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TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

新概念青少版2B期末测试卷Name_______ Score______


Listen to the recording, and choose the right answers.

1)Wilbur is Albie’s _____


B. brother

C. cousin



2)Albie was 65 years old ____.

A.On Thursday

B. two weeks ago

C. yesterday

D. on Tuesday

3) Wilbur always send Albie_____.

A. a joke

B. a present

C. a birthday card

D. a note

4) It’s your birthday ! ____!

A. Happy New Year

B. Many Happy Returns

C. Congratulations

D. Well done

5) Albie sends it ____ to Wilbur.

A. back

B. again

C. over

D. also

6) Wilbur did it ____ .

A. last

B. first

C. then

D. now

2. Choose the right answers

according to what you have

learned in each unit.

1) He was 15 seconds ______ than

his nearest rival.

A. fast

B. as fast

C. faster

D. fastest

2) That was 3 centimeters _____ than all the others.

A. higher

B. farther


taller D. fewer 3) He ____ his personal record.

A. did

B. broke

C. won

D. had

4) No one is _____ than Paul!

A. good

B. better

C. as good

D. the best

5) How much do you want Just ____ pounds.

A. more

B. a little

C. many


a few

6) You’ve always got ____ money than me.

A. much

B. many

C. more

D. most

7) You always spend your pocket

money ___ the beginning of the


A. to

B. at

C. on

D. for

8) What’s your report_____

A. good

B. do

C. like

D. well

9) She’s the ______ girl in our school.

A. clever

B. cleverer


cleverest D. the cleverest

10) I always come bottom ____ sports.

A. for

B. in

C. to

D. on

11) The microfiber one is cheaper

____ the linen one.

A. than

B. as

C. for

D. that

12) I can’t ____the difference,

but you can.

A. say

B. speak

C. tell D . talk

13. I looked it ____ yesterday.

A. up

B. for

C. at

D. to

14. How ____ is it to your house from here?

A. wide

B. long

C. far



15. Thanks, Cleo. I’ll ___ a look.

A. want

B. do

C. look

D. have

16. I don’t like that vase. It is not as ___ as this one.

A. beautiful

B. more beautiful

C. much beautiful

D. the most beautiful

3.Write the past tense of the

following verbs.

1)buy_____ 2) come______ 3)drive______ 4) eat_____ 5) feel_______ 6)


7) ride____ 8) see____ 9) sit____ 10) stand_______ 11) take______ 12) say_____

13) give_____ 14) bring______ 15) leave______

16) meet______ 17) write_______ 18) win______

4.Match the questions with the answers.

1)Are their two sons the same age?

2)What’s the weight of that parcel?


4)How deep is the river here?

5)Are your houses the same age?

6)Are these two bags the same colour?

A.No, one’s black and the

other’s blue.

B.No, ours is older than theirs.

C.It’s quite heavy. It’s about

15 kilos.

D.Oh, it’s not very deep at all.

7)Will you be ready at


9)When will you look for a new job?

10)How long will the play last?

11)Are you going to see her tomorrow?

12)Did you sleep well?

13)How many will there be at the party?

14)What are you going to do tomorrow?

15)Did you count the people there?

16)You won’t always be successful, you


17)When did they finish the job?

A.Just over two hours, I think.

B.Not many. About twenty.

C.Yes, I will.

D.Yes, very well. Thank you.

E.No, the day after tomorrow.

F.I’ll look for one in a month’s


G.I’m not sure. I’ll stay at home,

I think.

H.They finished it last Friday.

I.Yes, I did. There were about a


J.No, I won’t. You’re right.

5.Match A and B

1)She can run…

2)Tom works the hardest…

3)This computer game is …

4)This car is the most…

5)My sister is much more…

6)My English report was…

7)Where did Robert…
