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初一英语第二学期期末复习资料(15)—时态总复习Class __________ N O. __________ Name __________ 一、现在进行时

( )1. Look, it ___________ hard outside . I don’t like the weather .

A. rains

B. raining

C. is raining

( )2.---Peter , could you come and help me in the kitchen, please?

---Sorry , mum. I _______ Lily with her English now.

A. help

B. helps

C. am helping

( )3. We are busy these days . We _______ ready for the final exam .

A. get

B. will get

C. are getting

( )4. Please wait a minute . The bus _________ soon .

A. comes

B. is coming

C. will coming

( )5.No one ______ the cleaning in the classroom at the moment.

A. do

B. are doing

C. is doing


Look, the children ______________________________ in the garden. 7.所有的人都在为春节做好准备。

All the people ____________________________ the Spring Festival.


They children are _______________________________Yang Liwei earlier.

( )1. There ___________ a sports meeting next week .

A. will have

B. will be

C. is going to have

( )2. Will you _______________ a new car soon ?

A. going to buy

B. are going to buy

C. buy

( )3. I _________ have time to do such a thing .

A. won ’t

B. will going to

C. will be not

4、你们打算去野餐吗?_______you ________________________ tomorrow?


She _____________________________________ next Sunday.

6、明天将会有一场大雨 There ______________________a heavy rain tomorrow.


Mr. Li ____________________ you _____________ our school.

8、你将来打算做什么?What __________________________________________?

三. 一般现在时

A. stayed

B. stay

C. stays

( )2. _____ he _______ to be an engineer when he grows up ? No , he doesn ’t.

A. Do ; want

B. Does ; wants

C. Does ; want ( )3. _____ they always ______ football after school?

A. Are ; play

B. Does ; play

C. Do; play

( )4. Everyone in our family ______ eating fish.

A. like

B. likes

C. are liking

5.她们擅长跳舞。 They _______________________________dancing.

6.他周末经常去兜风。 He often _________________________ on the weekend.

7.水是怎样变成冰的。 How __________ water _____________________ ice.

8.你弟弟通常和谁玩? Who __________ your brother __________________?


( )1. He put on his raincoat and ______ out . A. go B. goes C. went

( )2. It was so warm that I ____ my coat .

A. was take off

B. took off

C. take off

( )3.I ___ a wonderful TV play last night. A. watch B. are watching C. watched ( )4.--Where _____ you ____ yesterday morning? -- I _____ at home.

A. did, go, stayed

B. did, went, stayed

C. do, went, stay


When _____________________? In 1985.


She ______________________________ for her son yesterday.


He ________________________________many years ago.

8.刚才是谁敲门。Who _________________________ the door just now.



1.I ____________(get) up early every morning, but my mother ________(get) up even earlier

than me.

2.Where ______ (be) you when it _______ (rain) last night?

3.“______ you _____________ (listen) to me now?”“No, I __________________ (think).”

4.There ____________ (be not) many people in this city before.

5.__________ there much water in the bottle just now?

6.Look! A boy _________ (swim) in the pool. It is very dangerous.

7.After hearing the story, she ________ (hurry) out of the house.

8.__________ he __________(like) singing? No, he ____________.

9.We _______________________(have) a picnic next weekend.

10.Where ___________(be) you just now ? I ____________ (not notice) you.

11.Listen! Someone ____________________(knock) on the door.

12.In the past, he______________(not like) history, but now he ______________(enjoy) it.

13.The little dog _______________________ (sleep) over there at the moment.

14.Jay Chou _________________ (become) famous years ago.

15.“________ you _________ (have) a computer 2 years ago?”“Yes, I _______. I ______

(have) a small one.”

16.“Which TV programme _____ you _________ (watch) last night?”“I ________ (watch)

the sports news.”

17.“Why ________ (not) they ______ (come) to the party last night?”Because they ______

(have) a very important meeting.

18.In 1928, mother Teresa _________ (travel) to India and _______ (start) to work as a teacher.

19.The final exams _____________ (come) very soon, so we _______________ (get) ready for

it now.

20.Look! Who _________________ (run) very fast over there?
