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Unit 1

Part A

Exercise 1

1. 398-4071

2. 278-9536

3. 1390-1910-466

4. 415-566-1268

5. 5-078-2489

6. 6102-9517-2880


8. 6-592-7649

Exercises 2

Is that you/ Can I leave a message/ call me back/ 860-2505/give her the message when she returns home.

Part B conversation 1

Exercise 1

A Call from Dad

Gloria: Hello?

Dad: Hi, Gloria! This is your dad. Gloria: Hi, Dad! How're you doing?

Dad: Just fine. How are you doing? Gloria: Oh, I'm OK. Did you get the pictures I left for you?

Dad: Yes, we sure did. We're looking at them now.

Gloria: Oh, good.

Dad: This one's really good. You're eating in a restaurant.

Gloria: Oh, yeah. I go there a lot. It's one of my favorite places. Dad: Uh-huh. It looks like a nice place. And in this one you're sitting on a motorcycle.

Gloria: Yeah. Somebody is teaching me how to ride.

Dad: That sounds dangerous. I hope you're careful, honey.

Gloria: Oh, Dad. I am. Don't worry. Dad:Now what's this one? You're standing in Angela's office. Isn't that Angela's office?

Gloria: Yeah. I'm doing some

part-time work for her magazine. Dad: Oh, good for you. Who's that with you?

Gloria: Oh, Angela took that picture. That's John.

Dad: John, huh? Who's John?

Gloria: He's ... um ... a friend. Angela introduced me to him.

Dad: She did, huh? He seems a little strange.

Gloria: Dad. He's a really nice guy. Dad: Yeah, but it looks like he's got a ponytail. Is that a ponytail? Gloria: Dad, you're so old-fashioned!

Exercise 1

1 father&daughter

2. they are talking about the pictures Gloria left for him

3. Riding a motorcycle

4. He thinks John looks a little

strange because John wears a pony tail.

5. she says he is old-fashioned. Exercise 2

1. in a restaurant/ Dining/

2. on a motorcycle/ learning to ride

a motorcycle

3. in Angela’s office/ doing some part-time work for Angela’s magazine/ with John, her friend

You Have the Wrong Number

W: Hello.

M: Good morning. This is the First State Bank. My name's Edward Simpson. I'm the manager.

W: Oh, yes?

M: Did you get my letter?

W: What letter was that?

M: Well, I wanted to see you. I called yesterday, but nobody answered the phone.

W: Was that in the morning?

M: That's right.

W: I'm sorry, I wasn't here. I had to see my doctor. I've had problems with my leg.

M: I wanted to ask you about your account.

W: My account?

M: Yes, you wrote a check for $1,000 last week.

W: $1,000?

M: Yes, and there's only $153.95 in your account.

W: But I don't have an account with First State.

M: Now, look here Mrs Tailor ... W: Mrs Tailor? Who's Mrs Tailor? I'm not Mrs Tailor.

M: I'm sorry. Is this 848-3592?

W: Say that again.

M: 848-3592.

W: Ah! This is 848-3952. My name's
