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Test One

Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Directions: You will hear 20 short statements. The statements will be spoken only once. After each statement, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the central.

Example: You will hear:

You will read: A) I think Tom cooks with canned food.

B) I didn’t realize Tom could cook.

C) Tom’s cook isn’t very good.

D) Tom can cook very well.

Sample Anser [A] [B] [C] [D]

From this statement we know that “I didn’t realize Tom could cook.” is closest in meaning to the original statement. Therefore, you should choose answer B) on the Answer Sheet and mark it with

a single line through the central. Now let’s begin:

1. A) Ellen’s specialty is history.

B) Ellen finds history particularly easy.

C) Ellen is good at all subjects, especially history.

D) Ellen enjoys reading his stories.

2. A) She bought him a suit. B) He bought himself a suit.

C) He bought her a suit. D) She bought herself a suit.

3. A) His soldiers were injured. B) His shoulders were injured.

C) His children were injured. D) His car was ruined in an accident.

4. A) Everybody realizes the danger. B) Everybody heard it.

C) Nobody knows the truth. D) Nobody sees the scene.

5. A) He is a banker. B) He is a farmer.

C) He is a grocer. D) He is an artist.

6. A) It’s important to get a reasonable amount of exercise regularly.

B) People should moderate the exercise they get.

C) People should be in good health before exercising.

D) Good health is important in this modern age.

7. A) If you are kind, you will like other people.

B) If you are polite, you will think of what other people may want.

C) I will ask people to do what I wish.

D) It is important for other people to get what they want.

8. A) The football game was on Sunday. B) The football game was exciting.

C) We won the football game. D) We lost the football game.

9. A) His dreams were of music.

B) He dreams of a beautiful place.

C) He could not dream because of the music.

D) His dreams are filled with quiet places.

10. A) Mr. Brown is in the laboratory (实验室).

B) Mr. Brown was ordered into the laboratory.

C) You must go to the laboratory first.

D) In order to see Mrs. Brown you must go to the laboratory.

11. A) We gave many of our books to the library.

B) The library has only hardcover books on art.
