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21.Jimmy often plays piano and she wants to be musician when she grows up.

A. a; the

B. the; the

C. the;a

D. a ; a



【解析】冠词的使用play the piano 乐器前要加定冠词一个音乐家要加不定冠词a







23.My birthday is on the day of the lunar month.

A. ninth; twelveth

B. nineth; twelfth

C.ninth; twelfth

D. nineth; twelveth



【解析】序数词的书写第九ninth 第十二twelfth


24.-My computer!It doesn’t work!

-Let me have a look. And you can use if you have something important to do.

A. mine



D. myself





25.- is the nearest hospital from here?

-Er, it’s about ten minutes’ walk.

A. How far

B. How long

C. How often

D. How soon



【解析】How 的提问;答句的回答20分钟的路程,说明提问的是距离所以用how far

【易错点】how far和how long的混淆how long 提问的时间

26.If you like the shoes, you can .

A. try on it

B. try it on

C. try on them

D. try them on



【解析】代词的位置;try on尝试shoes但是复数代词用them 放在中间


27.-I got a message saying my phone number won ﹩3000!

-Too good to be true! Don’t it.


B. have

C. make

D. believe





28.Both of her two daughter are teacher. One teaches English, and teaches Chinese.

A. another

B. the other

C. other

D. others


【解析】固定搭配;两者中的一者,另一者用“one。。。the other。。。”

【易错点】the other和another 的混用another是很多中的另一个

29.-Why did you stop ?

-We were so tired, sir. We wanted to have a rest.

A.run B.to run C. running D. ran



【解析】固定搭配“stop doing sth.”

【易错点】stop 的固定搭配混淆

30.-What are you going to do with your old books?

- send them to the children in poor areas.

A. What about

B. What for

C. Why don’t

D. Why not



【解析】提出建议,动词用了原型用Why not

【易错点】what about 后加动词的ing ;why don’t you加动词原形

31.-I get so with this speech.

-I think so. The speaker is pretty .

A. interested; interesting

B. interesting; interested

C. bored; boring

D. boring; bored 【答案】C


【解析】be/get interested in 对…感兴趣be/get bored with 对…感到无聊修饰人用ed


【易错点】介词:with 和in 的混淆

32.My father usually stories to me when I was a child.

A. tell

B. tells

C. told

D. telling
