




没做出啥惊天地泣鬼神的事情之前,英语偷着好还不行,还得人家认可,于是雅思这个考试就横空出世了,IELTS (International English Language Testing System,国际英语测试系统),听说读写都包括,其中写作部分1小时,写400个词,掐指算来,我作为新东方老师跟这400个字儿较劲也两年多了。其实当水平远远凌驾于考试之上时,考试就像个周末的礼拜,如果英语灵光,雅思写作也不用刻意准备。先说说咋提高E文写作水平:

首先,腹有诗书气自华,读的多了,自然写作能力就强。读啥呢,Reading should have a purpose. 把读的内容和自己的目的衔接起来当然最好,选个自己喜欢的语言风格,文学性的或学术性的皆可,我挺喜欢美剧《学徒》()里Donald Trump的风格,一看就是贵族教育,写的,字字珠玑。

其次,学以致用啊,最简单的方法就是free writing了,每天抽点时间,写个几百字,不在乎文法,不在乎用词,能说清楚就成。原来在外企那阵儿,每天都写点酸不溜丢的小情书,还专门买了本《外国名人情书》,每天看的不亦乐乎。

再次,该注意点精度了,要不满嘴错误咋进上流社会啊。买本《英语语法新思维》,从走近语法,看到通悟语法,每天再做点课后练习。Writing makes an exact man. 弗朗西斯·培根说的没错,写作让人精确,听说读写,只有写作绕不过语法。


最后,曲不离口,拳不离手,隔三差五读点大家之作,写点小文章,或者做点小翻译,保持一下水平;或者干脆出国学习工作一段时间,一劳永逸的解决E文问题。看看人家谢国忠的E文,人家也在国内读的本科,人和人差距咋这么大呢。‘Whither Anglo-Saxon Model? - Home prices in the United Kingdom fell by 2.5% in March,the biggest drop since 1992. Compared with a year earlier,the prices rose by 1.1%,the slowest in 12 years. The UK's house prices have increased by 171% in the past ten years,twice as much as personal disposable income. The tightening credit market,as reflected in the high labor rate,suggests the March number not an accident. When liquidity dries up,a bubble will surely burst. The end of the UK's property bubbl e seems here…’


其实道理说起来都挺简单,跟成功学似的,关键是能做到的人太少。英语不是一切,今天的多元社会,人总有权选择不学。我的观点是,英语要么不学,要么就学好,学个半斤八两最没劲;而且现在E文好的人越来越多,不仅要会General English,还要会用专业Professional English来讨论问题。吴思说的好,当社会潜规则越来越少时,个人综合素质还是挺重要的。



承认差距,承认现在水平不足,要在几个月内英语水平有质的提高,不现实,人家认真学了10年英语,你泡了10年妞,凭什么你要几个月赶上别人,你以为你是“ 深蓝”啊,所以要Patient。合理的长期目标是,在一年左右的时间里,通过不间断的学习,英语达到能在英语国家学习和生活的程度;合理的短期目标是,在几个月内,写出基本符合雅思要求的400多个词,得到可用的分数,尽管写作实力提高不是短期行为,但是标准化考试的规律性使考分具备短期提高的可能。


写和不写,差距不是一点点。雅思作文9分满分,写作平均分通常最低,最主要的原因是考生写的太少,学生考雅思,做10套阅读,10套听力,甚至练10个口语话题都很正常,但很多同学在雅思考场上才写有生以来第一次也是唯一一次雅思作文。不过这也不怪大家,写作文是挺容易给人loser feeling的,第一要对抗因写不出作文而产生的挫败感,第二是写完



雅思作文要完成两个任务Task 1和Task2。考试形式和目的衔接很紧,出国搞学术(academic),Task 1考Report,具体点是描述图表,图形比文字来的直观,描述图表是学术研究的必备能力;移民(general)Task 1考书信。而学术和移民Task 2都考essay,就是议论文,对,就是咱们中学写的议论文,只不过议论的路数稍有差别,然后用的是鸟语。



词语的要求有三点,一是拼写准确,背单词的时候,模样记个大概就可以了,但写作白纸黑字,模糊不得,这和阅读对单词的要求不同。二是用词要有档次,口语或者街头用语就省省吧,满篇good,bad之类的婴儿词汇太影响形象。三是用词要多样化,人性本变啊,考官也会审美疲劳,主题词汇尤其要多变化。其实用词的最高境界是达义,就是proper words in proper position,当然这点大多数同学在国内肯定是做不到了,这需要有语境,或者做过大量摘抄或者背诵。

句子的要求也三点,一是语法错误要少,注意不是没有,中国人写E文,完全准确几乎不可能,连布什还犯语法错误呢,不要对自己太苛刻。二是句子要有一定长度,一种说法是受过教育的educated writer,平均的英文句子长度要达到20词,雅思考母语非英语人士,要求没那么高,7分作文,平均句子长度15个词就够了。虽说好文章要长短句搭配,但你至少要保证有几个长句子充充门面吧,就像你首先要吃过满汉全席,然后才能说自己就爱吃黄瓜蘸酱吧,像海明威那样简单句为王,是要有资本的。三是句式的多样性,简单句、复合句、并列句、倒装、插入、分词状语啥的都整点吧。

说到内容,Task 1和Task 2的考察要点不同,我们先看Task 1。

Report是报告图表,对象是固定的,所以内容上大家写起来大同小异,就是大家都知道应该写的,你不能忘记。雅思一共考察七种图:线图、柱图、饼图、表格、流程图、装置图和地图。前四种是数据图,后三种是非数据图。题目中内容的要求一律是Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.



