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Water pollution is way too underestimated even today with the world focusing so much on education and awareness.水污染是太低估甚至在今天与世界侧重于教育和提高认识这么多。There are many things we can do on individual basis that can help make a difference.有很多事情可以做,可以帮助个人的基础上有所作为。

Water pollution is a danger to all of us in more ways than one.我们大家都应该知道如何防止水质污染,以及我们如何在我们自己的方式作出贡献。All of us should know how to prevent water pollution and how we can contribute in our own way.有很多次,当我们面对的问题,不知道他们是水污染的结果。There are a lot of times when we face problems not knowing they are a result of contamination of water.水的污染情况,但在许多方面之一,明知浑然不觉。Contamination of water happens in many ways but one, knowingly and unknowingly.这是非常重要的,我们要的各种方法,使我们意识到可能污染水。It is very important for us to be aware of the various ways in which we may pollute water.这将有助于防止成为一个比它更大的威胁是我们这个问题。This will help us in preventing this problem from becoming a greater threat than it is.我们是否可以作出贡献和发挥作用,取决于很多人。Whether or not we can contribute and make a difference depends on lot of people.但是,我们可以单独对自己的行为负责,贡献自己的一点。However, individually we can be responsible for our actions and contribute our little bit.

那么,什么是水的污染到底是什么?So, what is water pollution exactly?我们大多数人都知道其中的一般含义是说,水的污染对水体污染。Most of us know the general meaning wherein contamination of water is said to pollution of water.然而,存在着两件事情,我们应该记住这里。There are however, two things we should keep in mind here.首先,不能帮助减少水的污染是造成它的方式。First, not helping in reducing the water pollution is a way of contributing to it.第二,如洪水,地震和火山(也污染水)自然灾害不被视为水质污染的原因。Second, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and volcanoes (which also pollute water) are not considered as causes of water pollution.这是导致水质污染的人类行为。It is human actions that lead to the pollution of water.

小贴士如何防止水污染Tips on How to Prevent Water Pollution

你必须学会如何使用较少的水量。You have to learn how to use less amount of water.这是最好的之一,如何防止水质污染和一个帮助,但在许多方面。This is one of the best ways to prevent water pollution and helps in many ways but one.第一,用较少的水净化水少用。First, less water used is less water available for purification.这将导致有效的净化水回用。This will lead to effective purification of water for reuse.其次,使用更少的水也将有助于对污水和排水系统的有效使用,因为他们不会有大宗净化水。Second, using less water will also help in the effective usage of sewage and drainage systems as they won't have to purify water in bulk quantities.第三,我们将节约用水在更大的程度。Third, we will save water to an even greater extent.溢出水龙头及以上花园我们的草坪洒水,正如你所知,导致浪费水。Overflowing taps and over watering of our lawns and gardens, as you know it, leads to wastage of water.确保水龙头和水龙管水时不运行不需要。Make sure the taps and hosepipes are not running water when not needed.在个人层面上,应确保遵守这个简单的步骤,以防止水质污染和浪费,当然。At individual level, one should ensure compliance of this simple step
