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My mom is an awesome human being just like all other moms. She knowingly and unknowingly 1 me a whole lot of things about the world. The 2 which I'm going to share today determined the way I 3 everybody.

I was four years old. One fine afternoon, my mom and I were 4 outdoors, she reading and I watching a line of 5 . I was never a naughty kid; 6 I was known for keeping quiet even when things were not going my way. So I don't remember why I did this but I disrupted (使中断) the lines of ants and I liked it when they looked so 7 . I even went ahead and stepped on a couple of them! My mom saw this and she wasn't 8 with me but she said something I still 9 today. She said, "You should never be 10 to anybody however little they are. Everybody is different and we shouldn't treat them 11 .

I got upset when I heard this because I thought I had 12 my mom. Also my little heart started 13 the family of ants I had killed. It has been more than 25 years now and I've 14 so many things that have happened in my life; 15 . I still do my best to be kind to everybody.

We should teach our young kids to never be mean to anybody. It makes a 16 when people praise other people for their efforts and when 17 being envious, we're proud of people achieving their goals however 18 they may be. When you're kind to other people,

it's a 19 that goes on. It's the kind of 20 reaction that uplifts the whole world one heart at a time. I believe in the magic of kindness!

1. A. offered B. left C. promised D. taught

2. A. accident B. information C. incident D. conflict

3. A. respect B. treat C. question D. doubt

4. A. staying B. chatting C. wandering D. playing

5. A. trees B. kids C. ants D. cars

6. A. in case B. in fact C. above all D. at first

7. A. troubled B. excited C. ugly D. scary

8. A. patient B. familiar C. annoyed D. honest

9. A. live by B. disagree with C. get across D. look for

10. A. familiar B. cruel C. similar D. cool

11. A. seriously B. hopelessly C. directly D. unfairly

12. A. disappointed B. convinced C. comforted D. terrified

13. A. believing in B. seeking for C. laughing at D. thinking about

14. A. accepted B. repeated C. forgotten D. discovered

15. A. thus B. however C. therefore D. besides

16. A. decision B. difference C. deal D. living

17. A. instead of B. except for C. along with D. because of

18. A. rare B. ambitious C. tiny D. significant

19. A. debate B. process C. match D. circle

20. A. direct B. immediate C. chain D. first



(1)考查动词。句意:她有意无意地教会了我关于这个世界的很多东西。此空格与文章最后一段首句中的"teach"前后呼应。A. offered“提供”;B. left“离开”;C. promised“许诺,允诺”;D. taught“教育”。故选D。

(2)考查名词。句意:今天我将要跟大家分享的这个事件,决定了我对待每一个人的方式。A. accident“事故”;B. information“信息”;C. incident“事件,事变”;D. conflict“冲突,矛盾”。故选C。

(3)考查动词。句意:今天我将要跟大家分享的这个事件,决定了我对待每一个人的方式。A. respect“尊敬,尊重”;B. treat“对待”;C. question“询问,怀疑”;D. doubt“怀疑”。此空格与第二段最后一句中的"treat"呼应。故选B。

(4)考查动词。句意:一个天气很好的下午,我和妈妈待在户外,她在看书我在观察一行小蚂蚁。A. staying“停留”;B. chatting“闲聊”;C. wandering“游荡,漫游”;D. playing“玩耍”。只有stay 这个动作可以包含空格后"reading"和"watching"的动作。故选A。

(5)考查名词。句意:一个天气很好的下午,我和妈妈待在户外,她在看书我在观察一行小蚂蚁。此空格与下文"disrupted (使中断) the lines of ants"中的"ants"呼应。故选C。(6)考查介词短语。句意:我从来不是一个淘气的小孩:事实上,大家都知道即使事情不是按我的想法进行的我也很安静。冒号后句子是对前半句进一步的解释。A. in case“万一,假使”;B. in fact“事实上,实际上”;C. above all“首先,尤其是”;D. at first“起先,首先”。故选B。

(7)考查形容词。句意:我不记得为什么但是我确实中断了蚂蚁的队伍并且看到它们绕来绕去还很开心。A. troubled“动乱的,不安的”;B. excited“兴奋的,激动的”;C. ugly“丑陋的”;D. scary“害怕的”。作者中断了蚂蚁的队伍,所有蚂蚁是不知所措,绕来绕去,是不安的。故选A。

(8)考查形容词。句意:妈妈看到后没有生气,但是说了一些我至今都记得的话。A. patient“有耐心的,能容忍的”;B. familiar“熟悉的,常见的”;C. annoyed“恼怒的,烦闷的”;D. honest“诚实的”。故选C。

(9)考查动词。句意:妈妈看到后没有生气,但是说了一些我至今都记得的话。A. live by“以.