什么是selecting?选择,有时图表中可归纳的特征很多,要根据重要程度的差异,并考虑词数限制,选择main features,主要特征。

什么叫reporting?报告,We report facts, not opinions. 就是有一说一严守一,所以关于图表产生原因或者未来走势的任何主观判断都是应该摒弃的。
































4)比较:Lighting和Vacuum cleaner耗电百分比相等,但这纯属偶然,是次要特征。









Stage 1: 玻璃瓶子罐子被送到回收点,collection points,然后运输到玻璃回收厂。

Stage 2: 玻璃们先被送到冲洗厂,cleaning plant,用高压水淋洗,然后被按颜色分类,送进回收厂,放入熔炉,furnace,融化成回收的液体玻璃,recycled liquid glass,和新液体玻璃,new liquid glass汇合,流入模具mold,制成新玻璃制品。

Stage 3: 进入消费者市场,customer supermarket。


装置准备:找个能晒到阳光的坑,里面有绿色植物green plants,把坑中间的一部分植物挖掉,放入一个容器container,坑口覆盖一块塑料布sheet of plastic,周围用石头固定好,塑料布中间放一块石头,保证塑料布中部最低。




S1的特点:地处市中心,Gransdon的居民和周围三个卫星城的人都容易到达,或者是开车或者坐火车,但是S1是车辆禁入区,no traffic zone(王府井步行街),所以这些shopping的银们啊,停车很困难:)

S2的特点:地处Gransdon西北,离Hindon近些,但是Bransdon的居民必须费九牛二虎之力才能到达,还要倒车。但是应该是free parking了。


另一种是发展,比如今年3月29日考的小城Bridgetown的城市变化,1700年和2000年两幅地图:1700年有的river, bridge, market place至今保存,而farmland和castle到2000年不见了,取而代之的是woods和building area。最后适当分析一下发展的特点,比如building area总是和交通transportation联系在一起之类的。

就这7种图表,规律性还是挺明显的,最初可能会感觉有点摸不到头脑,但是写过十几篇之后,就会发现年年岁岁题相似,岁岁年年人不同了。Add oil… 干吧得…

接下来说说结构,英文叫coherence and cohesion,连贯与衔接。连贯主要注意分段(I)和段内逻辑(II),而衔接需要注意过渡性表达(III),Linking devices。


作文分段的目的是为了reader friendly,读者友好性,就是读起来舒服。文章不分段堆成一团肯定影响阅读,假设雅思每篇阅读的1,000个词都不分段,同学们的阅读成绩至少下降一分。英文文章分段有两个原则:

其一、逻辑分段。A new idea, a new paragraph, 一个新观点一个新段,或者说一段只写一个观点,而汉语分段是情感分段,即分段感情用事,想分了,就另起一段,没有一定之规。但是现在中西方文化融合,中文学术论文,或者逻辑比较好的中文写手,通常也是逻辑分段。

其二、表达思想开门见山。美国语言学家Robert B. Kaplan用下面的图表明世界上主要语言的思维模式,即语言表达模式。箭头代表语言前进的方向,箭头起点代表从何说起。不难发现,英文(English)表达直来直去,let you know the point as soon as possible. 而汉语(Oriental 东方语言)表达是涡旋式的,围绕中心逐渐接近,而且最后也不一定明确说明观点。如果说英文是100%的表达方式,那么汉语就是80%,剩下的20%需要去揣摩,所谓“一切尽在不言中”,而新东方老师虽然说中文,但是受英文影响,却是120%的表达,除了100%说清楚之外,还要再讲20%让人懂的更清楚,更轻松的内容。据此,英文文章通常都有一个介绍段,introduction,让读者能尽快清楚文章重点,很多时候还有个结论段,conclusion,结尾再次强化文章重点。




Introduction 30w 1s

Feature 1 50w 4s

Feature 2 50w 4s

… (if there is a feature 3)

Conclusion 30w 1s



Introduction 30w 1s

Chart 1 50w 4s

Chart 2 50w 4s

… (if there is a chart 3)

Comparison 30w 1s




Introduction 30w 1s

Stage 1 50w 4s

Stage 2 50w 4s

… (if there is a stage 3)

Conclusion 30w 1s


Introduction 30w 1s

Site 1 50w 4s

Site 2 50w 4s

… (if there is a site 3)

Conclusion 30w 1s



Introduction 30w 1s

Map 1 50w 4s

Map 2 50w 4s

… (if there is a map 3)

Comparison 30w 1s






比如,报告Chart 1的段落,我们应有意识的在段首加上诸如According to Chart 1… 之类的提示表达;总结的段落,段首可以加上Overall, … 之类的提示词;又如,报告某一幅图表的段落内,特征与特征之间应有意识的使用符合两者逻辑关系的过渡表达,例如however, in particular 或者是万能的in addition;还比如,我们不应写过多太短的句子,150词的文章,假如写30个句子,平均每个句子只有5个词,像一个土豆被切成土豆丝,文章的连贯性会很差,但如果我们只写10个句子,平均每个句子15 个词,土豆丝被结合成土豆片,文章的连贯性就会好很多,这是我们用连词把短句粘合起来的结果。

