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Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties.

a large circle of friends 交际广泛

be popular with

受…的欢迎eg The nurse is very popular with little children. 那个保育员非常受小孩子们的欢迎。

be popular among sb 在某人中间受欢迎

eg Chinese food is coming popular among Americans. 中餐越来越受美国人的欢迎了。

popular newspaper 大众报纸

popular opinion 舆论

popular government 民主政治

party 1n 聚会,团,一行,一伙

at parties 在各种聚会中

have a party / give a party 聚会

a party of tourists 旅行团tourist n the climbing party 登山者一行

eg The president and his party started for Geneva. 总统一行今日启程前往日内瓦。

2n the party concerned 当事者

admire sb for sth

钦佩某人某事(因为…而钦佩某人)a sense of humor 幽默感

sense 1

a musical sense 音乐感

eg He has no sense of business. 他没有经商意识。


a sense of hunger 饥饿感

a sense of shame 羞耻感

a sense of responsibility 责任感

a moral sense 道德观

3common sense 常识

a man of good sense 同情达理的人

4eg She lost her senses when she heard the news. 听到这个消息她失去了理智。

that is 也就是说,即

that is to say 也就是说

eg She is a house wife, that is when she is not teaching English.她是个家庭妇女也就是说当她不教英语时。six-year-old 只可做前置定语

a face-to-face talk 面对面的交流

Recently, one of Jeremy`s closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception.

make a speek 做演讲;(本文中)祝词

This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves.

that Jeremy loves

定语从句修饰thing 这个词,意思:Jeremy 喜欢做的事情eg all sorts of…

各种各样的, 相当于 all kinds of a sorts of…

一种…的;像…的a sort of scholar 还算是学者的人

eg She is not my sort (of woman). 她不是我喜欢的那种女人。

She prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny.

prepare the speech 准备讲稿

go to the wedding 参加婚礼

He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success.

include v 反义词排除


The price includes postage charge. 这个价钱包含邮资。辨识力,思虑,判断力,常识


包含,包括(包含内容一部分)exclude That`s the sort of motorcycle I want. 那正是我想要的摩托车。

one of Jeremy`s closest friends / a closest firend of Jeremy`s.

Jeremy 的最亲密的一个朋友。这种结构叫做双重所有格



Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour-everybody, that is , except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny.

eg I am included in the team. 我是这个队里的。

contain v a large number of funny stories 大量有趣的故事

a large number of +复数名词 许多,大量的

a funny story / an interesting story 一个有趣的故事

a funny fellow 有趣的家伙

eg What`s so funny about that Joke? 那个笑话有什么好笑的?

a little disappointed

有些扫兴; a little 表程度be disappointed by… / be disappionted at… 对…刚到扫兴的、失望的

as his daughter asked

按照女儿的要求去做(方式状语从句,表示按照…的要求做)as 依照…,如…,随

eg I `ll do as your advise. 我会按照你的建议去做的。

eg Please try to pronounce the words as I do.请像我这样读单词。

eg She styed in bed as the doctor had oreded. 她按照医生要求的那样卧床休息。

eg Leave as it is. 维持原状好了。

On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech.

on the way to +地点

去某地的路上enjoy 1v 喜欢,喜爱

enjoy one`s speech

喜欢某人的祝词 / 演讲enjoy a movie 喜欢一部电影

2v 享受,享有

enjoy large sales 畅销

enjoy good pay 支领高新

enjoy oneself 过的开心,玩的愉快

speech 1n eg He made a speech on peace. 他做了一个关于和平的演讲。

an opening speech 开幕词

a closing speech 闭幕词

2n [u] 说话能力

lose one`s speech (因惊吓等)不能说话

3n [u] 说话

the freedom of speech 言论自由

eg Speech is silver, silence is golden . (谚) 雄辩是银,沉默是金

To his surprise, she said she hadn`t…

to one`s surprise 令某人吃惊的是

to one`s joy 令某人高兴的是

to one`s astonishment 令某人震惊的是

to one`s sorrow 令某人伤心的是

to one`s disappointment 令某人失望的是


②like to do…喜欢做某事, 通常表示目前一次性的想做或不想做某事

like doing… 喜欢做某事,通常表示长期性的喜欢、喜好做某事

see sb doing… 看到某人正在做某事

see sb do… 看到某人做过某事(是省略了to 的不定式)

laugh at... 嘲笑

Exercises 1


little 没有多少,只能修饰不可数名词B somehow 不知怎样的,以某种方式

Jeremy was a little disappointed. He was a little disappointed.a little 表示程度,一点儿… Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him![c] 演说,讲演

why this was (宾语从句),为什么是这样的呢?做ask 的宾语。Ask sb sth, 问某人什么事情,why 引导的从句充当sth 的成份,是个宾语从句。that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!

按理说,告诉某人某事是 tell sb sth,那么这个that 从句充当sth


conj As soon as he had finished , Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.

