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名著阅读(一) 《小公主》《最后一片叶子》

A [2019·镇江二模]

When Sara entered the schoolroom the next morning, everybody looked at her with wide, interested eyes. By that time every pupil—from Lavinia Herbert, who was nearly thirteen and felt quite grown up, to Lottie Legh, who was just four and the baby of the school—had heard a great deal about her. They knew very certainly that she was Miss Minchin's show pupil and was considered a credit to the school(为校争光的人). One or two of them had even caught a glimpse(瞥) of her French maid(女仆), Mariette, who had arrived the evening before. Lavinia had managed to pass Sara's room when the door was open, and had seen Mariette opening a box which had arrived late from some shop.

“It was full of beautiful dresses,” she whispered to her friend Jessie. “I saw her shaking them out. I heard Miss Minchin say to Miss Amelia that her clothes were too good for a child. My mamma says that children should be dressed simply. She has got one of those dresses on now. I saw it when she sat down.”

“She isn't pretty as other pretty people are,” said Jessie, stealing a glance across the room, “but she makes you want to look at her again. She has very long eyelashes, b ut her eyes are almost green.”

Sara was sitting quietly in her seat, waiting to be told what to do. She had been placed near Miss Minchin's desk. She was not shy or nervous at all by the many pairs of eyes watching her. She was interested and looked back quietly at the children who looked at her. She wondered what they were thinking of, and if they liked Miss Minchin, and if they cared for their lessons, and if any of them had a papa at all like her own. She had had a long talk with Emily about her papa that morning. “He is on the sea now, Emily,” she had said. “We must be very great friends to each other and tell each other things. Emily, look at me. You have the nicest eyes I ever saw—but I wish you could speak.” She was a child full of imagination, and on e of her thoughts was that making herself believe that Emily was alive and really heard and understood.

(Adapted from A Little Princess)

1.From the story, we know . ( )

A.Sara has a papa and a mama

B.Sara has a shared room with Lavinia

C.Sara has a French maid called Mariette

D.Sara has many friends in the schoolroom

2.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the first three paragraphs(前三段)? ( )

A.To describe the personalities of Sara.

B.To show the students' curiosity about Sara.

C.To introduce several characters of the story.

D.To draw a simple picture of Sara's appearance.

3.Which is TRUE according to the story? ( )

A.Lottie Legh was a child aged nearly 13.

B.Sara's father is taking a ship to some place.

C.Emily is able to communicate with Sara.

D.Miss Minchin is satisfied with Sara's clothes.

4.What can be inferred(推断) from the story? ( )

A.Sara's eyes are almost green.

B.Sara loves and misses her father.

C.Sara had no interest in anybody else.

D.Sara's maid helps her with nothing.


The Last Leaf is a short story written by the USA author O. Henry, one of the most famous short story writers in history. His stories are known for their surprising endings, now called “O. Henry endings”.

In the story of The Last Leaf, Sue and Joanna are two artists living in New York City. Unfortunately, Joanna is ill and will probably die. In the hospital, something touching and unexpected happens. Let's find out more in the following excerpt(节选).

Sue looked out of the window. All she saw was an old yellow and green ivy(常春藤) plant. The half-dead plant had few leaves on it because of the autumn winds.

“There are only five, now,” said Joanna.

“Five what, dear?What are you counting?”

“The ivy leaves,” replied Joanna. “When the last one goes, I'll die. I've known that for two days. Didn't the doctor tell you about it?”

“Joanna, don't say that. Now, eat some soup and I'll finish my picture.”
