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How to create new extended meanings by considering the surrounding words and phrases?

sophisticated man 老于世故的人 sophisticated columnist 老练的专栏作家 sophisticated electronic device 高度精密的电子装置 sophisticated weapon 尖端武器
He was not amused by Pitt’s
unsophisticated sense of humour. 他对皮特那种不到家的幽默感到难受。
That was not a very happy remark.
原译:那可不是一个十分高兴的讲话。 改译:那么说很不得体。
By the winter of 1942 their resistance to the
Nazi terror had become only a shadow. 译文一:到了1942年冬季,他们对于纳粹恐 怖统治的抵抗已经名存实亡了。 译文二:到了1942年冬季,他们对于纳粹恐 怖统治的抵抗只是一个泡影。
……当然喽, 我们有时也免不了争论几句, 但是我们还是相 亲相爱。
Like knows like. 英雄识英雄。 Fabrics of like quality can be often used as an
alternative replacement. 质量相仿的织品经常可以用做替代品。 In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold.
How to find an appropriate dictionary?
In the United States a battle had long raged in
military and congressional circles over how much of our defense effort should be allotted to bombers, how much to missiles. 美国军界和国会里的人士长期以来在热烈争论着, 我们建设国防的力量究竟应该把多少用在轰炸机上, 把多少用在导弹上。 battle按《新英汉词典》是“1. 战役, 2. 斗争,3.[美] 竞赛,4. 胜利”全都不适用于这句话。最后查《韦 氏第三版新国际英语大词典》,释义为:“an extended contest, argument, or controversy”,即 “长期的竞争、斗争、论争”,才得出上面的译文。
Word and Translation (1): Understanding of Words
I. Polysemous Words (一词多义)
1. 原始意义与引申意义:
If the skin has become thoroughly wet
or one has perspired a great deal, sunscreens should be applied as often as every 30 to 60 minutes to maintain a reasonably high degree of effectiveness. 译文一: 如皮肤已完全潮润,或大量排 汗,则应每隔30分钟或60分钟使用遮阳屏 幕,以保证适当的高效。 译文二:如果浑身湿透,或者大量排 汗,应每隔30分钟到60分钟涂用一次防 晒油, 以保持理想的防晒效果。
II. Polysemous Words in Context: 语境中的一词多义
Context serves as the frame of reference in
word selection, mainly exhibited in the following two functions: Choose appropriate meanings from given entries in a dictionary Create new extended meanings by considering the surrounding words and phrases.
3. 抽象意义与具体意义:
One of the beauties of the medicine is the
absence of aftereffects. 这种药的优点之一是没有副作用。 分析:beauty原意较抽象,而这里的意义较 具体。
4. 字面意义与比喻意义:
Dr. Eliot was one of the most revered
figures in the world of learning. 爱略特博士是学术界最受尊崇的人物之一。 Figure的字面意义是“数字,肖像,”这 里比喻为“有影响的人物”。
练习: Poor 的不同译法: 1. In my poor opinion, you should let her go. 鄙意你应当放她走。 2. Other media closer to the scene dismissed Carter
Soames shook her hand and went downstairs. 索姆斯跟她握一下手,就下楼了。 He never read a book in his life and wrote a

schoolbቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱy hand. 他一辈子没读过书,所以写的字像小学生的。 It would be like trying to make the hands of a clock move backwards. 这无异是想使时钟倒转。 Mr. Hunter suddenly failed and all hands in the factory were turned off. 亨特先生突然破产了,工厂所有的职工都被解 雇了。
How to choose an appropriate meaning from given entries in a dictionary?
Men and women without work loiter in
London’s Trafalgar Square and pack soup kitchens(慈善施粥处) in Paris. 在伦敦,男男女女的失业者在特拉法尔加广场 上踯躅;在巴黎,他们挤满了慈善施粥的地方。 “loiter”的释义是:“闲逛,游荡,踯躅”。 “闲逛”是中性的,“游荡”是贬义的,而 “踯躅”表示徘徊的意思,是心情不好的表现, 带有同情的味道。对于失业者来说,“踯躅” 比较合适。

as a poor loser. 对此事比较了解的其他报纸认为,卡特是一个输了 会发脾气的人。 3. Nor was he in the slightest disturbed by the outcries of wealthy alumni whose sons were forced to leave the college because they were poor students. 尽管那些由于孩子成绩太差被勒令退学的有钱的老校 友大叫大嚷,她一点也不为所动。 The Department of Justice was reluctant to bring poor cases into court. 司法部不愿意把没有把握打赢的官司拿到法庭上去。
2. 普遍意义与特殊意义:

Translations of French romances, Latin histories, and Saints’ lives were part of the saga tradition. 译文:法国传奇故事、拉丁历史剧和使 徒列传等翻译作品也属于传奇文学传统的一 部分。

I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us at any time, I think. 摘自 Charles Dickens: Martin Chuzzlewit(《卡廷∙祖茨勒维特》) 我向来不大想看到你, 咱们俩人之间大概什么时候都不曾 有过好感。 We grumble a little now and then, to be sure. But there’s no love lost between us. Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer( 《屈