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Are you ready to learn your ABCs?

A is for the airplane, above the clouds so high, soaring and sing, like a big bird in sky

B is for a bunny, with his fuzzy cotton tail, he goes hipity hop hop hop, alongthe bunny trail.

C is for my cat, she is as cuddly(逗人喜欢的)as can be, but she meows so loudly she gets stuck upin a tree.

D is for the daytime, when the sun is shining bright, that’s the time I go to school, and learn to do things right.


E is for an elephant, he is big and has no hands, but he can use his long long trunk (象鼻)to meet all his demands.

F is for the fire engine, there is a fire up ahead, when the people in the car pull over and stops, and let it go instead.

G is for a little girl, the opposite is a boy, it’s fun to play together, and they can share their toys.

H is for hello, which is something nice to say, it means I am glad to see you, any time of day.

I is for an insect, like butterflies and bees, they are all a part of nature, so respect them if you please.

J is for your jacket, when you go outside you wear it, to keep you nice and warm, so you can play without care.

K is for a kite, you can fly it in the wind, sometimes diving low, but then it shoots back up again.

L is for the leaves that they are green and grow on trees; sometimes they turn colors and fall to ground with ease.

M is for music, there is music in this song, and if you learn the words to it, and you can sing along.

N is for your nose, it’s in the middle of your face, and with your nose you can smell the cookies mom just baked.

O is for an orange like holding sunshine in your hands, you peel it, move it, open it, and then give some to your friends.

P is for your puppy, that’s a dog very small, when he gets older, just like you; he will be strong and tall.

Q is for quiet, it’s the opposite of loud, it’s hard when there are so many sounds, and when you’re in a crowd.

R is for the rain, water falling from the sky, it’s hard to not get wet, but if you want to, you can try.

S is for a song, like the one I sing to you, it can make you happy and can help you learn things too

T is for a teacher, at school or anywhere, they show you how to learn a lot like read and write and care.

U is for umbrella, you can use it when it rains, keep you nice and dry, and

till the sun comes out again.

V is for a visit, and on weekends sometimes we go, to grandmas or to aunts or to other friends you know.

W is a welcome, that’s what I like say, when friends come to my house it means come on in and play.

X is for a Xylophone, it’s an instrument you know, or you can use an X when you play tic tac toe.

Y is for you, that’s the person that you are, to me and all your friends, and we hope that you go far.

Z is for zoo, lots of animals to see, and everyone is very special, just like you and me.

And now you lear n your ABCs, have fun, good bye…bye...
