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There was a young man who, you know, who wanted to make a lot of money.曾经有一位年轻人,想要赚很多钱

So he went to this guru, right? 所以他找到了一位视为偶像的大师

He told the guru, “I want to be on the same level you’re on”. 并告诉大师他想成为像大师一样强大的球员。

And so the guru said:大师说

"If you want to be on the same level I’m on, I'll meet you tomorrow at the beach."如果你想成为我一样的球员,那么明早来海滩见我。

So the young man got there at 4am, he all ready to rock and roll, got on a suit He should wore shorts. 年轻人凌晨4点就到了海边,他早已准备好了,并且穿着一套西服(其实他应该穿短裤的:)

The old man grabs his hand and says:大师走过来摸着他的头问:

“How bad do you want to be successful?”你有想多成功呢?

He said, “Real bad”年轻人说:我真的很想!

He says, “Walk on out into the water.”大师接着就让他走下水

So he walks on out into the water, waist deep.所以他就走进海里

So, to himself, he’s like, “This guy is crazy” He’s thinkin g’, “I wan na make money, he’s got me out here swimming.年轻人心里想:我只想赚钱!他却只教我游泳?

I don’t want to be a life guard, I want to make money.”我可不想成为一个救生员!我只想赚钱!

The old man says, “Come out a little further.” 大师察觉到了这一点, 所以他就对年轻人说:“再走远一点。”

He walked out a little further, out to his shoulder area. 然后年轻人又走远了一些,这时候水差不多已经淹到他们肩膀附近了

He’s thinking, “This old man is crazy, he’s makin g’ money but he’s crazy.” 年轻人心里想:“这老家伙真是个疯子,他会赚钱却是个疯子。”

The old man says,“Come out a little further.” 而大师却就一直说:“再走远一点,再走远一点。”

He came out a little further, it’s right at his mouth and he’s thinking, 这时候水已经快要淹没他的嘴了

“I’m about to go right back, this guy's out of his mind.”此时大师让他往回走,这家伙一定已经疯了

So the old man said, “I thought you wanted to be successful?”老家伙这时候说:“你告诉我你想成功?”

He said, “I do!” 年轻人回答道:是的!

The old man said, “Walk a little further.”大师让他再走深一点。

He did, he walked a little further. 这时候大师走近年轻人

The old man grabbed his head, under water, held him down, the guy was kicking’ and scratchin g’, still holding him down, he had him held down and just before he was about to pass out the old man raised him up.把他的头按到水


“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to b reathe, then you’ll be successful.”他告诉年轻人:当你对成功的欲望足以与对呼吸的欲望想媲美的时候,你就会成功!

I don’t know how many of you have a sthma (ASMA), 我不知道在看视频的你们有多少人有过哮喘的体验,

you have a asth ma attack, you’re short of breath, you’re w heezing’, the only thing you’re trying to do is get some air. 如果你曾有过这种体验,你感到气

息不足,你会像这样深呼吸并喘气。这时候你唯一要去做的就是去呼吸新鲜空气You don’t care about no basketball games, 此时的你不会在意NBA

,you don’t care what’s on TV, 不会在意电视正在播什么

you don’t care about a party. 不会在意人家是否邀请你去参加派对The only thing you care about when you’re trying to breathe is to get some fresh air, that’s it. 这时候你在意的——只是在呼吸一些新鲜空气,这就是全部


And when you get to the point of when you want to be successful as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.当你理解到自己对成功的渴望


And I’m here to tell you, 让我来告诉你:

number one, that most of you say want to be su ccessful but you don’t want it bad, you just kind of want it. 第一,你们好多人都说自己想要成功,但是实际上


You don’t want it bad than you want to party, you don’t want it as much as you want to be cool, most of you don’t want success as much as you want to sleep! Some of you love sleep more than you love success. 你们对成功的渴望甚至不



And I’m here to tell you that if you’re going to be successful you’ve got to be willing to give up sleep.我要告诉你,如果你是一个生来就要成功的人,你需要乐于放弃睡觉的权利!

You got to be willing to work off of three hours, two hours, of sleep.你会愿

