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Ⅰ. 单项选择(2分钟,5分)

1. There ______ a computer and some books on the desk.

A. is

B. are

C. be

D. has

2. Are there ______ boys and girls in the classroom?

A. some

B. any

C. a

D. /

3. — ______ the library?

—It’s next to the classrooms.

A. Where’s

B. What’s

C. How many

D. How

4. Betty is next to ______ .

A. I

B. my

C. our

D. me

5. This is ______ classroom, and ______ in front of the library.

A. we;its

B. our;its

C. our;it’s

D. we;it’s ABADC

Ⅱ. 从方框中选择最佳选项完成下列问句的答语(3分钟,


A. it is

B. There is

C. they are

D. there isn’t

E. there aren’t

1. —Are there two desks in the room?

—No, ______ .

2. —Is there a computer on Miss Li’s desk?

—No, ______ .

答案:1~2. ED

3. —Is this your school?

—Y es, ______ .

4. —Are T ony and Daming behind Kate and Lingling?

—Y es, ______ .

5. —What’s in the picture?

— ______ a teacher and some students.

答案:3~5. ACB

Ⅲ. 完成句子(3分钟,10分)

1. 她的教室在四班隔壁。

______ classroom is ______ ______ Class 4.

2. ——你的书包里有一本字典吗?——没有。

— ______ ______ ______ ______ in your bag?

—No, there isn’t.

答案: 1. Her; next to 2. Is there a dictionary

3. 我们的房子在小明的房子的前面。

Our house is ______ ______ ______ Xiao Ming’s.

4. 书包里有一支钢笔,两本书。

There ______ ______ ______ ______ two books in the bag.

5. 那是他们的科学实验室。

That is ______ ______ ______ .

答案: 3. in front of 4. is a pen and 5. their science lab Ⅳ. 句型转换(4分钟,10分)

1. There are some girls in the playground. (变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) ______ ______ ______ girls in the playground?

______ , ______ ______ .

2. There are forty-six students in the playground. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ students are there in the playground?

答案: 1. Are there any; Y es, there are 2. How many

3. There are some trees on the hill. (变为否定句)

______ ______ ______ trees on the hill.

4. The office is in front of the classroom. (写出意思相反的句子)

The office is ______ the classroom.

答案: 3. There aren’t any 4. behind

5. on, are, and, three, books, there, a, pen, the, desk(. )(连词成句)____________________________________________________

答案: There are three books and a pen on the desk.

Ⅴ. 情景对话(3分钟,10分)


A. Are there any computers in your classroom?

B. It’s behind T ony’s.

C. There isn’t a television in my classroom.

D. How many students are there in your class?
