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1. survey

2. be concerned about

3. go through

4. hide away

5. on purpose

6. according to

7. get along with

8. questionnaire

9. situation 10. native

11. elevator 12. identity 13. recognize 14. journal 15. stubborn

16. determined 17. altitude 18. smelly food 19. burst into laughter 20. rescue

21. disaster 22. a number of 23. lose heart 24. principle 25. vote

26. criminal 27. fancy style 28. no doubt 29. local government 30. explode

31. explore 32. stand for 33. responsibility 34. competitor 35. deserve

36. universal 37. simplify 38. technological revolution 39. appearance 40. deal with

41. decrease 42. in relief 43. appreciate 44. secure 45. fierce dinosaur

46. attach…to 47. in addition 48. sensitive 49. religious 50. in memory of

51. dress up 52. independence 53. look forward to 54. have fun with 55. permission 56. apologize 57. remind…of 58. balanced diet 59. get away with 60. consult

61. earn one’s living 62. cooperation 63. account for 64. on the contrary 65. fundamental 66. in one’s turn 67. multicultural 68. approximately 69. welfare project 70. outspoken 71. behaviour 72. emergency 73. occupation 74. focus on 75. be content with

76. convincing 77. dormitory 78. be likely to 79. subjective 80. tournament























1、I am very shy, so I’m not very good at c_______ with people.

2. We are middle school students and we are called t_______.

3. As is known to all, l____ comes before thunder.

4. There is somebody behind us. I think we are f______.

5. He spent the weekend e______ in his office------all day and all night-----getting ready for the coming exam.

6. She couldn’t help moving her body to the music because she is so c_____ about dancing.

7. What’s his a____ towards the plan? Is he for or against it?

8. She wore a thick overcoat as a p______ against the bitter cold.

9. Singers on the stage usually wear fashionable clothes and look very a______.

10. Keep your seat belt l______ fastened so that you have as much room to move as possible.

11. The director put many a_______ on TV looking for the actors of his new film.

12. Before making a decision, you should take everything into c_______.

13. A balloon e______ when it is blown up.

14. I always c_____ Australia with Austria.

15. In order not to make ourselves heard I w____ to him what had happened.

16. Success usually comes after many f______. Keep on trying, please.

17. The mailman d______ the mail every day in this area.

18. The headmaster couldn’t go to the meeting, so Mr. Jack r_____ him.

19. My wife and I have s______ tastes in music.

20. The t____ of the meeting was “ peace”.

21. Einstein’s theory was so a_______ that most of the people couldn’t understand him.

22. Mr. Smith has been teaching for many years, so he is quite e_______ in teaching.

23. What you have said i______ me greatly, and I will remember it for ever. Impresses

24. As far as we can see, smoking is not allowed in most p________ places in Beijing.

25. He is good at English, e___________ in spoken English.

26. We’re looking forward to r___________ your e-mail as soon as possible.

27. Justin intended to apply for a job that is s____________ for him.

28. The teacher told the boy that water b_________ at 100℃.

29. How amazing it is! We can find no word to d____________ the beauty of the scene.

30. I’ve read the whole book from b__________ to end and still can’t understand it.

31. Y ou can find many foreign _______(商人) in Yi Wu.

32. Look out. It is a _______(毒) snake.

33. Many of them have a gift for ______(骑) wild horses.

34. Y ou are ______(明显) wrong.

35. His _____(耐心) is running out.

36. They are playing different ________(乐器).

37. The ______(消失) of this kind of animal makes us shocked.

38. His _______(申请) is being discussed.

39. Please remember these ______(格言).

40. ________(就个人而言), I like it very much.
