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一、Remember sentence

1、位w âi 置zh ì


上sh àn ɡup 下xi àdown 左zu ǒ left 右y îu Right 东d ōn ɡ

East 南n án South 西x īWest 北b ěi


2、请q ǐn ɡ问w ân ,四s ì十sh í二âr 中zh ōn ɡ怎z ěn 么me 走z ǒu

Excuse me,how can I go to the No.42middle school

3、乔qi áo 尔ěr ,你n ǐ干ɡàn 嘛m ɑ呢ne

Joel, what are you doing?

4、我w ǒ想xi ǎn ɡ去q ù方f ān ɡ便bi àn 一y í下xi à,你n ǐ呢ne

I want to go to the toilet, do you?

5、好h ǎo 好h āo 学xu ã习x í,天ti ān 天ti ān 向xi àn ɡ上sh àn ɡ

Study hard and make progress every day

6、让r àn ɡ我w ǒ看k àn 看k ān

Let me have a look 吃ch ī饭f àn 了le 吗m ɑ

?Hello ,hi

8、颜y án 色s â


9、Jorge 很h ěn 幽y ōu 默m î

hummer Very humorous

10、你n ǐ干ɡàn 嘛m ɑ去q ù?你n ǐ干ɡàn 嘛m ɑ呢ne ?干ɡàn 嘛m ɑ

Where are you going?

What are you doing?

somebody call your name

11、今j īn 天ti ān 天ti ān 气q ì怎z ěn 么me 样y àn ɡ

what's the weather ?

二、Translated into Chinese

I went to the supermarket to buy sweater yesterday, the supermarket is very big, there are vegetables, fruit, clothes, shoes and so on. This sweater, color and shape (style) are very good. The sweater is red, blue, black, white, yellow, green. I like a yellow sweater, I tried, not too big and not too small, the price is cheap, I bought the Yellow sweater.

三、Look at the sentences to remember words

一、 自我介绍

conten include : you name Where are you from ?what ’s you job ?where do you work ?

二、 你爸爸是干什么的?

take the words out (speak ) you father ’s job, any jobs what you kown?


The name of the organ ,you body not very well when you meet the doctor,tell he where ache?


Do you want to buy? you can speak all the food what you know


You call your father’s younger sister?


You father call your mum’s younger sister?


You mum call your father’s younger sister?


You call your father’s younger brother?


You call your father’s older brother?


You call your mum’s younger brother?


You call your mum’s older sister?


You call your father’s older sister?