过渡性表达的另外一种形式是应用指代,即代词的使用。比如this, those… 或者it, they, such… 等等。一个简单的例子,Ningboyu got up in the morning, he opened his eyes and he closed his eyes. 并列句中后两个分句用的是代词he指代前文的Ningboyu,这不仅避免重复使用宁柏宇的大名,而且还使三个小分句自然的衔接在一起。所以在图表作文行文的过程中,第一次提到描述对象使用名词,第二次,第三次则可以使用代词,同样的名词用多了,肯定不招人待见,但是代词用多了,不仅不会让鬼子生厌,反而觉得你对文字的运用纯熟。

写作理论介绍完了,本着手把手讲授的原则,具体说说图表作文每个段落的写作。Task 1受图表内容的限制,遣词造句的要求非常有限,只需针对考试,把核心表达用准用熟即可,所谓博大不如精深。



介绍段内容几乎完全不用创新,就是对题目文字部分的第二段做改写,paraphrase the rubric。所谓改写,要么换词,要么换句式。


The charts (1) below give information about (2) travel to and from the UK and most

popular countries for UK residents to visit.


(1)图The charts

图:chart, graph, diagram(雅思写作中完全等价,无差别)

线:line / curve chart

柱图:bar / column graph

饼:pie diagram

表:table / statistics / figures

(2)动词“表明”give information about

介绍段是客观描述,用一般现在时态,give information about虽然在这篇作文中最好不再用,但是informal learning,随手学到的东东,留作其它文章再用。替换的词语和结构很多,比如我常用的reveal / indicate / demonstrate,大家也可以选几个自己喜欢并且拼写准确的形成风格,年轻时多尝试,年纪大了就要形成风格啦,三个就够,多了白搭,还是那句话,博大不如精深。

第二段其余部分的替换因题而异,比如travel换成visit,the UK换成Britain(注意不是England,英格兰只是Britain的一部分),popular换成fashionable,country换成nation,UK residents to visit换成UK tourists。不过随着练习作文数量的增加,你会惊喜的发现,雅思图表作文,连描述的对象都是类似的。




The line chart reveals that … and the bar graph indicates that …(分别描述两幅图,形成风格哦,第一幅图用chart,第二副图用graph,第一幅图reveal,第二副图indicate,也许你写的所有文章都类似,但考官只有机会欣赏一篇啊。)(2)被动语态:

… is revealed in the line chart and … is indicated in the bar graph.

One possible answer:

The line chart reveals visits to and from Britain and the bar graph indicates most fashionable nations for UK tourists in 1999.





According to the line chart,

As is shown in the line chart,

The line chart shows that …


On the other hand等等


顺承:also, besides, in addition

转折:however, on the other hand, conversely

其它:meanwhile / in the same time, similarly, in particular




The visits increased quickly from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

There was an increase in the visits from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.

(2a) (1) (4) (5)

An increase in the visits is seen from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.

(2a) (1) (6) (4) (5)



The travel increased quickly from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.


The visits increased quickly from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999. In particular, they increased very rapidly from 1985 to 1988.


the thin(细线)/ thick(粗线)/ broken(虚线)/ dotted(点线)line

The thin line, which represents visits by UK residents, increased from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.


increase / decrease, rise/drop(可做名词)

go up / come down

climb / slide

ascend / decline

rocket / collapse(暴增/暴减)



快:quickly / rapidly / swiftly

慢:slowly / gradually / steadily

大:greatly / vastly / considerably / substantially

小:slightly / marginally / minutely


about / around / roughly / more or less 12 million


a sharp / slow / great / slight increase

an upward / rising / increasing tendency

a downward / falling / decreasing trend


12 million而不是12 millions


from … to … / between … and …

during the period from … to … / between … and … / starting from ….


show / prove / witness


keep / remain / maintain unchanged / constant / stable(保持不变)

fluctuate upward / downward(波动向上/向下)

double / triple / quadruple(2/3/4倍)

A possible answer: (Band 6.5)

According to the line chart, visits abroad by UK residents increased from about 12 to 57 million from 1979 to 1999. Similarly, overseas travelers to Britain went up from about 10 to 27 million. It is obvious that UK tourists were more and climbed faster than overseas ones during the period.



峰值:peak (v. & n.), summit (v. & n.), highest point

谷值:touch the bottom (v.), nadir (n.), lowest point

稳定时期:plateau (n.高原), lower stationary phase (低稳时期)

A possible answer: (Band 6.5)

According to the curve chart, daily electricity need is higher in winter (38,000 units on average) than in summer (18,000 units on average). In winter, electricity consumption peaks at 2:00 am and 10:00 pm while it touches the bottom at 0:00 am and 8:00 am. On the other hand, in summer, it summits at 2:00 pm and 11:00 pm, but has a nadir at 9:00 am and a lower stationary phase from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm.


A possible answer: (Band 6.5)

The bar graph demonstrates that the most UK visitors went to France and Spain, which were 11.0 and 9.5 million. Also, many British travelers were attracted by the USA (4.0 million), Greece (3.5 million) and Turkey (2.0 million). 复杂柱图:


90% of those who held a skilled vocational diploma were men, compared with only 10% of women.

More women held undergraduate diplomas (70%) and marginally more women reached degree level (55%). Men with postgraduate diplomas clearly outnumbered their female counterparts (70% and 30% respectively).(摘自《剑桥雅思4》)




Be shared by

Account for

Be responsible for

Be in charge of

Be in the charge of


A small percentage of … (X%)

A quarter of …

The minority of … (X%)(小部分)

Half of …

The majority of … (X%)

Most of … (X%)

One-fifth of …

A possible answer: (Band 6.5)

The pie graph demonstrates that heating rooms and water occupies the majority of electricity consumption (52.5%). Then, 17.5% of the electricity demand is shared by ovens, kettles and washing machines. Lighting, TV, radio and vacuum cleaners, food mixers, electric tools are responsible for the rest, with 15% each.




