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育斌学校七年级英语单元测试(Unit 10) 班级:七年()班号数:成绩:家长签名:











9、宫殿 10、博物馆

11.visit 12.mountain 13.most 14.talk 15.anything

16.spend 17.expensive 18.camp 19.decide 20.classmate


1.Where did you go vacation? A. on B. in C. at

1.Did Tom stay at home?--- No,he. A. did B. didn't C. wasn't

2.was your vacation? --It was great. A. How B. What C.Where

3.The coat is . I pay much money for it. A. small B. cheap C.expensive

4.He doesn't have money for a new CD. A. many B. much C.some

6.He didn’t have_____money for a taxi, ______he walked back to the hotel.

A. any, and

B. much, because

C. any, so

7.. It was time a class. A. to have B. have C. has8.

8.On Sunday morning I helped my mother ____ the cooking. A. do B. to do C. does

9. I watched a movie with my friend Sunday evening. A. in B. on C. at

10.The boys are having great fun ______ in the water. A.play B.to play C.playing


1、How do kids (度过)the weekend? 2.They went to the (海滩).

3.Some girls are taking_______( 照片 )there.

4.I found a boy ________(哭)in the corner.

5.The shops were too_________(拥挤 ) 6.I (做)my homework very late.

7.She _______ (拜访) her uncle yesterday. 8.The Sichuan food is very________( 美味的 )。

9.It made me_________(感到 ) very happy. 10.My aunt (烹煮)nice food for me last week.


1.The girl(go) shopping last night.

2.They(have)eggs for breakfast.

3.She(not do) her homework last night.

4.Who made her baby(cry)?

5.His son had fun(play) the guitar.


1.I had some money.(改为否定句). I any money.

2.John's weekend was great(划线部分提问)John's weekend?

3.They went to Beijing on vacation.(改为一般疑问句) they on vacation?

4.My aunt cooked fish for me.(划线部分提问) your aunt for you?


1.昨天晚上,我弟弟迷路了。Last night my brother .

2.他们整天踢足球。 They played soccer .

3.她没有钱坐公共汽车。 She didn't for the bus.

4.她假期去看叔叔了。 She her uncle her vacation.

5.谁帮助他找到了父亲? Who helped his father. 七、完形填空(10分)

Do you 51) everyone _(52)_their weekends? Old Henry does not. _(53)month ,he went (54)a walk with his dog. It

__(55) a nice day. He __(56) on a bench and (57)_his dog (58)_ a friendly black cat…

Now Old Henry is very sad. He has no dog and no family. He doesn’t want _(59)__ (60)___. ( ) 51.A know B think C thought ( ) 52.A likes B like C enjoys ( ) 53.A Next B This C Last ( ) 54.A to B for C on ( ) 55.A was B were C is ( ) 56.A sit B stand C sat ( ) 57. A see B saw C watched ( ) 58. A play B play with C played with ( ) 59.A / B do C to do ( ) 60.A any thing B anything C something


Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends . It was sunny and hot. So they had great

fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But th e shops were crowded, they didn’t really enjoy it.

The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Kim found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find his father. Kim was very happy. But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to walked back to the hotel. That made him very tired.

On Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So they played tennis. They played all morning. It was really fun.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“T ”,错误的用“F ”。


Sam 昨天六点钟起床,然后骑自行车去公园,他在公园玩得很开心,中午和父母在麦当劳(McDonald’s )吃午饭。下午Sam 和他的同学在学校打篮球,从下午四点一直打到(till )下午六点。晚饭后, Sam 和父亲一起散步(go for a walk ),父亲给他买了一张古典CD 。这一天Sam 过得多么有趣啊!

( )1. On Monday, Kim had fun going shopping. ( )2. It was very hot on Wednesday.

( )3. They went to a museum on Tuesday.

( )4. Kim helped a boy find his father and went back to the hotel by taxi. ( )5. They played tennis on a cool day.
