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1、你做什么运动?What sports do you play?

2、你能教我打篮球吗?Can you teach me to play basketball?

3、你想学习打乒乓球吗?Would you like to learn to play ping-pong?

4、你有一些兵乓球吗?Do you have any ping-pong balls?

5、让我们向他寻求些帮助。Let’s ask him for some help.

6、你喜欢这些运动鞋还是那些运动鞋?Do you like these runners or those runners?

7、我将要买那些运动鞋。I’m going to buy those runners.

8、你准备好学习打篮球了吗?Are you ready to learn basketball?

9、我正在投篮球。I’m throwing the basketball.

10、你用这个球拍打乒乓球。You hit the ping-pong ball with this paddle.

11、我正在把球击向珍妮。I am hitting the ball to Jenny.

12、你能把球击向珍妮吗?Can you hit the ball to Jenny.

13、今天你高兴吗?Did you have fun today?

14、今天你去哪儿了?Where did you gou today?

15、今天早上,我们去了商店。This morning, we went to the srore.

16、他用一个乒乓球打篮球。He played basketball with a ping-pong ball.

17、珍妮和李明通常在商店买一些东西。Jenny and Li Ming often buy some things at the store.

18、今天晚上,珍妮和李明将要去看鲍勃打篮球。Jenny and Li Ming are going to watch Bob play basketball this evening.

19、鲍勃的球队今天晚上正在打篮球。Bob’s team is playing basketball this evening.

20、比分是多少?What’s the score?

21、今天晚上你们干什么了?What did you do this evening?

22、你们看比赛高兴吗?Did you have fun watching the game?

23、你们买了什么零食?What snacks did you buy?

24、这是轻的还是重的?Is this heavy or light?

25、李明现在正在干什么?What is Li Ming doing now?

26、李明明天将要去干什么?What is Li Ming going to do tomorrow?


1、每一个人都想变得健康强壮。Everyone wants to be strong and healthy.

2、你想变得健康强壮吗?Do you want to be strong and healthy?

3、丹尼和Kim上个星期多长时间吃一次早饭?How often did Danny and Kim eat breakfast last week?

3、你通常早饭吃什么?What do you usually eat for breakfast?

4、李明在早上七点吃早饭。Li Ming eats breakfast at 7: 00 in the morning.

5、珍妮一个星期去五次学校。Jenny goes to school five times a week.

6、晚饭后,她刷牙和梳头After breakfast ,she burshes her teeth and combs her hair.

7、晚饭前你干什么?What do you do before supper?

8、好食物让你身体健康。Good food makes your body healthy.

9、我正把我胳膊上的皮肤展示给你看。I’m showing you the skin on my arm.

10、你需要吃食物,那对你是有好处的。You need to eat foods that are good for you.

11、你知道洋葱能让你哭吗?Do you know onions can make you cry?

12、你多长时间吃一次蔬菜?How often do you eat vegetables?

13、比起洋白菜我更喜欢豌豆。I like peas more than cabbage.

14、我认为我需要多吃一些蔬菜。I think I need to eat more vegetables!

15、锻炼帮助你的身体健康强壮。Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.

16、你需要多少锻炼?How much exercise do you need?

17、我认为你需要多些锻炼。I think you need to get more exercise.

18、我将要从电视上多看些运动。I’m going to watch more sports on TV.

19、你在家还做什么?What else do you do at home?

20、你洗衣服需要多少分钟?How many minutes do you wash clothes?

21、你在午饭前还是午饭后吃早饭呢?Do you eat breakfast before or after lunch?

22、珍妮的手是高的还是低的?Are Jenny ‘s hands high or low?

23、你能叫出这些蔬菜的名字吗?Can you name these vegetables?



1、这个暑假你将要干什么?What will you do this summer?

2、许多树没有了叶子。Many trees don’t have any leaves.

3、树有清凉的绿叶。Trees have cool , green leaves.

4、在秋天,树木落光了叶子。In fall, the trees lose their leaves.

5、我喜欢看小鸟在天空飞。I like to watch the birds fly in the sky.

6、今天下午,珍妮邀请丹尼去游泳。This afternoon ,Jenny invited Danny to go swimming.
