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Revised by BETTY on December 25,2020

一、看一看,写一写。 1__________________ 2___________________ 3__________________ 4_________________ 5__________________ 6___________________ 7__________________ 8_________________ 9__________________ 10___________________ 11__________________ 12_________________ 13__________________ 14___________________ 15__________________ 二、看一看,写出下列的中文。 1.which _________________ ___________________ 4.subject ________________ _____________________ 三、看一看,写一写。 1.____________________________ 5.____________________________ 四、看一看,选一选。 五、情境问答。 ( )想知道你甜甜圈和纸杯蛋糕你喜欢哪个,于是她问: A:Donuts or cupcakes, which do you like best B:Donuts or cupcakes, which do you like better C:Milk shake and apple juice , which do you like better? ( ) 喜欢书法课,书法课上表现的最好,他说:

A:I like science best. I do best in science. B::I like

Chinese best. I do best in CHinese

C:I like calligraphy best. I do best in calligraphy. ( ):3.它虽然很难但是很有趣,怎么表达 A:It ’s difficult but interesting. B:It ’s difficult but good. C:It ’s bad but nice. ( )告诉你他喜欢科幻小说,他说: A:I like story.

B:I like fairy tale. C:I like science fiction 六、看一看,为下列图片选择正确的

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 七、为下面的的问句选择合适的答语。 一、读一读,写一写。


A 组

B 组

二、单项选择。 1.( ).--____________ you like to come to my house? -- Sorry. A: What B: Why 北京版小学英语五年级上Unit1____________________

meat chicken English fish water PE sandwiches hamburgers Chinese donuts Calligraphy cupcakes science milk shake apple juice art maths reading keeping birds growing flowers throwing beanbags

drawing jumping rope



1.( )in the supermarket

2.( )It ’s yummy

3.( )A bottle of

4.( )I like water better.

5.( )All the food

6.( )Let ’s go and pay

A: 一瓶 B: 在超市里 C: 让我们去付钱。 D:在那里



A:meat B:Chinese C:donuts D:Calligraphy fiction G:milk shake H:water I:throwi K:skipping rope 科幻 小说 数学 ( ) 1..Chiken or fish,which do you like better? ( ) class do you like best? ( ) are you going to do? ( ) ’s the matter? A:No B:My C:I D:I E:I


walk the dog tidy my room use the compute the bike

raining outside water the plants wash his soc watch the cartoons

1.( )would you like to...

2.( )sorry,I can ’t

3.( )wait for my brother

4.( )too bad

5.( )read or play together

6.( )blue crayon

7.( )say that again

8. ( )here you are

9. ( )Please be polite 10.( ) ask for help 11.( ) would you please... 12.( ) come to my house 13.( )stay at home 14.( )My computer doesn ’t

A: 蓝色的蜡笔B: 给你 C: 太糟糕了 D:你想要... E:请你礼貌一点F:对不起,我不G:一起读书或是H:等候我的弟弟I:再说一次 J :我的电脑坏K:天太晚了 L:待在家里 M:需要 N:抄你的作业

1.( )copy your work

2.( )go out and play

3.( )watching the news

4.( )clean and bright

5.( )windows are dirty

6.( )blue crayon

7.( )keep your room tidy

8. ( )water the plants 9. ( )wash his sock 10.( ) the plants are dry

11.( ) bike is broken A:修理它们 B:蓝色的蜡笔 C:我们可以...D:出去玩耍 E:植物是干枯的F:自行车坏了 G:看新闻

H:让毛毛加入我I: 窗户是脏的J 抄作业 K:干净明亮