On average, 11% of all households, comprising almost two million people, were in this position.


Couples generally tended to be better off, with lower poverty levels for couples without children (7%) than those with children (12%).


However, those consisting of only one parent or a single adult had almost double this proportion of poor people, with 21% and 19% respectively.

词数填充Word filler :这些表达没有实际意义,考试的时候可以填充词数。

It is noticeable tha t …

It is easy to see that …

It is obvious that …

三、比较段comparison / 结论段conclusion:


What is also worth mentioning is that … if the two diagrams are considered as a whole.

A possible answer: (Band 6.5)

What is also worth mentioning is that almost 40% UK tourists selected France and Spain in 1999, if the two diagrams are considered as a whole.


Overall, the table/chart/graph/diagram suggests that …

A possible answer: (Band 6.5)

Overall, the table suggests that households of single adults and those with children were more likely to be living in poverty than those consisting of couples.(摘自《剑桥雅思4》)




The flow chart / diagram / map illustrates … The whole procedure can be divided into … stages.



时间:to begin with, next, then, later, finally; at the same time / simultaneously

顺序:the first stage involves … / in the second stage / in the third stage / in the last stage

目的:in order to / in order that; so as to / so that

According to the diagram, the first step of obtaining water outdoors is to find a hole with green plants on the bottom. Next, remove the green plants on the middle of the bottom and put a container there. Then, cover the hole with a plastic sheet and place some stones on the edge of it to secure its position. Finally, a third stone is laid on the middle of the plastic sheet so that the middle part is also the lowest part.(摘自《雅思写作胜经》,群言出版社)

特殊过渡:状语从句when, where...

When the sun shines on the green plants in the hole, water evaporates from these plants. The vapor rises up and then cools down to form water drops under the plastic sheet. When there is more and more water, it flows along the sheet to accumulate under the lowest part. Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone.(摘自《雅思写作胜经》,群言出版社)


accumulate / gather / collect / obtain



The water turns into gas, rises and finally turns into liquid again and gathers under the sheet of plastic.



总结一下Task 1:图表作文两个难点,一概括图表特征;二多样化表达。之前的文章已经给出了特征归纳的办法和实例以及最核心的表达,如何百尺竿头,更进一步呢?


1 读范文,熟练特征归纳方法,积累表达素材。

2 仿写范文。

3 其它的读写练习。


1 不提倡不动脑子地背范文,事倍功半。

2 不提倡不结合题目,直接看图表作文的表达列表,好词好句是模仿出来的,是从范文中查出来的,而不是看列表背出来的。

3 不提倡放弃范文阅读其它英文文章的舍本逐末的做法。


推荐的12篇练习:(I4 –《剑桥4》;B – Bible《胜经》)

I4 - 31, 54, 100

I5 - 29, 52, 75, 98

I6 - 30, 75

B - 89, 93, 98


当然,分数要求高的考生需要进行更多辅助阅读:对图表作文大有帮助的是网络媒体的财经版,金融市场风云变幻,相应的语言描述自然生动而且变化多端。Things happen for a reason. 高分考生大多进行过额外的阅读和写作练习,笔者观察,7.5分或以上的同学作文多半不是完全被老师教出来的,老师可以教授如何构思,如何架构,如何组织语言,但老师永远不能代替同学写作,所谓师傅领进门,修行还在个人嘛。

具体写作前准备好铅笔、橡皮,下载好答题纸。用答题纸写作有两个好处,第一,给自己目标,至少写完所有打印出的答题纸,比如得6分必须的15套;第二,比较容易控制词数,Task 1和Task 2分别写到答题纸第2页和第4页的中部就是理想词数。

冲刺练习时最好全方位模拟考试,整合练习integrated practice。上午快9点时,先听力,再阅读,最后作文,体会一下实际考试时因为考试战线过长而产生的饥饿感。把工作做细,attentive to details,这样临场才不容易紧张,看到同学把Task1顺手写在第1页和第4页,考试时问监考改页码,导致心情大坏,脸都绿了,最后这个可怜的绿脸娃娃,出门就直奔邮局,汇款报名下次考试。

我建议考试时按自然顺序先写Task 1,时间不超过建议的20mins,最好不要挤占Task 2,而打乱顺序先写Task 2,反而容易写错地方。


审题+构思 3 mins

写作16 mins

检查 1 min(可结合Task 2在考试最后进行)


二、构思:图表的特征可以用符号简写在试题册上,考试时试题册就是草稿纸,虽然考试结束后要一并上交,but nobody will read it.


1 不写标题:写标题不是画龙点睛,而是狗尾续貂。

2 分段:缩进和齐头两种方式皆可,但比较下面林肯的葛迪斯堡演讲,Gettysburg Address,齐头式更清晰,推荐。

缩进式(Indented form),段首缩进2-4个字母的距离:

Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war… testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated… can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate… we cannot consecrate… we cannot allow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us… that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion… that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain… that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom… and that government of the people… by the people… for the people… shall not perish from the earth.

齐头式(Full block form),段首顶格,段间空行:

Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war... testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated... can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate... we cannot consecrate... we cannot allow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion... that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain... that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom... and that government of the people... by the people... for the people... shall not perish from the earth.

