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Plain to irrigation, to eah to eah. In other ords, if BaoPingKou stuk on, 60% of people in hengdu ill have no ater to drink. So BaoPingKou and fl sand dam is a gang of aggravation good brothers.

Dujiangan is posed of three major ater onservan projet, if think dujiangan as a fish, so the fish s head is fish mouth , fl sand dam are the bod of the fish, and BaoPingKou, is the tail of the fish. All, hengdu; River, minjiang river; Weir, dam. This is the origin of the name, dujiangan, I hope ou remember this the anestor of ater onservan projet .

Don t kno ou had open not happ? After a pla, everone goo goo alled the bell, no e are heading for food arm!


The famous anient dujiangan ater onservan projet, loated in the est of dujiangan it of sihuan, is installed ith old XianJing and alled at eir, said after the song dnast and uan dnast DouJiang is knon as the eternal alone sihuan treasure . To thousand ears ago, bing and his son in front of the minjiang river ater unrul, fire hih from the heap. Fish mouth dam ater, sand dam flood, BaoPingKou diversion, ill be treated to a rain aterlogging of est sihuan plain, into the

FDD from people, land of abundane of famine. The projet until toda still plas a role, knon as living ater onservan museum . Is the orld s the longest so far, the onl thing left, is haraterized b no dam diversion of ater onservan projets.

More than one thousand eight hundred ears ago, took a fan to mount qingheng Taoist founders Zhang Ling green beautiful, deided in the siene of uniting the road. Qingheng mountain

line bees more and more prosperous, but Taoism of guan u and pavilions built beteen lies deep in the forest, ith the mountains around the anquan.

Unique geographial onditions and the eologial environment has reated from the heap lok gorge, anient gold dike afterglo, north-est, hih send, old pool FuLong, fling Ze bridge,

herself the supernatural, minshan hunxiao natural landsape, suh as her, Aquarius, and the to Kings temple, FuLong vie, peaeful anient buildings suh as bridge, the it god temple in photograph reflet, formed the mountain, ater, it, Lin, dam, bridge, unique sener, bee the natural and ultural, human and environment, ater onservan and landsape harmonious fusion,

the unit of nature and histori spetale. With a strong ornamental, eologial and harateristi.








The dujiangan irrigation projet is loated in the hengdu plain in sihuan minjiang river on the est side of the estern

it of dujiangan, 56 km XX from hengdu. Was built in 256 BC,

is the arring states period, qin shu satrap bing leads the people to build a large ater onservan projets, up to no still in irrigated farmland, is the ell-being of the people of the great ater onservan projet. Its is haraterized b s long, undammed diversion, is the anestor of the orld ater ulture. The projet is mainl posed of uzui ater-dividing dike, fl sand dam spilla, the three most BaoPingKou inlet and baizhang dike, herringbone dam and other aessor orks, sientifiall solve the automati distributar river 36 ounties more than

10.03 million ares of farmland irrigation, more than 50

ke enterprises of hengdu and urban ater suppl, and flood ontrol, poer generation, and floating ater, aquati produts, aquaulture, multiple target integrated servies suh as fruit, tourism, environmental protetion, is irreplaeable in sihuan
