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1.The heavy snow didn't __C__ the international airlines.(,南宁) A.pay attention to B.add to

C.make a difference to D.keep to

2.We must protect plants.They are friends of __D__.(,河北)

A.we B.us C.our D.ours

3.—The cars made in Germany are more expensive than __A__ made in Japan.(,呼和浩特)

—Yes,you are right.But they're much better.

A.those B.that C.ones D.it

4.—Will you fix up the machine according to the __A__,David?

—No problem.(,武汉)

A.instructions B.inventions

C.invitations D.interviews

5.—What a fine day!__D__ we go for a walk?

—That sounds great!

A.Must B.Can C.May D.Shall

6.—Look,my father bought me a new iPad.

—I don't think we need too many expensive things even though our parents can __C__ them.

A.allow B.expect C.afford D.keep

7.Many young people took part in __A__ trees on Tree-planting Day.(,白银)

A.planting B.plants C.to plant D.plant

8.Today people are encouraged to __C__ paper,plastic and water for a better environment.(2012,丽水)

A.use B.waste C.recycle D.make

9.—Why are they __B__ the house?

—Because a factory will be built here.

A.setting up B.pulling down

C.fixing up D.cleaning out

10.—Hi,Lucy.Our school won the football match yesterday.


A.Congratulations! B.What a pity!

C.No problem. D.Never mind.



11.Toads (蟾蜍) have an ugly(丑陋的) appearance but they are useful.

12.Hurry up,Tom!Someone is waiting for you at the school gate (大门).

13.There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot o v ercome (克服).

14.In the past,the river separated (分开) the village into two parts.

15.The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea le v el.16.How much does the ticket cost from Shanghai to Beijing?

17.Don't use the plastic bags when you go shopping.

18.I'm very thirsty.I want a bottle of water.


thank,harm,method,set out,take action,bring back,belie v e in

19.It's generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.

20.We must take_action at once in order to help her.

21.The fresh air in the mountains would bring_back her strength.

22.She has a very scientific method of dealing with the problem.

23.We are very thankful for his help.

24.Belie v e_in yourself,and nothing is impossible.

25.After a three­day rest,the travelers set_out again.


Li Yang:Good morning,Mathew.

Mathew:Good morning,Li Yang.26.__F__

Li Yang:There's still smog (雾霾) today.We'll have to go to school with face masks (口罩).

Mathew:27.__D__ According to the news,PM 2.5 pollution is the main problem with air pollution.