2 单词:写大点儿,大点儿,再大点儿,每行10-12词,字儿太小对考官有种视觉压迫感。

如果记不准拼写,不要用混淆单词内部结构的方式试图蒙混过关,应当换词,比如tomorrow换成the next day.

3 标点:标点是作文的重要部分,要写清楚,禁止连续逗号。



Ningboyu got up in the morning, he opened his eyes, he closed his eyes.

(英文逻辑分句,逗号不能连接两个完整的句子,错误。因为Ningboyu got up in the morning. He opened his eyes. He closed his eyes. 三句都是完整句子,即可以单独成句,仅用逗号不能连接,如果非要连,中间要加连词。Ningboyu got up in the morning, he opened his eyes, and he closed his eyes.)

4 修改,对雅思橡皮不要有太高预期,如果加长句子,可以采用加入符号配合注释的方式,比如

Ningboyu got up in the morning, ∧and he closed his eyes.

然后在文章写完之后,空一行,写上①he opened his eyes, 不过此法不能贪多,不能用到⑥⑦⑧...


雅思作文常见开头结尾形式 注:如下方式,雅思写作针对性强,且略带模板印迹,同学应在充分理解结构的基础上,用上面的方法去灵活写作 雅思大作文第一段一定要包括这样三个基本要素:“背景句”,“话题”和“观点”。这三个部分是完整统一的,一定不能忽略。 第一,背景句:背景句主要起到引题的作用,但要紧密联系题目中的话题。其方法是围绕题干中的关键词或核心词展开。 背景句的写作方法: 1 联系社会背景:任何一个话题肯定都于一定的社会发展息息相关,所以联系关键词的社会背景是一种最简单、最常用的方法。具体可以有以下5种句式: 1) The 21st century witnesses --- 2) With the development of science and technology,--- 3) In modern society, --- 4) It is quite common these days that --- 5) Recently,--- 例如:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? 参考背景句: The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone. 或with the development of science and technology, the mobile phone is more and more available to and popular with common people. 2 重述话题:有的时候题干里是有一个背景介绍的,这时候我们只需将题目所给话题重新复述一遍即可。但切忌原样照搬照抄,不过可以将原文中的词汇和句式进行同义转换。转换句型可以有以下三种. 1) it is generally believed that --- 2) it is said that--- 3) it is reported that--- 例如:Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it. 参考背景句: It is generally believed that individuals are confronted with psychological and physical stress coming from work. 3解释中心词: 即将中心词进行解释或展开说明。此种方法一般适合容易下定义的词比如图书馆。可以有以下三个句型: 1)It is known to all that --- 2)As is known to all, --- 3)--- is known as--- 例如:The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they should not waste their


雅思作文高分套路 一、首段就能定7分? “良好的开端是成功的一半”,有个良好的雅思写作开头段也是相同的道理,写好了开头段离雅思写作高分也就更近一步了。那么我们该如何写好开头段?下面给出几个写好雅思作文开头的几个简单方法,各位烤鸭们可以参考参考~教大家如何做到在第一段给出清晰的个人观点! 很多国内的考生受到写中文作文或者传统英语教学的影响,写一篇文章的开头段时总是想要尽力抓住考官的眼球,不停地摆弄自己还不成熟的词汇和句型,结果非但没有得到想要的分数,反被考官倒打一耙。那么我们要如何在最短的时间内,以最简单以及最能得分的方式写出好的作文开头段呢? 其实我们可以把雅思写作题目中的提问方式分成四个大类:观点类(opinion essay)、讨论类(discussion essay)、优劣势类(advantage and disadvantage essay)和报告类(report)。每一种提问方式的题目都有自己不同的开头段写作方法。 01 Opinion Essay 观察观点类题目的特征,我们不难发现,此类题型的特征是题目有且只有一个观点。而题目要求我们回答的是"同意" 或"不同意" 的观点。所以只要确定好自己的观点,开头段就可以写出来。 例如:Some people believe that living in big cities is bad for health. Do you agree or disagree? 如果,我们选择同意此观点,可以根据"背景句+直接转述题目+个人观点" 的公式。 These days, it is quite common to see that a growing number of people choose to settle down in large cities. (背景句)But some people argue that leading an urban life would produce negative influences on people’s health. (直接转述题目)Personally, I agree with this idea. (个人观点)


精心整理1.利弊分析模板 Itisundeniablethatthespecificissueofsth./或接whether从句hasbecomecontroversial.However,inspiteofthosewhobelievethat sth.havemoren egative/positiveeffects,I holdoppositeattitude. Thedrawbacksofsthareobvious.Somepeoplearereallyconcernedabout…Theyholdt hat…(请解释)。个弊 端),whichwilldamage…/endager…. Itisoftenthecasethat…(此处总结)。Butwhenitcomesto…,…,and…,(此处处), … 。 msthat…写调查结果, 1.Besides,。。。(另外一个好处种说法解释)。Thisisanotheraspectofhowsthbenefitsus. …Ithasbothupsidesanddownsides.Buti tismyfirmbeliefthatitsdisadvantages/advantagesof…outweightheadvantages/di sadvantages. 2.同意与否模板 Thereisnodenyingthatthespecificissueofsth./或接whether从句hasbecomecontroversial.However,inspiteofthosewhoareagainst/for…,Iapprov ewholeheartedlyof/或Istronglyobjecttotheideathat…

