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上一篇/ 下一篇 2009-10-30 11:48:53 / 置顶(2) / 个人分类:T&Words

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1 Although there are a dozen or so other students on internships, I am the only MBA intern.

2 After only a few days at CFF I had a good grasp of the underlying policy situation

3 fiduciary

4 Usually, for a human being to do two things well at the same time, one of them needs to be habitual or automatic in nature

5 潜规则undertable rules

6 subpoena 【律】传票

7“死亡专家组”(Death Panels)

8 They have shifted the focus from the reform. measures to the unreasoning anger of the least appealing opponents.


9 扼杀老奶奶的生路to go around pulling the plug on grandma

10 共和党右翼与民主党左翼之间的隔阂是不可弥合的。The gap

between the right of the Republican party, which is providing the angriest critics of the reforms, and the left of the Democratic party, which thinks the proposals too timid, is unbridgeable.

11 snarling 混乱的

12 penchant n. (与for连用)爱好;嗜好;倾向

13 These snarling extremes are nonetheless somewhat alike. They have an equal and opposite penchant for conspiracy theories


14 in which case he would be disqualified from serving as president 在这种情况下,奥巴马不具备担任美国总统的资格

15 这些“文化圣战主义者”对政治的影响至多是制造一些噪音,他们决定不了医改的进程。But the important thing to remember is that the

political significance of the cultural jihadists is smaller than the noise they generate. They will not decide the issue

16 共和党温和派moderate Republicans

17 如果他做不到这一点,要么这项努力会遭放弃,要么这些计划会遭弱化(后者更有可能出现)。If he fails, the effort will either be abandoned or, more likely, the plans will be watered down.

18 he has failed to come up with a plausible line to put to the country.他未能向国人提供一个合理的医改方针

19 there was talk of the prisoner being whisked back to Libya in a jet sent by Muammar Qaddafi, the country’s erratic leader

whisk vt.拂, 扫, 弹去[英]搅; 打(蛋等)成泡沫突然移动; 突然带走whisk away the dust 弹去灰尘

20 blurt out vt.脱口而出

21 retaliationn. 报复法】报仇, 报复, 回敬

22 His fingers intertwined with hers. 他的手指勾著她的手指.

23 launder n. 流水槽v. 洗涤, 清洗, 洗黑钱(把来路可疑的钱弄得貌似合法)

24 grudge n. 怨恨,恶意v. 怀恨,嫉妒,吝惜

25 outstretched 扩张的malign adj. 有害的,恶性的,有恶意的v. 诽谤,说坏

26 including 17,000 already dispatched to Helmand and elsewhere, dispatchv. 派遣

27 maybe just the will of the people, fatigue with war—there is a tremendous desire to sort it out.”fatigue n. 疲乏,疲劳v. 使...疲


28 submachinegun ['sʌbmə'ʃi:ngʌn] n. 冲锋枪(轻型半自动枪) warlord ['wɔ:lɔ:d] n. 军阀

29 outright ['aut'rait] adj. 率直的,完全的,总共的

30 rigging 索具...
