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血液循环(Blood circulation)

心动周期Cardiac cycle :The cardiac events that occur from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next are called a cardiac cycle . Cardiac cycle is composed of two periods: systole and diastole..

心指数Cardiac index:Cardiac index is the cardiac output per square meter of body surface area.

心输出量Cardiac output:The product of the frequency of pumping (heart rate) and the stroke volume is the cardiac output; it is also called minute volume.

中心静脉压Central venous pressure :The venous pressure is measured at the right atrium.

舒张压Diastolic pressure:Diastolic pressure is the lowest blood pressure in an artery during the diastole of the heart.

水肿Edema:Edema refers to the presence of excess fluid in body tissues.

有效不应期Effective refractory period(ERP):The duration from the beginning of phase 0 to -60mV of repolarization fails to produce action potential to any stimulus, no matter how strong. This duration is called ERP. In the ERP, the excitability is almost zero. 6

射血分数Ejection fraction:The proportion of the end-diastolic volume that is ejected (i.e. stroke volume/end diastolic volume).

平均动脉压Mean arterial blood pressure :The mean arterial blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries, average over time.

脉搏压Pulse pressure:The pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.

心脏Starling’s定律:The law defining the relationship between ventricular end-diastolic fiber length (preload) and stroke volume.

每搏输出量Stroke volume:Stroke volume is referred to the volume ejected at each contraction by one side of the heart.

搏功Stroke work:The amount of energy that the heart converts to work during each heart beat while pumping blood into arteries.

收缩压Systole pressure :The pressure rises during cardiac systole and falls during diastole. The peak pressure value reached during systole is termed the systole pressure. Usually, at rest systolic pressure of the healthy young adulte is 100~120mmHg.


肺泡无效腔Alveolar dead space:Occasionally, some of the alveoli themselves are nonfunctional or only partially functional because of absent or poor blood flow through adjacent pulmonary capillaries.

解剖无效腔Anatomic dead space:The space in the conducing zone of the airways occupied by gas that does not exchange with blood in the pulmonary vessels, such as in the nose, pharynx, and trachea since these area is not useful for gas exchange process but instead goes to fill respiratory passages.

顺应性Compliance:Distensibility, the ability of the lungs to tolerate changes in volume, a