雅思写作大作文思路 交通拥堵解决办法 traffic solutions.doc

雅思写作大作文思路交通拥堵解决办法 traffic solutions 上篇文章我们说到交通问题的原因,今天我们雅思写作大作文思路的文章来探讨下交通拥堵的解决办法。从现实情况来看,政府已经采取了许多措施来缓解交通问题。比如限行政策。有些地方的限行是规定每天尾号为多少的私家车不能上路。有些地方更加简单粗暴一些,直接就是单双号限行。此外,大力发展公共交通也是一种解决方案,因为一辆公交车或者一班地铁的运载能力显然要比一辆私家车高太多了。当然,也有一些地方选择修建各种快速通道和立交桥,使得穿越城市的车流可以绕过拥挤的市中心。那么除了这些方案之外,还有那些方法可以解决交通拥堵呢?小编搜集了一些相关的素材和思路,以供大家参考。 交通拥堵解决办法 traffic solutions In order to reduce the traffic, we should change our working habits 为了减少交通,我们应该改变自己的工作习惯。 The internet can now be used to connect people 现在,互联网可以用来联系人们。 More people could work from home 更多的人可以在家中工作 Meetings can be held as video conferences 会议可以用视频会议的方式举行。 Workers could be given flexible timetables 工人应该按照灵活的时间表工作。 Another solution would be to tax drivers 另外一个解决方案是出租车。 Workers should share their cars and travel together 上班的人应该共用他们的车辆并且一起上下班。 In London, for example, there is a congestion charge 例如,伦敦会对拥堵收费。


雅思小作文开头段应该如何写 在雅思写作的小作文部分里,往往我们可以采纳“老三段”式的写法,以不变应万变,不论是线图,柱图,表格,饼图,亦或是流程图,我们都可以采用此种方式完成雅思小作文的写作。 那么老三段式的经典写法中,强调着第一段“开门见山”介绍出本文讨论内容,即改写题目。将必要内容进行改写,这样可以获得高分效应。 第二段“丰实的内容”尽量多地将图表中的信息表达明确,不时的需要我们之前总结的常用表达(敬请参见前几篇文章关于雅思作文经典表达介绍文章)。第三段也就是文章的最后一段,对全文进行一个总结概括即可。 本文将着眼于介绍雅思作文开头段的常用高频高分表达,希望对同学们准备雅思有所帮助。也请同学们积极准备! 五分表达: The chart depicts (that)…该图呈现出… The chart shows (that)… The figures/statistics show (that)… The diagram reveals … The chart illustrates (that)… 六分表达: The graph provides some interesting data regarding…该图为我们提供了有关…有趣数据。 The graph describes the trend of …这个图描述了…的趋势 As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the chart/diagram/chart/table…如图所示… According to the chart …根据这些表格… As is shown in the table…如图所示… This table shows the changing proportion of A and B from …to …该表格描述了…年到…年之间A与B的比例关系。 This graph,presented in the chart,shows the general trend in…该图呈现了…总的趋势。


雅思写作万能模板 说明一物的利弊 1、AAA has improved the quality of our lives and are playing an important role in our daily life. The benefits AAA brings to us are far more than its disadvantages. However, we cannot ignore its problem. 2、On the positive side, AAA has enabled us to (1) 此处填入AAA 的优势之一。For instance, (2 )举例说明优势之一。Besides, (3)AAA 的优势之二。Nowadays, (4) 举例说明优势之二。In addition, (5 )AAA 的优势之三。 3、On the negative side, (6) 此处填入AAA 的劣势之一。For example,(7) 举例说明劣势之一。Besides,(8)AAA 的劣势之二。Furthermore,(9)AAA 的劣势之三。 4、All in all, we can not live without AAA for the conveniences it brings to us, but we should also be aware of the negative effects it creates on the modern life. 分析型 1、Recently the...has been brought into focus...Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible. In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures. 2、As far as I am concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes to


雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮 雅思写作除了词汇量要达到以外,还有很多提分点的哦。出guo 为雅思栏目大家带来雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮,希望对大家备考雅思有所帮助! 正所谓好的开始是成功的一半,雅思大作文的写作也一次次验证了这个道理。很多同学往往不重视雅思大作文开头段的写作,只是简单套用一些现成的模板,殊不知这样已经给考官留下“背诵模板”的印象,这样一来,不仅给后面的主体段带来了巨大压力,而且人的第一印象往往是很难改变的。大作文开头段往往要包含如下几个关键内容,即,介绍背景,引出有争议的话题,阐述对立观点和陈述作者自己的观点。无论使用还是不使用模板,这几个关键信息是一定要包含在开头段落当中的,不然云里雾里,只能是适得其反。 根据这些信息,备战过的考生们一定都熟悉下面这一套开头写作流程,首先It is quite mon these days...介绍背景,或者用The issue of ... is a plex and sensitive one.这样的句型来引出有争议话题,然后千篇一律地分别介绍对立双方观点,如Some individuals believe that..., while others hold the view that...最终用Personally, I agree with...至此,内容上完美无

