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The Test of Unit 3---4

Part I Vocabulary and Structure

Section A

Directions: There are 15 incomplete statements here .You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A,

Became D .You should mark the corresponding letter .

1. You should have ______in your ability to succeed.

A. respect B .influence C. effect D. faith . .

2. We should take pride ______ our great country.

A. about

B. in C .on D. at

3 .He ______his knowledge of radio just by standing round the radio station.

A. picked out

B. picked up C took out D. took up

4. The twins were dressed ______in blue jeans so I couldn’t tell which was which.

.A. like B. likely C. alike D. liking

5. It’s wrong to leave a hotel without ______ all your bills.

A. giving

B. paying

C. charging D taking.

6. With their great care, she was finally able to ______ the wounds from her difficult past. .

A. fix

B. check

C. mend

D. cover

7.The _______of blood always makes her feel sick. .

A. sight

B. view

C. look D .form

8. In your application, you_______ to mention the name of your .previous employer.

A. neglected B passed. C. helped D. hesitated

9. Why was she so ______about other people’s attitude to her work..

A. careful B concerned. C afraid. D feared

10.We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them ______us.

A. implied B impacted C impressed D improved.

11. I wasn’t sure if I could_____ such a powerful car.

A. care

B. handle

C. catch D hold

12. I want to apply ______the job .

A .to

B .on

C .for D. with

13 .If you spend too much time on the internet, how could you______ preparing for the final


A. get around B get around to C. get round D. get up .

14. Many people look_____ her, because of her achievement through hard work..

A .at B. into C up to D down to .

15.On hearing the news that he father was killed in the traffic accident, he almost ______.

A. break down B break out. C. broke down D broke away.

Section B

Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.

16. I have complete ( confident)___________________ in my best friend.

17. The lucky couple had a long and happy (marry)_________________.

18. Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she

( eventual)_________________ died.

19. Once again we were very (disappoint)__________________at the outcome of the talks.

20. I helped my mother make a chocolate cake, and ate some while (read) _______________

the newspaper .

21. The event were(faith)_________________recorded in her diary.

22. I enjoyed the play, (particular )__________________the second half.

23. Your work is not (accept)________________ ; do it again. .

24. They had a dinner at a lovely restaurant (locate ) ________________in the business

center of the town .

25 .We all think that she is on the road to (recover) _____________________.

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability .There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 unfinished statements, For each one there are 4choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should make the correct

choice and mark the corresponding letter.

Asked to give a speech, most of us are shy and embarrassed. Yet, we can conquer the uneasiness. If a few simple rules are followed, anyone can speak well in pubic.

First of all, the speech should be well prepared. In this way, we are comfortable with what we are going to say and are able to build up our confidence.

There are three things that we should know when are preparing our talk. The first one is to know what we are trying to do and what we want to tell our audience. The second thing is to know who our audience will be. If we are talking to children, then our talk should be simple; if we are speaking to older people, then our speech can be l little more complex(复杂),and so on. The third thing we should know is the length of time we will be speaking for, and then we should make sure that we stick to that time.

It has been said that the main objective of any speech is to bring both an idea and an audience together. If we remember that, and speak clearly and honestly in a friendly fashion, we should be able to speak in public B) simpler

without any real problems at all.

26.According to the author, anyone can speak well in public if they ____________.

A)are brave enough B) prepare every day

C) follow some simple rules D) get over their shyness

27. If we prepare well before speaking in public, we will ___________.

A) be more confident B) be cleaner and more honest

C) be more friendly D) be more interesting

28. The author believes that by knowing about our audience we are able to_________.

A) decide how to express our meaning B) decide what to say to them

C) decide how long we will talk D) build our confidence
