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the day you went away

the day you went away你离去的那天

Well I wonder could it be ? 我很惊讶这可是真?

When I was dreaming about you baby.当我梦到你时

Y ou were dreaming of me.你也正梦着我

Call me crazy. 说我疯狂

Call me blind. 说我盲目

To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time.何须随时间的流逝还在为此忧伤

Did I lose my love 2 someone better.我失去的爱会令她更好

And does she love you like I do.她是否会像我那样爱你

I do,you know I really really do.你知道,我真的真的那样爱你

Well hey.是的,

So much I need 2 say.我多么多么地想告诉你

Been lonely since the day.我是多么的孤独

The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起

So sad but true.那样真实的悲伤

For me there's only you.对我而言只有你

Been crying since the day.自从你离开的那天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起

I remember date and time.我记得那时那刻

September twenty second.九月的一个星期天

Sunday twenty five after nine.九点二十五分零二秒

In the doorway with your case.在你离开的门前

No longer shouting at each other.我们彼此间不再争吵

There were tears on our faces.只有泪水挂在我们的脸上

And we were letting go of something special.我们由于发生了一些特殊的事而分手Something we'll never have again.一些我们间再也不会发生的事

I know,I guess I really really know.我明白,我想我真的明白

Well hey.是的,

So much I need to say.我多么多么地想告诉你

Been lonely since the day.我是多么的孤独

The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起

So sad but true.那样真实的悲伤

For me there's only you.对我而言只有你

Been crying since the day.自从你离开的那天起我就一直在哭泣

The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起

The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起
