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Plastic sludge(污泥)and garbage is a disaster for the world's oceans. A film crew traveled the globe to document the rubbish. And Julie Andersen of the Plastic Oceans Foundation says what we see is just the tip of the p roblem. “Half of the waste actually sinks to the bottom, and that remains on the surface actually breaks down. ”

The filmmakers found rubbish in ocean gyres, the circulating currents that trap large concentrations of pollution in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacifc Oceans, home of what some have plastic. What we found was a plastic smog that spread throughout all the water. And in some parts of the oceans, scientists have found more plastic than plant. ”

The pieces of the plastic garbage infect the food chain, sometimes visibly, and more so at the microscopic level, where the plastic particles interact with other pollutants. “There are heavy metals, medicines, industrial waste in the sea, while it acts like magnets(磁铁). These poisonous substances absorb on the plastic, and then when seafood absorbs the plastics, those poisonous substances enter the fatty tissues. ”To be consumed by other sea life and by people at last. China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are the worst plastic polluters. The United States, although a leader in recycling, is one of the world's 20 since it produces and consumes so much plastic. There are efforts around the world to address the problem, including at this newly opened recycling center in Lebanon(黎巴嫩). But Andersen says there is more that people can do. “Cut back on single-use plastics, straws, plastic cups, plastic water bottles, plastic bags and find alternatives like reusable materials.” She says healthy oceans are essential to our survival.

(1)What can we learn from the passage?

A. There's all island full of plastic rubbish in the Pacific.

B. The bad effect of plastic pollution can't be seen by eyes.

C. The United States is the least plastic polluters.

D. The plastic pollution to oceans is more serious than what we can see.

(2)What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph 3?

A. Pollutants like heavy metals and medicines.

B. The plastic particles.

C. Seafood.

D. Fatty tissues.

(3)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. All Asian countries have the most serious problem of plastic pollution.

B. The plastic problem hasn't attracted the world's attention.

C. Andersen is not satisfied with what has been done to solve the plastic problem,

D. People should stop using plastic products immediately.

(4)Which may be the title of the passage?

A. Plastic pollution in the World.

B. Plastic pollution—Oceans'Disaster.

C. Ways to solve the problem of plastic pollution to oceans.
