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come about [ phrasal verb ]

1 : to happen

Their meeting came about by accident/chance.

I don't know how it came about that she overheard our conversation.

2 of a boat or ship : to turn to a different direction

The captain gave the order to come about.

come across [ phrasal verb ]

1 : to seem to have a particular quality or character : to make a particular impression

How did he come across? [=what kind of impression did he make?]

— usually + as

He comes across as (being) a good speaker. [=he seems to be a good speaker; people think that he is a good speaker when they hear him talk]

He came across as a nice guy. [=he seemed to be a nice guy]

2 : to be expressed to someone

She says she was trying to be helpful, but that's not what came across when I talked to her. [=I did not get the feeling that she was trying to be helpful when I talked to her]

Her enthusiasm really came across [=came through] when she talked about her job. [=we could see that she was really enthusiastic when she talked about her job]

3 come across (something or someone) : to meet or find (something or someone) by chance

Researchers have come across important new evidence.

As I was walking through the town, I came across a group of street performers.

4 informal : to pay money that someone wants or demands

They threatened to hurt him if he doesn't come across (with the money).

come along [ phrasal verb ]

1 : to go somewhere with someone

They asked me to come along (with them) on the trip. [=they asked me to go with them on the trip]

I'm going to the museum tomorrow. Would you like to come along?

2 : to make progress : to get better or to proceed in a desired way

The project started slowly, but now the work is coming along.

: to proceed in a specified way

The work is coming along well.

The investigation is coming along slowly, and there's still a lot more work to be done.

3 : to happen or appear as someone or something that might be used, chosen, etc.

She says she won't just marry the first man that comes along.

An opportunity like this doesn't come along [=occur] too often.

come around ( or chiefly Brit come round) [ phrasal verb ]

1 : to start to accept and support something (such as an idea) after opposing it : to stop opposing or disagreeing with something or someone

She still says she won't support us, but she'll come around eventually. [=she'll support us eventually]

— often + to

She'll come around to our side eventually.

People are starting to come around to the idea.

2 : to become conscious

He took a bad fall and knocked himself out. When he came around [=woke up, came to], he didn't remember what had happened.

3 : to go to visit someone

Why don't you come around [=come over] (to my house) after work today?

4 : to occur in the usual way as time passes

I always feel a little sad when the end of the school year comes around.

— see also what goes around comes around at go, 1

5 of a boat or ship : to turn to a different direction

The sailboat came around [=came about] and began to head east.

come at [ phrasal verb ]

1 come at (someone)

1 a : to move toward (someone) in a threatening or aggressive way

They kept coming at me.

1 b : to be directed at or toward (someone)

The questions kept coming at him so quickly that he didn't know how to respond to them.

2 come at (something) : to begin to deal with or think about (something)

We need to come at [=approach] these problems from a different angle.

come back [ phrasal verb ]

1 : to return to a place

I hope you'll come back and see us again soon.

— sometimes used figuratively

a decision that may come back to haunt us [=a decision that may cause problems for us in the future]

2 a : to return to a former good condition : to become strong, successful, or effective again after a time of weakness, failure, etc.

It can be difficult for an athlete to come back [=recover] from an injury like this.

a species that was nearly extinct but that has been coming back

2 b : to become popular or fashionable again

Short skirts were out of fashion for many years, but now they're coming back.

2 c : to be successful in a game, sport, etc., after being behind

The team was trailing after the first half, but they came back and won in the second half.

3 : to return to someone's memory

— usually + to

I had forgotten a lot of what I learned about music, but it's all coming back to me now. [=I am beginning to remember it now]

4 : to make a reply or response

— usually + with

When questioned about his involvement, he came back with an angry denial.