瑕,但恐怕考官心中已经大大打下“模板”两个字的烙印,这无疑对于想取得6分及以上的同学最不利的事情。 例如,一道雅思写作高频题目,讨论到底大学应该教授实用性课程(如计算机和商科课程)还是传统课程(如历史和地理)。我们依然按照开头段应该包含的关键信息开始写作,但是却可以这样轻松突破:These day there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate.(介绍背景)A large number of people hold the opinion that lack of practical knowledge, among other things, contributes to this situation. In light of this, they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical courses than on traditional ones. (引出有争议的话题,并阐述大多数人的观点)For my part, I am in favour of their viewpoint.(作者观点)这一段写得非常灵巧,第一句结合题目背景,介绍现如今有一种趋势,即大学毕业生很难找到工作,紧接着作者陈述有许多人认为这是由于学生缺少实用性的知识,并因此提出大学应该更多关注于教授实用性的知识,这一句将有争议话题的其中一方观点用因果链条清晰阐述。最后一句表达作者自己的立场,就是支持前面大多数人的想法。总的来看,这一段只提及了对立双方的其中一方观点,然后表达自己支持这一方观点。这就是一种对于开头段模板的超越,简单可行,只对其中一方观点清晰论


10个雅思作文万能模板 雅思小作文对很多人来讲都是一个很复杂的任务,所以掌握一些可以应用在各种图表中的万能模板是十分必要的。现在天道小编就为大家总结了10个雅思小作文的万能模板,希望会对大家有所帮助。 1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___ According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________. 2、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。) There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: __________. 3、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___ Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________. 4、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____ Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________. 5、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出___________ ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ____________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________. 6、每种事物都有两面性和________,是没有异议的,包括利和弊 Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 7、_____作为_____被观察了许多年,但是人们现在像发现新大陆一样注视着它 For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 8、政府保证________,对于这份保证,大多数人做出了强烈地回应,因为_____


开头常用模板 第一类:引出一个争议 1.The issue of … is of great interest to many people. 2.The topic of … is of great concern for many parents. 3.The subject of … is of great importance to many scientists. 4.The discussion about … is of great significance to both industrialized an d underdeveloped nations. 5.The question of … is a matter of much contention among the general public. 6.The problem … has been widely debated in the world of politics. 7.The inquiry into … has triggered an intense controversy in the realm of science. 第二类:驳斥对方观点 1.Although it is commonly believed that…, this is actually not the case. 2.Although it is widely accepted that…, this is simply untrue in our day-to-day experiences. 3.Although it is generally acknowledged that…, this can hardly be held true in many real-life situations. 4.Although conventional wisdom has it that…, the reality of the situation is often far more complicated than that. 5.Although the received opinion is that…, the harsh realities usually turn out to be a completely different picture. 6.Although many pe ople subscribe to the belief that…, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up. 7.Although most individuals are convinced that… this is actually a myth that must be exploded. 第三类:引出一种现象 1.In recent years, there has been a growing trend th at… 2.In recent years, there has been an interesting tendency that/ of… 3.In recent years, there has been a common practice of… 4.In recent years, there has been a widespread belief /phenomenon that… 5.In recent decades, there has been a popular belief that… 6.Recen t decades have seen an increased awareness of… 7.Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in… 第四类:摆出两种观点 1.While some people think that…, others believe that… 2.While some people say that…, others feel that… 3.While some people claim that…, others argue that… 4.Whereas some people assert that…, others declare that… 5.Some people hold that…, whereas others insist that… 6.Whereas some people maintain that…, others may disagree and contend that…7.Some people hold the opinion that…, whereas others who are not so convinced


解读雅思大作文之问题解决类论证方法 在雅思写作中我相信,考生在遇到问题解决类题目时,如果只是想到原因,却提不出任何解决策略,那么这篇文章即使有了大体结构也终会散架。今天,前程百利小编为大家解读如何论证解读雅思大作文中的问题解决类题目。 问题解决类常见论证方法有两种,大体框架为:问题+原因+措施。 第一种段落框架: 第一段:背景句+引出话题 第二段:原因1+措施1 第三段:原因2+措施2….可以有更多段落 第四段:总结建议+预测 第二种段落框架: 第一段:背景句+引出话题 第二段:原因1;原因2;原因3 第三段:措施1;措施2;措施3….可以有更多段落 第四段:总结建议+预测 第一种结构条理较为清晰,提出原因后紧随着解决措施,而第二种是提出全部原因后再提出各自的解决方法。如果考生逻辑性不强的话,很容易混淆。因此,考生要

结合自身实际情况采取不同的写作方法。 备考雅思大作文之问题解决类需要考生在平时多积累一些相关素材,以免在考试中没有思路,无从下手。 接下来就让我们来练一练吧! 例:It is said that people’s life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it? 题目中的关键词为stressful。不管是学生还是职场人,或多或少都会有一定的压力,这就要看我们在面对压力的时候如何解决了。 因此,我们可以从以下角度去考虑原因以及解决策略。 Causes: 1. people's living rhythm has been promoted 2. social competition deprives their spare time 3. people have to shoulder the responsibility Solutions: 1. go in for some sports games 2. communicate with others frequently 3. find a balance between money and health


雅思大作文开头段巧思 万事开头难,很多考生在刚开始动笔写雅思大作文时就陷入无话可说的状态,大多情况下可能会胡乱写作,甚至抄题,这对于雅思写作是非常大的忌讳,导致多如繁星的语法问题、字数被扣以及文思枯竭的印象。因此,快速写出合格甚至高分的开头段落刻不容缓。以下专家将为考生们总结一下大作文开头段写作的两大要素,供考生们参考。 要素一:现象句 雅思写作考题中会出现一个社会现象,考生的任务就是在自己文章的第一句话将之改写,重述这个社会现象。 E.g.1 Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced? It is true that in almost every country today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week. 套句+同义词替换:more and more= a large amount of E.g.2 Some people believe that children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old.Others believe that it is important for young children to go to school as soon as possible. What do you think are the advantages of attending school from a young age? In many places today, children start primary school at around the age of six or seven. 主被动之间的转换:should be allowed to stay at home = start their primary school 同义词的替换:until they are six or seven years old = at the age of six or seven E.g.3 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people to do this. It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying

