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5 Lucy and Robert are in their outfits for the play. Look at them.
6 These are all people at the sports academy. Look at them.
7 That little is very strong. Look at him.
gate 大门
late for school上学迟到 shut 关闭的
You're welcome. 不用谢 slow 慢的
fast 快的
boy joy enjoy toy noise choice spoil
Pattern Practice
1 A: What time is it? Or What's the time? B: It's one o'clock .
4 She isn't beautiful. She's ugly.
5 She isn't a tall woman. She's a short woman.
6 He isn't a little boy. He's a big boy.
7 She's an old woman. She isn't a young woman.
5 I'm at the sports academy. And I'm at the sports academy, too. We're both at the sports academy.
6 I'm in Biblioteka Baidu hurry. And I'm in a hurry, too. We're both in a hurry.
8 The children are hot. They aren't cold.
him 他 her 她 them 它们,他们,她们
3 That's Paul over there. Look at him.
4 This is Robert in this picture. Look at him.
4 A: What time is it? B: It's twelve o'clock, and I'm cold.
5 A: What time is it? B: It's one o'clock, and Robert and I are hot. We're both hot.
7:15 seven fifteen 7:30 seven thirty half past seven 7:45 seven forty-five a quarter to eight
Unit 13 Late or early
Lesson 25 Lesson 26
New Words and Expressions
like 像---一样
Daddy 爸爸(昵称)
show 出示,给---看
drawing 图画,素描
honey 亲爱的(昵称)
muscle 肌肉
strong 强壮的 little 小的 gymnast 体操运动员 maybe 可能,或许 bad 坏的 great 好极的
8 She's very elegant. Look at her. 9 These are good photos. Look at them. 10 That girl is very pretty. Look at her.
1 I'm cold. And I'm cold, too. We're both cold.
2 I'm hungry. And I'm hungry, too. We're both hungry.
3 I'm a student. And I'm a student, too. We're both students.
4 I'm early. And I'm early, too. We're both early.
New Words and Expressions
late 晚的,迟的
call 叫,称为
early 早的
go 走,去
time 时间
let's 让我们---
What time is it? 几点了? Wow! 哇!
o'clock --- 点钟
kid 小孩,孩子
speed 速度
in a hurry 匆忙的
Patterns 句型 Complete the Conversation 完成对话 Sentence Structure 句子结构 Listening 听力
Crossword Puzzle 填词游戏 Multiple Choice 选择填空 新概念练习册B C
3 I'm not a weak man. I'm a strong man.
Home work:
1、抄写第100和102页的生词和短语各 三遍.