
雪利酒 # Sherry

乳类 # Milk # Dairy

淡奶 # unsalted milk
低脂奶酪 # Low-fat cheese
调味酸奶 # Flavored yogurt
干酪 # cheese
果粒酸奶 # Fruit yogurt
果料酸奶 # Fruit yogurt
黄油 # Butter
加糖奶粉 # Sweetened milk powder
炼乳 # Condensed milk
