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thank you 谢谢你46 cook a meal 做饭


2 very much 非常地47 a fine day 好天气

3 a new student 新生48 in the sky 在空中

4 what make 什么品牌49 be with…和…在一起

5 what nationality 什么国籍50 walk over the bridge 走过桥

6 keyboard operator 电脑录入员51 on the river 在河面上

7 look at 看…52 go under the bridge 从桥下驶过

8 what colour 什么颜色53 fly over the river 从河上飞过

9 come upstairs 上楼54 wait for…等待…

10 the same…相同的…55 a photograph of our village 我们村的一张照片

11 office assistant 办公室助理56 in a valley 在山谷里

12 sit down 坐下57 between… and…在…和…之间

13 stand up 站起来58 another photograph 另一张照片

14 all right 情况良好;好吧59 walk along 沿着…走

15 on the shelf 在架子上60 the banks of the river 河两岸

16 in the kitchen 在厨房里61 in the water 在水中

17 on the right/left (of...) 在右/左边62 swim across the river 游过河

18 in the middle (of…)在中间63 school building 教学楼

19 on the table 在桌子上64 beside a park 在公园旁

20 near the window 在窗附近65 come out of…从…里出来

21 on the wall (挂)在墙上66 go into…进入…里

22 in the wall (嵌)在墙上67 jump off 从…跳下

23 come in 进来68 work hard 努力工作

24 shut the door 关门69 paint the bookcase pink 把书架漆成粉色

25 open the window 开窗70 my favourite colour 我最喜欢的颜色

26 air the room 给房间通风71 do one's homework 做作业

27 put… in/into...把…放在…里72 listen to…听…

28 make the bed 铺床73 wash the dishes 洗碗

29 dust the dressing table 掸梳妆台上的灰尘74 do with… 处理,对待

30 sweep the floor 扫地75 in front of 在…前面(外)

31 put on 穿上76 in the front of 在…前面(内)

32 take off 脱下77 be careful 当心,小心

33 turn on 打开78 a piece of 一片,一张

34 turn off 关闭79 a loaf of 一条(面包)

35 get on 上车80 a bar of 一(大)块

36 get off 下车81 a bottle of 一瓶

37 turn up 调大声82 a pound of 一磅

38 turn down 调小声83 half a pound of 半磅

39 in the garden 在花园里84 a quarter of a pound of 四分之一磅

40 sit under the tree 坐在树下85 a tin of 一罐

41 climb the tree 爬树86 make the tea 沏茶

42 What/How about…?…怎么样?87 of course 当然

43 run across 跑着穿过88 over there 在那边

44 run after 追赶,追逐89 hurry up 快点

45 clean one's teeth 刷牙90 come here 过来

91 a minute 一会138 look ill 看起来病了

92 next door 隔壁139 call the doctor (打电话)请医生

93 type the letter 打信140 telephone number 电话号码

94 black coffee 清咖啡141 have a (bad) cold 得(重)感冒

95 white coffee 白咖啡142 stay in bed 待在床上

96 at the butcher's 在肉店143 have a headache (患)头痛

97 to tell you the truth 说实话144 take an aspirin 吃一片阿司匹林

98 a pleasant climate 宜人的气候145 have an earache 耳朵痛

99 come from 来自…146 see a doctor 看医生

100 in your country 在你们国家147 have a toothache 牙痛

101 in spring 在春天148 see a dentist 看牙医

102 in March 在三月149 have a stomach ache 肚子痛

103 every day 每天150 take some medicine 吃药

104 in the north 在北方151 has a temperature/fever 发烧