2011雅思小作文 最全万能模板

2011雅思小作文写作万能模板 1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___ According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________. 2、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。) There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: __________. 3、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___ Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________. 4、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____ Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________. 5、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出___________ ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ____________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________. 6、每种事物都有两面性和________,是没有异议的,包括利和弊 Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 7、_____作为_____被观察了许多年,但是人们现在像发现新大陆一样注视着它 For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 8、政府保证________,对于这份保证,大多数人做出了强烈地回应,因为_____ It has stipulated by the government that ______________. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________. 9、_______出现在我们日常生活中是很平常的,无论我们做什么,_______都是不可避免的______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided. 10、_____在人群中已经成为热门话题,特别是在年轻人中,激烈的争论无休止______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. 1 according to the chart```


雅思大作文审题偏差原因及对策真题解析 在考生写作之前,审题是必须要操作的步骤,而且也是关乎作文分数最为关键的一环。因为,无论什么样的写作考试,最重要也是最基本的要求就是:写作要紧扣主题符合题意,否则,即使观点再精彩、语言再优美、论据再充实,作文也无法得到高分。但遗憾的是,很多考生审题经常会出现偏差,最后导致作文全盘皆输。导致审题偏差的原因有很多种,本文中,专家将着重对生词原因进行分析,并指导考生该如何应对。 ▲问题原因:生词 生词,是考生审题出现偏差最普遍的问题。一方面,雅思考生越来越低龄化:很多考生年龄小,大多数词汇量非常少,有的考生能够认识的单词甚至还不到1000个。另一方面,雅思的大作文考题尤其是学术类的,话题偏重于社会话题,语言偏书面化,因此有很多考生,其中不乏许多大学生,都会有此感慨:题目有单词不认识啊。 ▲对策 ①积累话题核心词 1. 何谓“题干核心词” 雅思议论文题目虽多,但是会有一些出现频率比较高的实意词即为:“题干核心词”。 2. 学习“题干核心词”的方法 对于“题干核心词”的学习,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生从“写作机经”入手,找出题干中出现的实意词并作积累。 ●请看以下雅思真题: 1. International travel often leads people to have some prejudices rather than broad-mind. What are the main reasons of this phenomenon? What do you think people can do to get better understanding of the countries they visit? 2. International travel sometimes makes people more prejudiced rather than board-minded. Give out reasons why it cannot bring benefits to those visitors. Do you have ways to improve people's understanding of the countries they visit?


雅思大作文开头段高分模板 雅思写作要多积累多写,不要一味的依靠模板,对模版和资料灵活运用。出guo雅思栏目为大家带来“雅思大作文开头段高分模板”,希望大家能有所收获! 正所谓好的开始是成功的一半,雅思大作文的写作也一次次验证了这个道理。很多同学往往不重视雅思大作文开头段的写作,只是简单套用一些现成的模板,殊不知这样已经给考官留下“背诵模板”的印象,这样一来,不仅给后面的主体段带来了巨大压力,而且人的第一印象往往是很难改变的。今天,我就和大家分享一点儿我在雅思VIP课堂上讲授的怎样巧妙突破雅思大作文开头段写作模板的实用技巧,力争让雅思考官眼前一亮。 大作文开头段往往要包含如下几个关键内容,即,介绍背景,引出有争议的话题,阐述对立观点和陈述作者自己的观点。无论使用还是不使用模板,这几个关键信息是一定要包含在开头段落当中的,不然云里雾里,只能是适得其反。 根据这些信息,备战过的小烤鸭们一定都熟悉下面这一套开头写作流程,首先It is quite mon these days.。。介绍背景,或者用The issue of ... is a plex and sensitive one。这样的句型来引出有争议话题,然后千篇一律地分别介绍对立双方观点,如

Some individuals believe that..., while others hold the view that.。。最终用Personally, I agree with.。。至此,内 容上完美无瑕,但恐怕考官心中已经大大打下“模板”两个字的烙印,这无疑对于想取得6分及以上的同学最不利的事情。 有很多独属于学生自己的、超越市面上普通模板的大作文开头段,现在,我们仅以两份雅思范文为例,抛砖引玉,为大家讲解到底应该怎样突破大作文开头段模板。 例如,一道雅思写作高频题目,讨论到底大学应该教授实用性课程(如计算机和商科课程)还是传统课程(如历史和地理)。我们依然按照开头段应该包含的关键信息开始写作,但是却可以这样轻松突破:These day there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate。(介绍背景)A large number of people hold the opinion that lack of practical knowledge, among other things, contributes to this situation. In light of this, they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical courses than on traditional ones. (引出有争议的话题,并阐述大多数人的观点)For my part, I am in favour of their viewpoint。(作者观点)这一段写得非常灵巧,第一句结合题目背景,介绍现如今有一种趋势,即大学毕业生很难找到工作,紧


雅思小作文模板句必备50句型 A 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that)... 该数据(字)可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示... 14.as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in... 从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到... 16.this is a graph which illustrates... 这个图表向我们展示了... 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to... 该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。 18.the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in... 该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势。 19.this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了...
