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Para. 1-5: Paraphrase
“ Somewhere along the line people got the modern idea that fun was there for the asking ,that people deserved fun, that if we didn't have a little fun every day we would turn into (sakes alive!) puritans.”
Unit 4 Fun, Oh Boy, Fun. You Could Die from It
Oh Boy!
• exclamation (inf., especially AmE) used to express feelings of surprise, pleasure, pain, etc:
▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Boy, it sure is hot! Oh boy! That's great! Boy, it hurts! Boy, am I glad to see you! They eat it for breakfast and boy is it good!
Introduction: Para.1-5
• What is the thesis statement of the essay? • What technique does the author employ in this part of the essay?
▫ The author uses definition, comparison and questions to introduce the topic.
It is not clear from which point of human development it occurred to people that they could easily find fun everywhere, that they should have fun, and that if people lived without fun for a single day they were being too harsh on themselves.
Para.1-5: Grammar & Vocabulary
• somewhere along the line: (inf.) During the time when you are involved in an activity or process; at some unspecified time; eventually or once ▫ Somewhere along the line, Jack seemed to have lost interest in their marriage. ▫ Somewhere along the line, his father became addicted to gambling. • Sakes alive!: for God’s, Goodness’, Heaven’s sake; OMG [AmE. slang] 哎呀! 好家伙! 糟糕! 天呀! 吓我一跳!
Pre-reading Questions
• Do you think your life is full of fun?
• What is supposed to be fun in your university life?
• How to have fun at university? (What is the secret of
Question for discussion
If you had a billion RMB and did not have to work, you would…
Consider how you are going to spend the money. Make a list of the things you would like to do. Consider how you would feel with each dream of yours fulfilled. Do you think you will have a lot of fun?
Culture Notes: who are puritans?
Puritans refer to a group of radical English protestants that arose in the late sixteenth century and became a major force in England during the seventeenth century. Puritans wanted to “purify” the Church of England by eliminating traces of its origins in the Roman Catholic Church. In addition, they urged a strict moral code and placed a high value on hard work. After the execution of King Charles I in 1649, they controlled the new government, the Commonwealth.
• In Para.4, a series of questions has been raised. What’s the effect of it?
▫ The author points out that fun has become the major concern of people. it has outweighed many other questions.
Baidu Nhomakorabea Warm-up
• Among the things listed below, which is supposed to be fun?
family outing going to bar/disco study failing exam cyber game Walt Disney singing contest TV/movie/newspaper having a baby mistreating dance home drinking beer/wine love sex Karaoke gambling eating taking drug/ecstasy marriage funeral robbing keep fit sports making friends work going to the space party