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Test for English Literature (2009-07)

[日期:2010-05-09] 来源:作者:Long Jingyao [字体:大中小]






I.Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each)

Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.

1. The first mass movement of the English working class and the early sign of the awakening of the poor, oppressed people is_____.

A. The Enclosure Movement

B. The Protestant Reformation

C. The Enlightenment Movement

D. The Chartist Movement

2. Daniel Defoe’s works are all the following EXCEPT_____.

A. Moll Flanders

B. A Tale of a Tub

C. A Journal of the Plague Year

D. Colonel Jack

3. “Metaphysical Poetry” refers to the works of the 17th - century writers who wrote

under the influence of _____.

A. John Donne

B. Alexander Pope

C. Christopher Marlowe

D. John Milton

4. The most important play among Shakespeare’s comedies is _____.

A. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

B. The Merchant of Venice

C. As You Like It

D. Twelfth Night

5. The most perfect example of the verse drama after Greek style in English is Milton’s _____.

A. Paradise Lost

B. Paradise Regained

C. Samson Agonistes

D. Areopagitica

6. Which of the following descriptions of Enlightenment Movement is NOT true?

A. It was a progressive intellectual movement that flourished in France.

B. It was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries.

C. The purpose was to enlighten the whole world with moderu philosophical and artistic


D. The Enlighteners advocate individual education.

7. Neoclassicists had some fixed laws and rules for prose EXCEPT_____.

A. being precise

B. being direct

C. being flexible

D. being satiric

8. A good style of prose“ proper works in proper places” was defined by_____.

A. John Milton

B. Henry Fielding

C. Jonathan Swift

D.T.S. Eliot

9. The major theme of Jane Austen’s novels is_____.

A. love and money

B. money and social status

C. social status and marriage

D. love and marriage

10. Wordsworth’s_____ is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature.

A. “To a Skylark”

B. “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”

C. “An Evening Walk”

D. “My Heart Leaps Up”

11. William Blake’s work ______ marks his entry into maturity.

A. Songs of Experience

B. Marriage of Heaven and Hell

C. Songs of Innocence

D. The Book of Los

12. Best of all the Romantic well- known lyric pieces is Shelley’s_____.

A. “The Cloud”

B. “To a Skylark”

C. “Ode to a Nightingale”

D. “Ode to the West Wind”

13. In the Victorian Period _____ became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought.

A. poetry

B. novel

C. prose

D. drama

14. In Charles Dickens’early novels, he attacks one or more specific social evils, _____is a good example of describing the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld
