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1.individuals,characters, folks替换people ,persons.

2.positive, favorable,,promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换good.

3.dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad (如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换)

4.an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many a替换many. (注意:many a 后面要跟可数名词单数,其后谓语动词用单数)

5.a slice of, quiet a few 替换some.

6.harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that, argue that, suggest that替换think

7.affair ,business ,matter 替换thing.

8.shared 代common .

9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits.

10.for my part ,from my own perspective, as far as I am concerned, as for me替换in my opinion.

11.Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more(当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.)

12.beneficial, rewarding替换helpful.

13.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser 替换customer.

14.overwhelmingly,exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very.

15.indispensable, inevitable替换necessary

16.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb, sth capture one's attention, sb is fascinated by 替换sb. be interested in.

17. facet, dimension, sphere, respect代aspect.

18. give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause.

19. desire 替换want.

20. bear in mind that 替换remember.

21. enjoy, possess 替换have

22. frown on sth, be against 替换disagree with sth .

23. to name only a few, as an example替换for example, for instance.

24. regarding/concerning 替换about(关于).

25. crucial/paramount, significant, essential 替换important.

26. 第一(in the first place/the first and foremost);第二(there is one more point ,I should touch on, that….);第三(the last but not the least).

27. diligent替换hard-working

28. intelligent, smart 替换wise

29. underdeveloped/financially-challenged 替换poor

30. demonstrate /manifest/illustrate 替换show

31. perilous/hazardous替换dangerous(社会现象是不好的,有害的)

32. distinguished, renowned 替换famous

33. feasible替换possible

34. approximately, around 替换about (大约)

35. the old, senior citizens, the elderly替换old people

36. the young, the youth, young adults替换young people

37. be fond of, be keen on, enjoy, care for, adore替换like


I never forget the exceedingly thrilling day when my mother bought me a computer as birthday present, which exerted a tremendous fascination on me so that I indulged myself in googling an army of useful information i had expected, and enjoy a sea of melodious classic music. That night I was sleepless, feeling that the whole world belonged to me.

exceedingly 替换very;(个人认为替换成overwhelmingly更出彩)thrilling 替换exciting;sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb. be interested in sth;google 替换search;an army of 替换 a lot of。

The dawn of the new century witnessed the increasing popularity of computers. Coincident with the advancement of science and technology, computers pouring into the current society as a fashion are appealing to growing individuals. It is no exaggeration to say we have been submerged by them, in large measure! For a start, we can, freely, search desired information at any moment. Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. Additionally, we can get huge recreations online by chatting, playing games, or delivering email. There is no denying that, however, computers can function in the disservice of human beings, in a way, especially the growing violence, porn pictures, A V-films emerging on the screen, which leads quiet a few net citizens to copying.

The dawn of the new century witnessed 是一个精彩句型,用来描述在某个时期发生了什么事情;Increasing popularity 替换more and more popular;Coincident with …非常地道的句型,表达“与…一致”的意思,替换With …;Advancement 替换development;Pour into ( flood into / swarm into )替换enter into;Current ( currently )替换now;Appeal to sb. 替换sb. be interested in sth.;Growing individuals 替换more and more people;It is no exaggeration to say 经典句型,说某事是毫不夸张的。(it goes without exaggeration that更好)For a start 替换To begin with;We can, freely, search 用了插入语的写作手法;our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 用了非常精彩的被动;Additionally 替换In addition / Besides;Deliver 替换send。There is no denying that , however, computers can function in the disservice of human beings, 这个句子有三个精彩之处,首先There is no denying that这个句型;其次however作为插入语;再次,function in the disservice of 替换do harm to。Emerging 替换appearing ( fading 替换disappearing );Net citizen 网民,属于精彩用词。(直接用netizen更好)

As a classic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds. Computers do play a positive role in the development of people' lives, despite a slice of unfavorable impacts. We should, therefore, take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet.

No garden has no weeds 替换Every coin has two sides;Computers do play ,使用do 表示强调;Positive 替换important / good 等; A slice of 替换 a part of;Unfavorable
