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三年级中期考试题 、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 )1. A. Over there. )2. A. How long! )3.A. This is my son. )4.A. I ' m OK. )5. A. The cat is bad. 、听录音, (20 分) B. Come here. B. How fat! 得分: C. Here. C. How short! B. That ' s my thear. B. I ' m sorry . B. The cat is fat. C. This is your dad. C. I ' m Summer. C. This is my cat. 给下列图片排列顺序。 (20分)


3.sheep 12.a nt 16.s nowy I. cloudy

II. s nake 天气类: 动作类: 文具类:

单项选择题,把番号填入题前括号内。 )1. — ____ is the weather? — It 4.go 5.ca ndy 6.pe n 7.w indy 8.bear 9.ruler 10.sta nd 17.su nny 18.apple 19.ora nge 20. cry _______ 食物: _____________________ _______ 动物类: ___________________ 五

、 ( ( ( (20 分) 's snowy. A. How B. How ' s C. how ' s C. What ' s A. You )2. — ___ day is today? — It ' s Sunday.A. How B. What )3. — Are you ready? — _________ 're welcome. B. Thank you. (

( ( ( ( (

( )4. This ___ my mum, A. is, )5. — Let ' s sing. — ___________ )6. That ' s a _____ ! How )7. Many ani mals live )8. — Can I help you? )9. — How are you? ____ A Fine. )10. — How' s the weather? the farm. C. Not yet. B. are, C. am A. Great. A. sheep, fat A. in A. OK B. Tha nks. C. Welcome. B. sheeps, big C. apple, l ong B. on C. from B. That ' s OK .Yes,please B. Fin e,tha nk you . C. How are you? .A. sun B.sunny C. ant 六、情景选择。(20 分) .( )1.把你的朋友乐乐介绍给你的妈妈,应说:

A . Mum, this is my friend, Le Le .

B . Mum, he is Le Le . )2.夸奖别人的苹果甜,应说: A . How nice! )3.妇女节时,你应对妈妈说: A . Happy Mother's Day! )4.询问你身体好吗,应说: A . How are you? B . How sweet! B . Happy Women ' s Day! B . Where are you ? )5.别人问你:今天星期几?,你应说:

A . How' s the weather?.

B . What day is today?.
