大学体验英语听说教程 U3B8

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➢ Concept Check –Transgender transition: What do you think of it?
• Real World Listening Focus –listen to a conversation in which Nancy talks on how much she, the public and her colleagues accept her transgender transition –have the opportunity to explain and comment on Nancy’s use of the phrase “glass ceiling” and discuss their opinions on the transgender issue.
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up
2. Once we were old enough to do household
__c__h_o_r_e_s___, we set the table, washed, dried and put away dishes and did __la__u_n_d__ry____. We
zipped home in half the time. This morning as I drove in to work, the heavy traffic just made me
_____d_i_z_z_y_____ and my carpooler went into road ____r_a_g_e___ again.
move swiftly
feeling as if everything is spinning around you and that you are not able to balance
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up
chore daily or routine domestic tasks
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up 2. It’s quite common to see a
___________________ (relapse / relay) in addiction treatment. This does not mean that you have failed in your efforts to cure yourself of an addiction. If you stay away from __________ (cigars / cigarettes) for 3 months and then smoke again for two days in a __________ (row / roll), you can view this as a “failure” if you want, or you can focus on the fact that of the last 92 days, you’re successfully off cigarettes for 97% of them. That’s pretty good.
Unit 3 Lifestyle -- Unit Overview
➢Warm up focus • Students will review and expand their
vocabulary related to different lifestyles. • This vocabulary is useful for describing
1. So I started ________________ (carpooling / car polishing) last week. It was great not having to __________ (drive / drain) and we zipped home in half the time. This morning as I drove in to work, the heavy traffic just made me __________ (drizzle / dizzy) and my carpooler went into road __________ (rage / race) again.
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up 2. Once we were old enough to do household __________ (chorus / chores), we set the table, washed, dried and put away the dishes and did _____________ (laundry / launch). We were responsible for mowing the lawn and shoveling the snow. My parents gave us an __________ (allowing / allowance) for these tasks.
were responsible for mowing the lawn and shoveling the snow. My parents gave us an
__a__ll_o_w__a_n_c_e_____ for these tasks.
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up
Check Vocabulary Knowledge
carpooling zip
several participants traveling together to work, school etc in one vehicle, the participants sharing the costs and often taking turns as the driver.
–What is your life like? –What are your parents’ lives like? Have you ever met
anybody who lives a different lifestyle from yours? –What is his life like? –What kind of life do you want to have in the future?
Unit 3 Lifestyle -- Unit Overview
• In this unit you will have an opportunity to listen to extracts about and get to know different lifestyles.
• You will also have an opportunity to critically analyze risks in your own lifestyles.
3. It’s quite common to see ar_e_l_a_p_s_e_____ in
addiction treatment. This does not mean that you have failed in your efforts to cure yourself of an
addiction. If you stay away from c__ig_a__re__tt_e_s_ for
Unit 3 Lifestyle
• Warm up • Listening Task • Real World Listening • Interaction Link • Self study
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up
• Brainstorm about different lifestyles.
dirty clothes or linen put aside to be washed and ironed
something, such as money, given at
allowance regular intervals or for a specific
➢ Listening Task Focus A. understand the characteristics of two
different lifestyles B. understand the harmful influence / effects
of drug addiction
Unit 3 Lifestyle -- Unit Overview
what people do, what people think under the influence of their lifestyles and how people should put into perspective a relapse into their old habits.
Unit 3 Lifestyle -- Unit Overview
Unit 3 Lifestyle
Unit 3 Lifestyle -- Unit Overview
Lifestyle • a very broad term • It may be determined professionally,
geographically, sexually, socially, spiritually or politically. • It can also be income-related or based on consumption or recreation.
• Share with us what life you want to have in the future.
பைடு நூலகம்
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up
Read the following passages about different lifestyles. Choose one of the two options to fill in the blanks.
Unit 3 Lifestyle -- Unit Overview
➢Interaction Link
–What are my lifestyle risks?
Unit 3 Lifestyle -- Unit Overview
Live Smart, Live Well, Live Large!
• If somebody lives large, he likes to buy expensive things, wear the best clothes, and eat out at fancy restaurants.
Unit 3 Lifestyle – Warm Up
Now listen and check
1. So I started ____c_a_r_p_o__o_li_n_g____ last week. It was great not having to _____d_r_i_v_e____ and we
3 months and then smoke again for two days in a
__r_o_w____, you can view this as a “failure” if you
want, or you can focus on the fact that of the last 92 days, you’re successfully off cigarettes for 97% of them. That’s pretty good.