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1) Write a correc t1 y laid out letter , which might include the letterhead , date , name and
address of
province. though becoming less rare as the life improves. When they dine out. they look for restaurants. which have exotic and unusual menus. There are a surprising number of them , some in quite small villages. Their good reputation attracts customers from far and wide. 7 People play darts. talk and drink. usually while standing up. Every pub has its
试卷代号 :1027
中央广播电视大学 2013-2014 学年度第一学期"开放本科"期末考试
2014 年 1 月
出考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答
Question 10: Writing a Summarize the above
summaη (1 5
(i. e. , the
6-9) in your own words. Your
summary should be 70 to 80 words. Write your summary on the Answer Sheet. Part 2: Writing a Letter (25 points) Question 11: Writing a Letter of Application You are Cindy Molly. Knowing that the English Language and Literature Department in Beijing Foreign Studies University has a vacant position , you want to get that position. And then you write this letter to Professor Wu , the dean of the department , expressing your interest in this position. Base your letter on the following notes:
题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。
Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of three parts. These are: Part 1: Reading and Summary (35 points) Part 2: Writing a Letter (25 points) Part 3: Writing (40 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
their members. People tend to go to such dances in groups , having first dinner together out or in the house of one of them. Dining out in a restaurant in the evening is not often in the
the sentences carefully and put them in the right order. Write the correct letter of your choice
in the proper box and then transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.
A. And what sentence structures or tenses does he use to represent the time changes? B. This in fact is not very surprising , because this kind of narration is quite often seen in both English and Chinese novels. C. Instead , it starts at a point relatively nearer to the present and then moves back to something that happened in the past. D. But my question is: "How does the writer indicate to us that he begins with a nearer point in time and moves back in time rather than forwards?" E. This text , as you may have noticed already , does not start at the beginning of the story with the earliest event. Question Sentence Correct Order 1 1
Part 1: Reading and Summary (35 points) Questions 1-5 are Sequencing:
on the following task. (10
The following sentences go together to form a paragraph. but they are in the wrong order. Read
name. its sign and its "regulars". its customers who turn up night after night. A few old pubs have real character but many are dull and ugly. It seems that the English think it rather indecent for people to drink alcoholic drinks in any place where they can be seen from outside. So pubs usually not only have no tables outside. but also are so built that it is impossible to see in. or for those who are inside to see out. There are exceptions to this. but not many. 8 whisky With pint glasses filled with beer in Scotland the national drink is
Iist of A-E provided. Put your answer in the proper box and then transfer your answers to the
Answer Sheet. 6 lnnumerable clubs and societies arrange dances and balls as social occasions for
they argue about football. the races. women.. ….. The traditional pub was a place
for the men only. But things have changed. and more and more pubs are now places where men and women sit at tables. and they often provide good lunches. 9 From 3.00 to 5.30 p. m. teashops offer you. as well as a pot of tea. bread and
2 2
3 3
4 4
Questions 6-9 are based on the following task. (10 points) Identifying the topic sentences: Read the following description of culture and customs of western countries. The topic sentence for each paragraph is omitted. Choose the correct topic sentence for each paragraph from the
butter , scones , toast and jam , and cakes of varying quality. They Americans do not have afternoon tea. Nor do they use teapots , which they consider old-fashioned. They are quite satisfied with teabags and a pot of hot rather than boiling water. The British say the American tea is like dishwater. A. The teashop is almost as British as the pub. B. In the past years nightclubs have spread from London to other towns. C. The British still have their own ways to spend leisure and private hours. D. Everywhere there are plenty of pubs. E. Pubs are meeting places for working men after the evening meal. Question Paragraph Correct Answer
1) to tell Professor W u how you know there is a vacant position
2)to express your great interest in this position 3)to describe your qualifications 4)to report your experience related to this position 5)to tell your expectations