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★exclaim v. 大声说
❖ ① vt.&vi.(由于痛苦、愤怒、惊异、欣喜等)叫 喊,惊叫
❖ When she saw the gift, she exclaimed in delight. ❖ ② vi.(表示抗议等)大声叫喊 ❖ The police exclaimed: “Don’t move!” ★shout =call out 大声喊意识地高声喊叫,常用
❖② vt. 把…送回,归还,退回=give back
❖ return to you 退回你 He returned the books to the library.
❖ return money =pay back =repay 还钱
sadly ['sæ dli] adv. 悲痛地,悲伤地
They cried sadly!
★pity n. 令人遗憾的事
❖ What a pity! <n.> 真遗憾!
❖ It’s a pity that he can’t come to China.
❖ (it做形式主语) ❖ I am sorry to hear that.听到这个消息
我很遗憾 sorry 与 pity 区别??词性
sadly = sad + ly ❖ sad adj. 悲哀的,忧愁的,难过的 ❖ a sad look 一个悲哀的表情 ❖ a sad story 一个悲惨的故事 ❖ a sad event 一件悲哀的事情
I am very sad to hear the news. sadness n. 悲哀,悲伤 [U]
新概念第二册第 课ppt课件
【New words and expressions】
❖hurry v. 匆忙
❖ticket office 售票处
n. 令人遗憾的事
❖exclaim v. 大声说
❖return v. 退回
❖sadly adv. 悲哀地,
★hurry v. 匆忙
❖ ① vi. 赶紧,赶快,匆忙 When he saw that it was already eight
如果你不急(时间、 动作上的紧急) 2. If you are not busy.
ticket office
❖ booking office 火车站的、戏院等地方的售票 处
❖ box office 戏院、剧院的售票处(专指) ❖ a box office success 卖座的,买得好的
Listen & Answer
1.Was the writer at a theatre or a cinema?
He was at a theatre.
2. What happened when the writer hurried to the ticket office?
He was told that the ticket had been sold out
于提出警告、发命令或唤起注意等。 ★ scream 发出尖叫,惨叫。惊叫 ❖ eg. She screamed in a fright. ❖ 她恐怖地大声尖叫。
★return v. 退回
❖① vi. 回,返回=come back
❖ return to 回来 return to China/Beijing 回到中国/北京
❖ ② n. 急忙,匆忙,仓促
In his hurry to school, he forgot his books.
in a hurry <n.>匆忙 in no hurry <n.> 不匆忙 ❖I am in no hurry. 我不急
Hurry与busy 1.If you are not in a hurry.
direction. ❖ 我在这个方向已经有了一个大的开端。
❖ 2.同一般现在时连用 ❖ It's eight already. 现在已经是8点了。
❖ 3.同一般过去时连用 ❖ I was happy for her; she looked better
already. ❖ 我真为她高兴;她看起来已经好多了。
If I want to buy a ticket, what can I say? Can /may I have a ticket, please? If I want to return the ticket, what can I say? Can I return the ticket? If there aren’t any tickets, what can I say? What a pity
3.When will the write see the play?
Next Wednesday.
1、'The play may begin at any moment,' I said.
❖ at any moment 在任何时候, 随时 The guests may arrive at any moment. It may/might rain (at) any moment. I will help you at any time.
o’clock, he hurried to the office. ❖ hurry up!快点(口)——be quick ❖ Hurry up! The bus is coming. ❖ hurry to 匆匆忙忙地去 ❖ He goes to school. ❖ = He hurries to school. ❖ hurry in( come in 进来) ❖ 匆匆忙忙地进来 ❖ hurry out (go out 出去) ❖ 匆匆忙忙地出去
❖ at the moment =now ❖ at that moment =just then
2. It may have begun already.
❖ already可放句中或句末。 ❖ 1.同现在完成时连用 ❖ I have already made a big start in this