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a. Good morning/afternoon/evening. a. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Comrade….

Hello/Hi. b. How do you do?

How are you? Nice/Glad to see/meet you.

b. Fine, thank you, And you?

c. My name is….

Very well, thank you. I’m a student/worker etc.(here).



a. I think it’s time to leave now. I’m going to…

b. Good-bye! (Bye-bye! Bye!) I will...

See you later/tomorrow. (See you.) I’d like to…

Good night. I want/hope to…



a. Hello ! May I speak to …? a. Thank you (very much).

Is that… (speaking)? Thanks a lot.

This is… (speaking)? Many thanks.

b. Hold on, please. Thanks for…

He/She isn’t here right now. b. Not at all./It’s my pleasure.

Can I take a message for you? That’s all right./That’s ok.

c. I called to tell/ask you… You’re welcome./Don’t mention it.

d. Good-by

e. 批注:此处thanks 后跟for


a. I’m sorry. (Sorry.) /I’m sorry for/about… What a pity!

b. That’s all right./That’s ok. I’m sorry to hear that…

It doesn’t matter./Never mind./Not at all. What a shame!


a. Will you come to…? a. May I…?

Would you like to…? Can/Could I…?

b. Yes, I’d love to… b. Yes/Certainly.

Yes, it’s very kind/nice of you. Yes, do please.

c.I’d love to, but… Of course (you may).

d.Would you like me to…?That’s Ok/all right.

It’s very nice of you. c. I’m sorry, but…


a.Can I help you? a. Certainly/Sure/Of course.

What can I do for you? Yes, please.

Here, take this/my… Yes, I think so.

Let me…for you. b. That’s true/OK.

Would you like some…? That’s a good idea.

b. Thanks. That would be nice/fine. I agree (with you).

Thank you for your help. I can’t agree with you more.

Yes, please. c. No, I don’t think so.

c. No, thanks/thank you. I’m a fraid not.

That’s very kind of you, but… I really can’t agree with you.


a. I like/love… (very much). a. What’s the weather like today?

I like/love to… How’s the weather in…?

b. I don’t like (to) … b. It’s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy, et


I hate (to) … It’s rather warm/cold/hot/etc. Today.


a. What can I do for you? a. Excuse me. Where’s the …?

May/Can I help you? Can you tell me the way to…?

b. I want/I’d like… How can I get to…?

How much is it? b. Go down this street.

That’s too much/expensive, I’m afraid. Turn right/left at the first...crossing. That’s fine. I’ll take it. It’s about …metres from here.

Let me have…kilo/box, etc. I don’t know the way.
